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Man who decapitated Tim McLean on a Greyhound set to be released

How many of you Juggalos remember the Canadian Greyhound incident where Juggalo Tim McLean was beheaded and cannibalized by his seatmate?  This happened back in July of 2008, and I will never forget hearing about it, and some of the details that were released afterwards. It was a truly grisly scene, and nobody deserved the fate that Tim McLean received that day. (Read more about the initial incident right here.)

Fast forward over five years, and Vince Li, who committed these attrocious acts, is now set to be released. has a very thorough article about it, including an interview with one of Li’s friends.  So rather than rehash it, I’ll share it with you below:

After sawing off a man’s head with a Rambo knife six years ago, Vince Li will soon be able to leave the psychiatric unit behind for short periods of time and take a bus around the nearby Selkirk community on solo visits.

We all remember Li as the well-documented public transport nightmare from our not too distant past: the Greyhound bus killer who murdered, decapitated, and mutilated his seat mate—a sleeping 22-year-old man named Tim McLean—during a bus trip from Edmonton to Winnipeg in summer 2008. Police later discovered that Li pocketed Tim’s nose, ear, and tongue. It goes without saying that the incident takes top prize for the worst things that have ever happened on Greyhound buses.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the idea that Li’s eventual reintegration will inevitably result in him leaving his meds in the dust and going on a killing spree has been dominating comment sections on many Canadian media outlets. Carol de Delley, Tim’s mom, told the Winnipeg Sun that she’s concerned of what might happen if Li chooses to stop taking his meds once he is out for good and becomes violent.

“The system will go ‘oops, this was not statistically supposed to happen. He’s been a model patient,’” de Delley said.

I called up Chris Summerville, CEO of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada, executive director of the Schizophrenia Society of Manitoba, who also considers himself a friend of Li’s. Chris conducted the only interview Vince Li himself has ever given to media. We talked about his relationship with Li, whether the general public should fear that Li will go off his meds once he’s free, and trying to explain mental illness to people who believe that if you kill someone, you should be locked up for life, regardless of mental health issues.

VICEDescribe your relationship to Vince Li.
Chris Summerville: It’s been a relationship of rapport and developing a friendship, providing self-help services to him, peer support services, and helping him understand his mental illness. Basically, being a non-therapeutic person for him. Everybody’s asking him therapeutic questions, he needs somebody that can just talk to him as a personal one-on-one.

Vince Li’s psychiatrist from the Selkirk Mental Health Centre, Dr. Steven Kremer, says Li runs a low risk of reoffending once back in the community. What does that mean?
It means the psychiatrist does risk assessment. What they evaluate is whether or not he has insight into his illness. And he does have insight into his illness. They also evaluate whether he is compliant with his medication and understands the need to take the medication, which he is and does. Also, [assessing whether] he has any addiction problems, which he doesn’t. Does he have any sociopathic traits? He doesn’t. He’s an ideal patient, he hasn’t had any altercations with any of the patients since he’s been [at the Selkirk Mental Health Centre] for six years, so he’s really an ideal patient.

How can psychiatrists be sure that Li will not kill again once he’s back in the community?
They do that risk assessment and they do the best they can. We know that recidivism rates are very low, and they do psychological exams. His chances of reoffending are less than one percent. On average, people who are released from the forensic unit who are found not criminally responsible (NCR), their recidivism rates are about seven and a half percent. Mr. Li’s is less than one percent. Because he’s doing so well.

When Li is reintegrated into the community, what kind of a system will be in place to ensure he is taking his meds?
He will probably be released conditionally, which means there will be conditions on his discharge. That means where to live, who to hang out with, who to meet, staying away from the victim’s family. He’ll be monitored in terms of his medication through regular appointments.

What happens if Li stops taking his medication after he’s released?
He’s learning how to monitor that. Just like how at the Schizophrenia Society of Canada we teach patients how to know when there’s warning signs, that they might be deteriorating, where there’s beginning signs of psychosis. You don’t just become psychotic in a moment, or overnight. There’s warning signs that build up to it. He will learn those warning signs, just like people who learn how to manage their chronic illnesses. People who have other chronic illnesses—Parkinson’s, epilepsy, MS—they learn their signs and symptoms. Mr. Li will learn that. He has learned that, and he’ll know when he needs to check with his doctor. He won’t be psychotic at that point, he’ll just realize he needs additional help.

Should members of his soon-to-be community be afraid of Li?
No. I don’t think people in the community should be afraid of him. I have a brother with schizophrenia, and if he was doing as well as Vince Li that’d be great [laughs].

