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Need some advice
January 5, 2013
10:46 pm
Forum Posts: 2700
Member Since:
March 31, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Well need a new a computer. To those computer geekalos out there need some advice on what is the best one out.

January 5, 2013
11:49 pm
Forum Posts: 4891
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November 30, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

It depends on what your using your computer for. If you're into art/graphic design then a Mac would be your best bet. If you just want a computer to surf around the net, play games, manage your day to day life whatever, then I recommend a PC. I work in the IT industry and own an HP, which I've never had a problem with. Dell is also good, have had issues with Dell's before though, including the patented Dell "Blue screen of death". One time though, I ordered a laptop from them and they sent me two. The packing list, everything said they sent one, but there were two in the box. So anyplace who fucks up that bad in your favor can't be all bad. Up to you, depends on what you need it for, you know?

January 6, 2013
12:31 am
Louisville, Kentucky
Forum Posts: 4717
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December 3, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Like pat said depends on what you want to do with it man. Also your budget. If your gaming on it you definitely want a high end machine. IDK the market prices as of late but its usually cheaper to custom build if you want a gaming machine.

If you are just using it for the run of the mill functions then it doesn't much matter because all computers have plenty of hard drive space plenty of R.A.M and decent processors these days.

Hewlett Packards have always been good for general usage in my own experience. Never fucked with macs though so they may be better.....

January 6, 2013
2:51 am
Forum Posts: 2700
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March 31, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Yea for gaming trying to get into that. No idea what companies do that stuff.

January 6, 2013
3:09 am
Louisville, Kentucky
Forum Posts: 4717
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December 3, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

You'll just have to do a little research based on your budget. Most companies offer the option to build custom pc's so that's what you probably want for a gaming machine. All the components are important  but if you are really strapped for cash a good processor and a good video card are absolute necessities for a gaming machine. It just won't be able to keep up with the software otherwise....

Also computer technology moves ahead very quickly so I would go with a desktop so you do have the option to upgrade your hardware if you do so chose. Alot of times you can upgrade laptops but it can be time consuming and/or costly.

Pat might be able to help a little more than I can. I haven't been pc gaming for a long long time. Im on a laptop now and don't have a desktop

January 7, 2013
6:34 pm
Forum Posts: 4891
Member Since:
November 30, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I didn't even see these last posts until now, sorry about that. Yeah, Slumerican's right. If you want gaming you definetly want a PC. I never used a laptop for gaming or a Mac for anything, but I've been gaming on a PC my whole life (prefer PS3, but whatever), and I know you can definetly get your game on and also be able to do day to day functions as well. Also, I've noticed that not all games are available on Mac's, hope this helped. Good luck

January 14, 2013
1:53 am
Forum Posts: 2700
Member Since:
March 31, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I found something dropped some good dollars on it.

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