May 31, 2024
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Blood Music – Dead Celebrity Status

Their are certain things that Canada are famous for such as hockey, great beer, and lenient marijuana laws, unfortunately rapping isn’t one of them. In


Juturna – Circa Survive

Circa Survive is a Philadelphia based progressive rock band consisting of former Saosin vocalist Anthony Green and ex members of the group This Day Forward.


Skin and Bones – Foo Fighters

It was 1994, The lead singer of one of the greatest bands ever, Kurt Cobain, had committed suicide, and in his wake the fans mourned,


Saturday Night Wrist – Deftones

The Deftones are a Grammy-award winning band from Sacramento, California, but their so much more than just that. They are also widely regarded as one


Return To Cookie Mountain – TV On The Radio

Being an avid listener of music for my entire life and with the current state of music in shambles, it is not often anymore that


When Your Heart Stops Beating – +44

When Blink 182 came crashing into chart success and mainstream popularity in 1999 with their album “Enema of the State,” they instantly became a mega


Everready: The Religion – Tech N9ne

Tech N9ne, born Aaron D. Yates, has been a driving force in the Underground music scene. Releasing his first album, The Calm Before the Storm,


My Favorite Album – Intrinzik

Intrinzik, born Scott Adam Glass, had a life changing experience at the age of 12, when attended a Metallica concert. It was at that moment,