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Cozz - Dreams SICC SE7EN Remake - Just a snippet
January 25, 2015
10:46 am
Forum Posts: 171
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This is just a snippet from a song called DISCONNECTED which uses the beat from COZZ' - DREAMS which is a fuckin lovely beat in my opinion. Let me know what you guys think!

Also what do you think of Cozz? I'm kinda interested 

January 25, 2015
10:59 am
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Not used to you flowing slow, gonna take some getting used to lol. As far as Cozz, I'll have to profess ignorance.

January 25, 2015
11:09 am
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entrappedmind said
Not used to you flowing slow, gonna take some getting used to lol. As far as Cozz, I'll have to profess ignorance.

I didn't know of him till a producer i like remade this beat and i thought the beat was great  but it's a little confusing if you just have that to go through cause rather than a second hook after the verse theres like a 4 bar break down then into the second verse, so i checked it out to see what he did with it and i actually love the song. He's done shit with J Cole which is probably why i was ignorant to him before but Dreams and Cody Macc are good songs. 


January 25, 2015
11:21 am
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Had to stop watching because he was wearing a Steelers hat. Sorry, @frog lol.


Just kidding. Not bad at all, I like the piano interspersed throughout it.


Side note... Where in the goddamn hell did "whip" come from as slang for a car, anyway? I've only noticed it, like, within the last 3-5 years. Anyone have a clue where that originated?

January 25, 2015
11:34 am
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entrappedmind said
Had to stop watching because he was wearing a Steelers hat. Sorry, @frog lol.


Just kidding. Not bad at all, I like the piano interspersed throughout it.


Side note... Where in the goddamn hell did "whip" come from as slang for a car, anyway? I've only noticed it, like, within the last 3-5 years. Anyone have a clue where that originated?

I'm a Steelers fan too, sorry n shit. Saw them when they played the Vikings at Wembley 2 years ago and pretty much don't miss a game if i have a chance to see it haha. 

January 25, 2015
11:37 am
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Yeah, but you're English. You don't know any better. Until the NFL started making the shitty teams (like the Steelers) go play over there once or twice a year, you still thought football was played with a round ball. Not your fault.


(I'm a Browns fan - If you've learned enough about the NFL and rivalries and whatnot, you'll understand why I'm giving you shit lol)

January 25, 2015
11:37 am

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dunno where it originated, but its been around for an easy twenty years.  that i know.  


[edit]  'whip', that is.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 25, 2015
11:39 am
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scruffy said
dunno where it originated, but its been around for an easy twenty years.  that i know.  


[edit]  'whip', that is.  


For real? Damn. Apparently I just started noticing it recently, or it's become more prevalent, or something. Of course, most old-school rap I was never much of a fan of, so I wouldn't have heard it used back then I suppose.

January 25, 2015
11:49 am
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entrappedmind said
Yeah, but you're English. You don't know any better. Until the NFL started making the shitty teams (like the Steelers) go play over there once or twice a year, you still thought football was played with a round ball. Not your fault.


(I'm a Browns fan - If you've learned enough about the NFL and rivalries and whatnot, you'll understand why I'm giving you shit lol)

Lmao my dad has been a Steelers fan since before i existed haha he always watched it on TV so i used to watch it with him, it's only recently tho i stopped watching English football (since the guy who was the manager of my team (Manchester United) for longer than i've existed retired and after that the team has just been generally shitty and boring since then) and started watching American Football, i used to think it was boring and overly long but shit the amount of times i've been by my self in the early hours of the morning glued to my laptop watching NFL is too many aha.

I'm literally the only person i know my age who watches football, you occasionally get the hipster dick heads who watch the superbowl and act like they're the biggest fans of which ever team wins for the next week then they forget about it.   

January 25, 2015
12:15 pm

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english football...  american football...  the games are too dissimilar, its time for a nomenclature adjustment.  

unlike probably every other american, however, i do not think english football should be re-branded as 'soccer'.  

soccer should be called football, american football needs a more appropriate name.  

some call it gridiron;  i propose the term 'tackleball'.  since that is literally the point [and distinguishing feature] of the game:  to tackle the guy with the ball, or have the ball and not get tackled.  

only two guys per nfl team ever touch the ball with a foot.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 25, 2015
12:26 pm
Sean Law
Sean Law
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You guys are all wrong. Ravens Nation!

