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Another Verse
April 6, 2013
4:33 pm
Preachy The Clown
Preachy The Clown
Forum Posts: 329
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December 8, 2012
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Im tired of the kids at school making fun of my features

I cry everyday eating lunch neath the bleachers

Im always last on their list in Phys Ed class

becuz my  body shape they point their fingers and laugh

I try to hold in the hurt but i cant take much more

I run as fast as i can to my room and quickly lock the door

my pain boils over im not gonna be pushed again

the next person that laughs is getting a pencil thru their chin

Another day in class a kid stepped on my candy bar

Every one was amazed that blood gushed so far

It got on my face and i liked the taste

No one laughed again cuz i laid two more to waiste

They tried to restrain me the best that they could

But i slammed their heads together and teeth fell to the floor of wood

When the cops came i was still stabbin

Orders to kill on sight the last thing i saw was red from their blastin

April 6, 2013
5:08 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Now your life is of vacant hope, caged for the rest of life

should have learned to take a joke or learned to exorcise

or maybe just less harm like a punch in the face

give the haters a dead arm and say, "I'm in love with my weight"


Seriously, if you really are that self conscious about it you have the power to do something.

April 6, 2013
5:50 pm
Preachy The Clown
Preachy The Clown
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This dont have nothing to do with me just came to me cuz i was bored and im watching students pass by my office. This is purely fictional cuz i have always loved me. Thats was a cool couple of lines though as like a different perspective if it was a song.

April 10, 2014
10:38 pm
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This is pretty goddamn horrible, I'm not gonna lie, and I wasn't even gonna comment but dude, really? Crying while you're eating your lunch? Under the bleachers? No wonder people fuck with you. They think you hate your food. People will usually eat then cry, or cry then eat, but rarely are both of these tasks achieved at the same time. Weak sauce Preachy, you must be a hit on parent/teacher conference night.


I hate my damn job I can't take all the stress

I eat my sandwich all alone cryin' under my desk

The parents wanna talk and ask me questions about their children

But I ain't got time for that like the lady that got out the burnin' buildin'


-Dedicated to Ms. Sweet "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That" Brown

April 10, 2014
11:37 pm
Forum Posts: 336
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February 13, 2013
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only really fat people and anorexic girls cry while eating

April 10, 2014
11:51 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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patjoyce said
This is pretty goddamn horrible, I'm not gonna lie, and I wasn't even gonna comment but dude, really? Crying while you're eating your lunch? Under the bleachers? No wonder people fuck with you. They think you hate your food. People will usually eat then cry, or cry then eat, but rarely are both of these tasks achieved at the same time. Weak sauce Preachy, you must be a hit on parent/teacher conference night.


I hate my damn job I can't take all the stress

I eat my sandwich all alone cryin' under my desk

The parents wanna talk and ask me questions about their children

But I ain't got time for that like the lady that got out the burnin' buildin'


-Dedicated to Ms. Sweet "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That" Brown

lmaoooooo.. good shit pat..


April 11, 2014
12:40 am
randy gall
randy gall
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I live in a camper that I got behind my uncles house man

last night he hit me in the hed with a damn beer can

I was so mad i wipe my ass with his refridegrater handle

I don't care man cus everyday hes an asshole

one time when I was taking a piss behind the barn

my uncle runned up and called me a fat retard

I hate that shithed even more worser then patjoyce

them kind of guys is the ones that like little boys





Noah Fence is a RACIST piece of shit and so are you if you support him. No excuses.

April 11, 2014
5:06 am
The Notorious, L.T.B.
The Notorious, L.T.B.
Fort Wayne, IN
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Frig off randy!

Blood rains down from an angry sky! My cock rages on! My cock rages on!

April 11, 2014
5:45 am
Sean Law
Sean Law
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My Name is Randy, I eat too much candy

now I have diabetes and keep insulin handy.

I hate everybody, including myself

so I overdose on Cheeseburgers, hoping it will help.

I make fun of others, because im insecure and fat,

In fact, just the other day I, hold on.... you gonna eat that??

I will most likely die a virgin, I could never get a girl,

So its time to close the curtain, goodbye cruel world.  :(

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


April 11, 2014
9:31 am
Forum Posts: 4891
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November 30, 2012
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Thanks Warlock, glad it made you laugh a little.


Preachy's verse could very well be about Randy, it fits. Sean Law killed it on the fuck Randy tip. That was good.

April 11, 2014
2:30 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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I wrote a verse, but IDK if I should post it. I might get put on a list and people might find it when they google my name...

April 11, 2014
2:35 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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Eh, fuck it.

By the way, I was never bullied in school, so I can't relate to the narrator in any way. Sorry it's shitty.


