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Juggalos Referenced Thread
August 16, 2019
8:39 am

Forum Posts: 4297
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Old Mr Dangerous said

I'll check her green card to help settle those worries, dawg. It will put you at ease.  

Nothing like that. She's not even an immigrant. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with immigrants as long as they do not break any laws. She publicly claimed that Trump thinks she's not a person but an animal due to the media coverage of the roundtable with border sheriffs in May 2018. Trump never said Hispanics are animals. The topic being discussed at the time was MS-13. Even if you don't think he was talking about MS-13, the entire roundtable was about immigrants that commit crimes and how the police are restricted from reporting it to ICE due to sanctuary laws and statutes. So at the least, he was talking about criminal immigrants.


Though, it is possible that she is correct. She may be a member of MS-13 and therefore his comment was directed at her and other MS-13 members.

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
August 16, 2019
8:47 am

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krunkazphuk said
@Old Mr Dangerous

The inventor & CEO of MyPillow® is an avid Trump supporter. Sweet dreams, cunt. lol



Shhh.... Don't tell him that. After he bought the pillow, I was going to suggest he drink BANG energy drinks and eat Nathan's hot dogs. Both companies are major contributors to the Trump campaign. The also donate massive amounts to Trump and Republican Super PACs. 

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
August 16, 2019
9:35 am
영덕, South Korea

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I just want to say: fuck super PACs and dark money in politics. For all elections and all candidates.

Also the off brand shredded memory foam pillows have identical quality to My pillow at a fraction of the price.

August 16, 2019
11:42 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Breaking News! OMD Perseveres Again!

Because I never bought the goddamned pillow, Jezebel. I took a good hard look at the cheesy website with it's high school-level design and immediately felt the "Snake Oil!" Spidey Sense... which led to researching the many unhappy reviews about the product... and I dont always let reviews influence me (they've been on the money and horribly wrong before) but this one definitely swayed me. With all of our spines and heads and such being so different, how in the fuck can this honkey claim that this ONE pillow will solve all my problems? Keep that easily-led, fast food fuckery mainframe for Texas twits, I say. 

Frankly, almost wanting to buy it was a moment of weakness on my part. Some of us are human on here, Psyral, even if you claim not to be.

As far as buying products that support people I hate...? I'm sure every manufacturing joint has an employee kn some level that I would hate. I just ordered a dope ass portable generator (at the suggestion of a random friend on here... props!!) and it works pretty damn great... but I am certain that either an employee at Amazon.com, or the lady that works at the factory where they create the plugs to it, or the jerk that fixes the machines on the boxes that they are shipped in, could be a piece of shit that I financially supported. Hell, maybe the delivery guy who dropped it off is a serial cat-raper (my poor Esteban never knew how close he came to rectal armageddon!). 

More truth is that you both are reaching here, and I expect better from you both. This is not your finest hour. 

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

August 16, 2019
1:11 pm
Moe Ray Al
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krunkazphuk said
@Old Mr Dangerous

The inventor & CEO of MyPillow® is an avid Trump supporter. Sweet dreams, cunt. lol



that's why I bought them 


August 16, 2019
2:01 pm
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May 4, 2014
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Love this song:

YouTube Video Juggalo Love Song - BOY FRIENDS with Rucka Rucka Ali

Whoop Whoop krunk :

Psyral, the_patriot_smack
  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


August 16, 2019
4:16 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Old Mr Dangerous said
Breaking News! OMD Perseveres Again!

Because I never bought the goddamned pillow, Jezebel. I took a good hard look at the cheesy website with it's high school-level design and immediately felt the "Snake Oil!" Spidey Sense... which led to researching the many unhappy reviews about the product... and I dont always let reviews influence me (they've been on the money and horribly wrong before) but this one definitely swayed me. With all of our spines and heads and such being so different, how in the fuck can this honkey claim that this ONE pillow will solve all my problems? Keep that easily-led, fast food fuckery mainframe for Texas twits, I say. 

Frankly, almost wanting to buy it was a moment of weakness on my part. Some of us are human on here, Psyral, even if you claim not to be.

