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Has anyone heard of Cryme Rate?
February 9, 2013
8:41 pm

Recently while stumbling thru youtube i found a rapper by the name of Spitz,hes pretty sick with it..well hes holding a contest and i peeped some of the videos and the one that caught my attention was this one http://youtu.be/zGfDuQFRV5g it features a verse from KEYS...he is half of the duo known as Cryme Rate..their actually pretty ill..they do the wicked shit..they do real life shit...they rap pretty fuckin fast too...well i found their links on facebook..here they are if anyone is interested...i really think youll like them... http://www.facebook.com/thementalpatient and http://www.facebook.com/crymerate.hiphop check em out and let me know what u think...they hooked me up with merch for being a promoter so check em out...who knows...maybe they will do the same for you....One Love family..Whoop Whoop

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