Same shit, different day, over and over

Guys beat my ass, girls give the cold shoulder

Keep calm, hold in it, just let the coals smolder

When the teacher laughs then the water boils over

Write a pass to the bathroom to blow off some steam

Get stopped in the hall by Scott from the football team

He kicks me in the balls. slams my head against the wall

Then he laughs and spits on me as I curl up in a ball

No chance to fight back, the kid is a boxer

But this fuck's about to see what I got in my locker.

I keep moving towards it, ecstatic and manic

Open it up to reveal a fully automatic

Load the gun, take a breath, pull the fire alarm.

It will be fun bringing death and causing bodily harm.

I remember each snicker as the hallways fill

Smile, squeeze the trigger and watch the blood and brains spill

April 11, 2014
2:42 pm

Forum Posts: 4297
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February 15, 2014
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piggofdoom said
I wrote a verse, but IDK if I should post it. I might get put on a list and people might find it when they google my name...


You're a Juggalo. You are already on a list. You damn gang member! ;)

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
April 11, 2014
3:37 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
Forum Posts: 11712
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March 31, 2012
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piggofdoom said
Eh, fuck it.

By the way, I was never bullied in school, so I can't relate to the narrator in any way. Sorry it's shitty.


Same shit, different day, over and over

Guys beat my ass, girls give the cold shoulder

Keep calm, hold in it, just let the coals smolder

When the teacher laughs then the water boils over

Write a pass to the bathroom to blow off some steam

Get stopped in the hall by Scott from the football team

He kicks me in the balls. slams my head against the wall

Then he laughs and spits on me as I curl up in a ball

No chance to fight back, the kid is a boxer

But this fuck's about to see what I got in my locker.

I keep moving towards it, ecstatic and manic

Open it up to reveal a fully automatic

Load the gun, take a breath, pull the fire alarm.

It will be fun bringing death and causing bodily harm.

I remember each snicker as the hallways fill

Smile, squeeze the trigger and watch the blood and brains spill

i like it. very cute haha even tho im sure thats not what you were goin for thats just how my seasoned writer brain looks at it & the whole stituation.. with this being one of your 1st raps & all haha shout out to me feeling i need to fully describe everything i say on here now haha


April 11, 2014
4:07 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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I've always wondered why school shooters don't pull the fire alarms.

April 11, 2014
4:21 pm
Forum Posts: 4891
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November 30, 2012
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When you shoot up your school, you can be the first one who pulls a fire alarm, unleashing a higher death count, thus more coverage and hate mail towards your family. See that, you get to be a pioneer!!!

April 11, 2014
8:43 pm
randy gall
randy gall
Forum Posts: 1285
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December 19, 2013
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fuck you patjoyce man!

Noah Fence is a RACIST piece of shit and so are you if you support him. No excuses.

April 11, 2014
10:45 pm
The Notorious, L.T.B.
The Notorious, L.T.B.
Fort Wayne, IN
Forum Posts: 4001
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May 29, 2013
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Jesus you're a fucking dick warlock. "with my seasoned writer brain and all" god fuck you for that. That was awesome pigg, especially for your firstie. That was awesome.

Blood rains down from an angry sky! My cock rages on! My cock rages on!

April 11, 2014
10:59 pm
Springfield VA
Forum Posts: 6148
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August 27, 2012
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piggofdoom said
Eh, fuck it.

By the way, I was never bullied in school, so I can't relate to the narrator in any way. Sorry it's shitty.


Same shit, different day, over and over

Guys beat my ass, girls give the cold shoulder

Keep calm, hold in it, just let the coals smolder

When the teacher laughs then the water boils over

Write a pass to the bathroom to blow off some steam

Get stopped in the hall by Scott from the football team

He kicks me in the balls. slams my head against the wall

Then he laughs and spits on me as I curl up in a ball

No chance to fight back, the kid is a boxer

But this fuck's about to see what I got in my locker.

I keep moving towards it, ecstatic and manic

Open it up to reveal a fully automatic

Load the gun, take a breath, pull the fire alarm.

It will be fun bringing death and causing bodily harm.

I remember each snicker as the hallways fill

Smile, squeeze the trigger and watch the blood and brains spill

Good shit homie...If Warlock has a seasoned writers brain, I have a Master's in Culinary Arts...aka I can microwave a hotpocket...

"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

April 11, 2014
11:37 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
Forum Posts: 11712
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March 31, 2012
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LTB said
Jesus you're a fucking dick warlock. "with my seasoned writer brain and all" god fuck you for that. That was awesome pigg, especially for your firstie. That was awesome.

lol does that come across as insulting? my bad.. id like to think i have some experience after 11 yrs.. :/ i wasnt trying to discredit him for not writing.. like i give a fuck.. im glad not everyone does it.. 


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