Why has the public responded so negatively to the idea of Li’s release?
The primary reason they are up in arms about it, or alarmed about it, is because of the brutal nature of how Mr. Li killed Tim McLean. If he had just shot him, we wouldn’t even be talking. It was a unique, one-of-a-kind, first-ever-type murder in Canada, in which Li ate Tim McLean’s body parts.

Secondly, the public is concerned about his release because, well they say ‘how do you make sure, how do you guarantee, that he’ll stay on his medication?’

What does the public’s response to the idea of Li’s potential release say about how we, the public, treat people with mental illness?
It tells us that the Canadian public, number one, is not informed about the review board; what it does, and the risk assessment. [They are not informed] about the statistics about recidivism rates, that those statistics are very low.

It also tells us that many people do not believe in NCR. In other words, they don’t believe in such a designation. They believe that if you kill somebody like Tim McLean, the way that Vince Li did, that it was a criminal act and that you are criminally responsible. They don’t believe in the designation NCR because of a mental disorder. That perpetuates stigma, so it buys into people’s fears and their own social prejudice. It confirms their stigmas that they’ve seen on television or Hollywood movies, because most people portrayed as mentally ill in Hollywood movies or even children’s cartoons, most are portrayed as being violent and untreatable. People watch television and it simply confirms to them that these people are looneytoons, crazy psychos that do not recover.

On Cracked, for example, you will only see one side of the picture, oftentimes they show a sick person when they’re sickest, but they hardly ever show when a person is well.

Tim McLean’s mother, Carol de Delley, told Global News, “I don’t think it should matter whether you’re mentally ill or not mentally ill. If you kill someone you should lose your freedom, period.” How do you explain mental illness in the context of the law to people who feel that way?
You’re not going to explain mental illness to people like that, who don’t understand the science about mental illness. It’s fruitless to try to convince them.

You can view the article yourself by clicking right here.  What are your thoughts on Li being allowed out of his mental health facility after committing such a heinous act?




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. The Notorious, L.T.B.


    Comment posted on Friday, February 28th, 2014 09:43 am GMT -5 at 9:43 am

    I remember hearing about this. Never knew a juggalo was involved…that sucks.

  2. twiztidkillaxxx2


    Comment posted on Friday, February 28th, 2014 12:36 pm GMT -5 at 12:36 pm

    Keep this dude in the MeNtal hospital.

  3. sflm


    Comment posted on Friday, February 28th, 2014 02:13 pm GMT -5 at 2:13 pm

    If only our laws and sentencings for extreme crimes, here in the USA, could be as progressive and forward-looking as Canada’s!

  4. scruffy


    Comment posted on Friday, February 28th, 2014 05:34 pm GMT -5 at 5:34 pm

    Tim McLean’s mother, Carol de Delley, told Global News, “I don’t think it should matter whether you’re mentally ill or not mentally ill. If you kill someone you should lose your freedom, period.” How do you explain mental illness in the context of the law to people who feel that way?
    You’re not going to explain mental illness to people like that, who don’t understand the science about mental illness. It’s fruitless to try to convince them.

    its the guys fuckin MOTHER! this ass thinks she doesnt understand mental illness?! sumerville is asking her to be incredibly tolerant and understanding to the fuckhead that mutilated her kid. if li ever hurts anyone again, i fuckin hope its chris sumerville. when his homie cuts off his ear, i wanna hear more about how well chris understands schizophrenia.

  5. bizzarbrothericp


    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 01:36 am GMT -5 at 1:36 am

    im going to go kill someone right now, and say I forgot to take my meds. LMFAO, this MOTHER FUCKER should get the gas chamber. Don’t know the laws in Canada but that’s what he should get

  6. King Lucem Ferre

    Lucem Ferre

    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 02:40 am GMT -5 at 2:40 am

    You people are fucking ignorant.

    First off, you just don’t give a fuck about understanding a mental illness. He went off the deep end and didn’t fully understand what he was doing, he wasn’t fully there in reality, I’m sure.

    Second, he isn’t really that free, he can’t even choose his own friends anymore. Plus he is forever haunted by the guilt of what he’s done, that just might be the worst punishment of all.

    It’s like claiming somebody should make fun of a boy with autism for not knowing how to read.

    I’ve seen prison stories where mothers forgave killers that killed their son. Killers where the killer was fully aware of what he was doing and did it in the name of money or gang status or something dumb.

    This whole situation reminds me of that movie Strangeland.

