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Have you heard of I Need an Adult?
November 6, 2015
4:46 pm
Forum Posts: 5
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June 23, 2015
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Whats good my ninjas? Jonnie Sparkel here, and I'm looking for some honest feedback for my group, I Need an Adult's last album, Summer of Hate. The whole album can be streamed here, https://ineedanadult.bandcamp.com/album/summer-of-hate

Please give it a listen and tell me what you think. The good, the bad, and the ugly, I want to hear it!

What did you think of I Need an Adult's Summer of Hate album?

  • It Sucked!(75% : 3 votes)
  • It was Alright.(25% : 1 vote)
  • It was Great!(0% : 0 votes)
Total Voters: 4

November 7, 2015
12:13 am

Forum Posts: 11447
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no n.o.t.a. 

so, no vote. 


i did listen to an i need an adult album, back whenever it was. 

i dont remember the title, and honestly, i dont remember the music, either.  kinda got lumped in with about six other acts from the free music section, which i am chronically behind on. 

so, at the very least, it wasnt striking enough to call it memorable. 

i dont seem to have saved it in my scrub musician files, either. 

given those two facts...  uh, they dont speak well for it, anyway. 


but yes, ive heard of i need an adult. 

actually, i consider that to be a kinda nifty name for an act.  if that helps. 

musically, though...  probably got low marks. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

November 8, 2015
4:39 pm
Forum Posts: 5
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June 23, 2015
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Thanks for the reply scruffy. I Need an Adult have definitely evolved and improved since their inception so hopefully when you come across their next free track you'll give it a listen. If you happen to check out the album linked in my first post I'd love an honest critique on it. Most response to our music is positive, so I would welcome a negative review to help us improve.

November 8, 2015
4:49 pm

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MrSparkel said
If you happen to check out the album linked in my first post I'd love an honest critique on it. 


know what...?  ima try to make it a point to listen to the thing in the next day or three.  just cuz. 

Most response to our music is positive, so I would welcome a negative review to help us improve.

careful what you wish for. 

dunno if youve seen me givin negative reviews before, but i can get kinda...  'honest'. 

read that, 'raw', 'brutal', or 'dickheadish', depending on how thin your skin is. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

November 8, 2015
5:01 pm
Forum Posts: 5
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June 23, 2015
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Looking forward to it.

November 8, 2015
10:41 pm
Forum Posts: 1251
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August 8, 2012
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I expected a comedy album by looking at the cover

these comments may cause you to do what the title to your 2nd song is

November 8, 2015
11:04 pm
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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didnt hate it.... didnt feel any desire to buy it.

dont feel the desire to vote either.

November 9, 2015
1:20 am

Forum Posts: 11447
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it aint great.  most would say it aint average. 


beats are uninspired, thin, lacking creativity, not much impact.  mix is heavy handed and weak.  effects on the vocals are distracting at best, and overused cheap gag at worst.  everything sounds more or less the same throughout the whole thing.  too much chorus, too much distortion.

writing is very pedestrian.  basic, played out rhymes [knife life, dead head, stuck fuck] are reused multiple times, a bad look for a project thats only what, twelve minutes or so?  little cohesion;  songs dont have anything to say, barely stay on point if at all, its like a collection of two-line statements that arent even interesting statements.  descriptions and storytelling are forced to accommodate the rhymes, and the rhymes are, as i say, basic as hell. 

topics and concepts are all kinds of nothin special. 

flow is a lil hard to judge, given the mush that the pitch oscillators are turning the vox into, but generally doesnt sound good;  delivery sounds like ultra-common scrub 'horrorcore', and theres no reason to.  dude singing can sing a lil bit, but sounds real tentative, like hes singin along to someone else. 

accompanying graphic would work if there was some deliberate irony built into it.  but there isnt, so, nope. 


could go on, but you get the gist. 


dunno who you been gettin responses from before now, but you need to be discounting their opinions, cuz they aint informed.  project aint worth four usd or more.  closer to four usc, or less. 


is it the worst ive heard?  no... i live in the flh forum, ive definitely heard worse.  but i spose that aint much consolation. 


on the scruffy scale...  somewhere around a 4.0, id say. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

November 9, 2015
1:48 pm
Forum Posts: 5
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June 23, 2015
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Heh, you guys are funny. Thanks for the review scruff! 

November 9, 2015
1:52 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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MrSparkel said 
Heh, you guys are funny. Thanks for the review scruff!  

i would say, 'youre welcome', but i dont wanna seem like im only here to slam people. 


stick around the forum long enough, id bet you could pick up more than a few pointers from some of the local musicos. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

November 9, 2015
3:39 pm
Curbstomp Productions
Forum Posts: 1390
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October 8, 2014
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What up Fam.


Not to to bad man, to me the vocals have way to many effects (I'm sure that's the sound you were going for) and if that's the case it coulda been mixed a lil better.  Like Scruffy said...ease up on that distortion.  Not a huge fan of the beats, kinda all over the place. (just a taste thing) But points from me on trying to be a little different homie.  Clean up the vocals a little bit and it would be on point!  Is this all in-house recording?  Or do y'all go to a studio and pay?  I can tell there was an attempt at mastering, the dynamics are nice and wide so that's a plus for doing live shows.  I don't understand the cover art....but hey, cant judge a book by the cover. Keep at it, I hear the talent.



November 9, 2015
4:33 pm
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Forum Posts: 3773
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MrSparkel said
Heh, you guys are funny. Thanks for the review scruff! 

im not sure why you think its funny....


But yeah, like scruffy said stick around. get into the forum mixtapes when the time comes up. its definitely a learning experience. ive gotten ALOT better since wokring with some real talented artists on this site. 

well i suppose ALOT better is a bit of a stretch, but i have improved on my rapping/mixing/etc although i do rhyme knife with life in one of the songs on the new mixtape. so that might get a thumbs down from scruffy lol.

November 9, 2015
4:36 pm
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Forum Posts: 3773
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March 20, 2013
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oh and wtf is up with your name?

i need an adult, sounds like a tv christmas special filled with special kids.... you know the ones that lick the bus windows on the way to school. a WHOOOOOOLE busload of them. playing with scissors. and not the plastic kind, the kind that cut things..... like special kid skin.

November 10, 2015
7:14 am
Curbstomp Productions
Forum Posts: 1390
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October 8, 2014
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you know the ones that lick the bus windows on the way to school. a WHOOOOOOLE busload of them.

I died when i just read that!  it was the WHOOOOOOOOLE part....lol

November 10, 2015
8:32 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Forum Posts: 3773
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March 20, 2013
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lol yep. and just imagine me making large hand gestures.

i am part italian after all.

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