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


January 25, 2015
2:37 pm
Forum Posts: 171
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scruffy said
english football...  american football...  the games are too dissimilar, its time for a nomenclature adjustment.  

unlike probably every other american, however, i do not think english football should be re-branded as 'soccer'.  

soccer should be called football, american football needs a more appropriate name.  

some call it gridiron;  i propose the term 'tackleball'.  since that is literally the point [and distinguishing feature] of the game:  to tackle the guy with the ball, or have the ball and not get tackled.  

only two guys per nfl team ever touch the ball with a foot.  


Every time some asks what i'm doing and I tell them i'm watching American Football, they say "Oh, you mean Hand-Egg?"

January 25, 2015
3:38 pm

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cuz they dont know that 'ball' is derived from 'balón'.  due to the hollow and inflated aspect, not the round aspect.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 25, 2015
10:16 pm
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scruffy said 
unlike probably every other american, however, i do not think english football should be re-branded as 'soccer'.  


Go to hell.


Sean Law said
You guys are all wrong. Ravens Nation!


Go to hell.


January 26, 2015
12:36 am

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entrappedmind said  

scruffy said   
unlike probably every other american, however, i do not think english football should be re-branded as 'soccer'.    

Go to hell.    

i know.  i know.  

i came by that honestly.  i fully understand the sacrilege im proposing.  this is one of those cases of sheer logic overruling heart.  

painful as it may be, right is right.  


cmon, wed all get used to it in like, twenty, twenty-five years, tops.  


us needs to switch to the metric system already, too.  [you may fire at will]  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 26, 2015
5:24 am
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I'll simply ignore the Football/Futbol side of this and hope it fades away quietly into the night.

Metric system? Yeah, uh, too late for that. Have you seen the morons this country produces as it is? Now, can you imagine telling the few that actually know, in a roundabout manner, how to measure shit - that all of a sudden they have to do it differently?

Let's put it this way. Try buying something that requires change at a store (preferably a fast food joint) while their registers aren't working. Watch the nimrod behind the counter as he seemingly attempts an exercise in rocket science, because you had the audacity to use a ten to purchase something that costs $5.30. Better yet, give him $10.30, and check out the blank look he gives you.

Now, imagine that same idiot learned a tape measure instead of a cash register. Then change the numbers in his tape measure. Same thing, essentially.


NOW! Extrapolate that a few hundred steps/jobs down the line. Let's say one of our staged ICBM's needs to be moved from the silo for repairs, or a software update, or what-have-you. The soldier handling it has been trained that it's 860 feet from the silo, down the underground track, into the repair hub. So he punches in 860 for the distance to be moved - neglecting the remember that all the controls had been changed from feet to meters. The missile rams into the end of the service tunnel and detonates.

Not realizing what occurred, CENTCOM reads the situation as an attack. Let's assume, for whatever reason, they decide Egypt is the attacker. So they send everything they've got, 6800(ish) miles away to Egypt... When the missiles land, Spain no longer exists. Spain? Yeah, 6800(ish) km away. Suddenly, we've annihilated an ally... And the rest of the world retaliates.


Congratulations. Changing from Imperial to Metric system just plunged the country into Nuclear Winter.


(PS: I know I'm talking out my ass. Most military shit is already metric, if I remember right, isn't it? Forget that for a minute, for the sake of a good story lol)


(EDIT: Artistic license, that's the term I'm looking for. Allow me some artistic license here. lol.)

January 26, 2015
9:48 am

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well, maybe its a little reckless, but im willing to risk a nuclear winter.  

yeah, the army and marines went metric like fifty years ago.  the rest, i believe, have not.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 26, 2015
11:06 am
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scruffy said 
but im willing to risk a nuclear winter.  

lol, leave it to you.

That's all you're gonna give me? C'mon, man, I put some damn work into that reply!

January 26, 2015
1:33 pm

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oh, the scenario was fascinating, to be sure.  

with a little refining, it could almost work for a movie plot.  the forum already has, what, two or three script ideas waiting for funding.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 26, 2015
1:40 pm
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A movie plot? Shit, no way. Way too implausible, no matter how refined it got. I was just looking for a reply that was so off-the-wall that you couldn't shoot it full of holes without a little effort. Heh.

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