  7. scruffy


    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 05:08 am GMT -5 at 5:08 am

    great. friendless, haunted, and back in the world after only a few years, despite butchering a sleeping kid, in front of others, over nothing at all.
    yeah, im reeeal sympathetic.

    to say that someone is fucking ignorant because they dont ‘understand his illness’, lucem, is, itself, beyond ignorant.

    and why do i gotta have understanding, when the bastard himself had, as you say, no understanding? he ‘wasnt fully there’, and i am. so, fuck his feelings.

  8. King Lucem Ferre

    Lucem Ferre

    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 03:59 pm GMT -5 at 3:59 pm

    So when Randy Gall drugs you with something to have you willingly suck his cock then we are all entitled to call you a cock sucking queer. Oh you weren’t fully aware? You had no understanding? Well Randy Gall did, so fuck your feelings.

    Plus, my point was that he is suffering for what he did, even though he may have had little control over it, so quit bitching. There is a lot worse things going on than this, hell our own military is just as, if not more, savage than this and they are all usually 100% aware of what they are doing.

  9. scruffy


    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 04:30 pm GMT -5 at 4:30 pm

    you really cant see the difference?

    lucem, you should really stop fixating on mental illness, and focus on being a part of the world. a good part.

  10. King Lucem Ferre

    Lucem Ferre

    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 04:50 pm GMT -5 at 4:50 pm

    Which is why i consistently state that if people are not willing to try and understand then perhaps they deserve to be shot up and eaten alive.

    It’s a level of selfishness, really, it’s easy to hate the devil when you’re not wearing the horns.

    I really don’t even like this world, I really don’t even want to be a part of it. Good, what would you describe as good anymore?

  11. scruffy


    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 05:55 pm GMT -5 at 5:55 pm

    victim of lunatic
    is not the same
    as society as a whole.

    in any case, if you are willing to dismiss murder [grisly, random murder], but still call anyone else ignorant for not hearing this halfwit drivel about sympathy for the mentally ill homicidal wacko… and further, to say that the wacko deserves second chances, but everybody else deserves death and cannibalization? no offense, really lucem, but youre completely fucked up, there.

    as far as describing ‘good’, just dont go round stabbing anybody, shooting up libraries, or any pathetic shit like that. jeez, i dont gotta tell you how to be a human.

  12. King Lucem Ferre

    Lucem Ferre

    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 06:15 pm GMT -5 at 6:15 pm

    Actually, since humans do that all the time you do. Humans are disgusting self righteous pieces of trash. Maybe they should all just die, including this schizo fuck.

    It’s just not nearly as black and white as you make it out to be.

    Maybe they should have just killed him since not only does it provide idiots who think it’s going to bring a dead man back a sense of justification, he truly wanted death so perhaps put him out of his misery.

    Oh, we don’t really need to try to understand this shit to try and prevent it from happening again.

    People who have schizophrenic episodes and aren’t very aware of what they are doing are just sick fucks that deserve to be locked away from human society just so we can feel safe as we slowly destroy ourselves out of our own pathetic and lazy stupidity.

    People who shoot up schools are just sick fucks who deserve to be locked away from society despite our tendency to create them with our own sick and cruel ways of emotionally destroying each other to the point where we can’t even stand our own reflections.

    While we are at it, why don’t we lock up ugly mentally challenged people like autistic kids cause they too make me feel very uncomfortable when I’m around them.

    Or that guy who’s face is a charred mess from a house fire, he deserves to be locked away because his face gives our children nightmares.

  13. King Lucem Ferre

    Lucem Ferre

    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 06:17 pm GMT -5 at 6:17 pm

    Socially awkward kids deserve to have the shit beat out of them for making situations awkward.

  14. scruffy


    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 07:25 pm GMT -5 at 7:25 pm

    okay, last try…
    lucem, go down and put yourself in the system, see if you and they can ‘understand’ your ‘mental illness’. after five years of that, see how gung ho you are for the idea. cuz nobody i know whose been down that road is very happy about it, and they and i and many others will tell you, it only messed them up worse.

    and please, quit trying to be a scaredy little sap of a victim. the simple path to self esteem can be boiled down to this: dont act like a pussy, and dont act like a dick.

  15. twiztidkillaxxx2


    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 08:58 pm GMT -5 at 8:58 pm

    I wanna chop lucem up and feed him to Scottie D. Sorry Scottie. But don’t accept random chilli or soup at the gotj

  16. King Lucem Ferre

    Lucem Ferre

    Comment posted on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 10:25 pm GMT -5 at 10:25 pm

    Then I’ll always be a part of him. <3

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