April 29, 2024
105 Guests and Online

Juggalo’s cousin has been missing, please help find her!

If I had heard about this shit sooner, it would have been posted already. There is a juggalo on facebook known as Antonieo Francis Barnes (Antonieo Manik Barnes) who is part of a facebook group known as All Juggalos, he posted this about his missing cousin:


Bro I’m coming at you seriously hurting right now I don’t expect a miracle but my cousin went missing 3 weeks ago from the houston area with somebody that’s a known felon she’s 23 this dude is almost 40 and abusive to her her mother is sick from the whole situation I’m BEGGING you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask people you know to like “find jennifer jennings” and share the pictures of my cousin and this douche she’s with and talk to any and everybody you know in houston to try and get my cousin’s name and face out there…I’m begging you man PLEASE?! Mcl homie!



Please spread this word so hopefully she is found. We wish all the luck in the world to Antonieo & his family, we hope you all find her safe & sound





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