April 29, 2024
91 Guests and Online

Reminder: Sign the White House petition to remove Juggalos from the FBI gang list!

Alright ninjas, it’s time to post a reminder about the White House petition to remove Juggalos from the FBI gang list.  They’re off to a pretty good start, but in order to get anywhere close to the 25,000 signatures they need by September 14th, we need a HUGE boost!  So here’s what you do.  Go to this link, take 30 seconds to create a login that you use as your “signature”, and then sign the petition!  They already have over 1,000 signatures, but we need roughly 1,000 a day to sign it to meet the deadline!  If you want this to be taken seriously and actually see the desk of the President of the United States, then please sign it!  Click the pic below:

Sign the White House petition to remove Juggalos from the gang list




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. clown.face.schizo

    Comment posted on Monday, August 20th, 2012 01:16 pm GMT -5 at 1:16 pm

    Sign this mutha fucka fam fuk, need these clownz to keep goin

  2. ThyGoobers


    Comment posted on Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 04:03 am GMT -5 at 4:03 am

    At the rate the signatures are going, we’re never going to get 25k

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