April 27, 2024
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“J is for Juggalo” article in Kentucky college paper

We got word from a Juggalo who goes by the name “fathom_ag” that his homie was featured in a Kentucky college newspaper that did a story about Juggalos.  The journalist interviewed a ninja named David Bradley, who first came onto the Juggalo scene back in 2004.  He’s been down ever since, and describes the bond between everybody involved.  He also talks about the Gathering, the FBI Gang assessment list, and of course our love for Faygo!  Here’s a fresh video to accompany the article:

[youtube width=”560″ height=”344″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtKPXbQ2b08[/youtube]

And now, peep the article itself by clicking right here!




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Violentdope


    Comment posted on Monday, November 12th, 2012 03:00 pm GMT -5 at 3:00 pm

    very cool…we need more unbiased articles on juggalos like this

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