As far as buying products that support people I hate...? I'm sure every manufacturing joint has an employee kn some level that I would hate. I just ordered a dope ass portable generator (at the suggestion of a random friend on here... props!!) and it works pretty damn great... but I am certain that either an employee at Amazon.com, or the lady that works at the factory where they create the plugs to it, or the jerk that fixes the machines on the boxes that they are shipped in, could be a piece of shit that I financially supported. Hell, maybe the delivery guy who dropped it off is a serial cat-raper (my poor Esteban never knew how close he came to rectal armageddon!). 

More truth is that you both are reaching here, and I expect better from you both. This is not your finest hour.   

Everybody at some point has supported a company that supports something they disagree with or immorally exploits people. The only time I ever pull support from a company is when I know it directly goes towards something extremely disgusting that I'm funding. Like boycotting Borderlands 3 because the guy that owns the company is an abusive & sexist pedo that uses his power to be abusive. Except for companies like apple that have suicide nets over their windows. You just can't escape it with out sacrificing most modern technology.

I've already said that just merely existing in a thriving society where your luxuries come from immoral exploitation and you're not spending every extra dollar you don't need on helping people that really need it kind of makes you guilty on some level. Uncomfortable truths are hard to swallow for a lot of people, though.

August 16, 2019
4:29 pm
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Old Mr Dangerous said

69s song? 

Nah but I just looked at a trailer... looks like an odd movie. Worth the watch?

"Your girl fucked me 'cause you cummin' quicker than FedEx Air"- Sean Law

August 16, 2019
4:30 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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December 3, 2012
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Satan himself coulda published borderlands 3 and id still be buying that mother fucker. I'm pretty biased because that is my favorite shooter series.

I doubt everyone at gearbox collectively like to bang kids. They are the ones putting their blood and sweat in it.

If you dont want any products with evil or corruption attached to it you are gonna have a small selection. Fuck, you might actually have to go live out in the woods

August 16, 2019
4:40 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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JiffyLong said

Old Mr Dangerous said

69s song? 

Nah but I just looked at a trailer... looks like an odd movie. Worth the watch?  

Yes it is. Mostly because it isnt entirely fiction. These folks are mostly real people. 

Witness things that will make your stomach turn, like a kid eating spaghetti in a bathtub full of strange blue water while his mother washes his hair. It's more disgusting than it sounds.

Listen to the inane ramblings of, well, all of it's  characters. None of them make sense but they dont really seem to care.

Glue-huffing. Cat meat. Obese child prostitutes. Bunny ears. Taped nipples. It will disturb the hell out of you. 

My favorite part is watching a bunch of drunk folks drown their disdain by fighting chairs. 


When "KIDS" came out, we couldnt stop watching it. Especially how parts of it actually seemed real and paralleled our lives. Being from upstate NY, we could relate to the urban part of "KIDS" and the rural part of "Gummo", which were released near one another. Granted, "KIDS" got more replay due to it being less disturbing... let me reiterate that by reminding y'all that "KIDS" contains STD rape, teen drug abuse, a humongously vicious mass beating of one man, and other fun stuff.

Watch it once, then step back and be thankful for your life.

August 16, 2019
5:04 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Slumerican502 said
Satan himself coulda published borderlands 3 and id still be buying that mother fucker. I'm pretty biased because that is my favorite shooter series.

Man, of course I want to play that damn game. (as long as it's kept couch co-op) Just waiting for it to lower in price. So a few years or so. That's my boycott. Still doing DLC on 2 and never even played 1 so there's plenty to keep us preoccupied with.

I doubt everyone at gearbox collectively like to bang kids. They are the ones putting their blood and sweat in it.

I'm sure Pitchford gets more of that revenue than they do. That's why he's in a position of power. The idea is that if it's boycotted over this one guy then the company will get rid of that one guy.

If you dont want any products with evil or corruption attached to it you are gonna have a small selection. Fuck, you might actually have to go live out in the woods  

True that. Though this is a case of something I feel is controllable over something I don't necessarily need (or extremely want). Life sucks and if you need/want that game to dull the suck out of life I'm not judging.

August 20, 2019
7:40 am
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August 20, 2019
7:46 am
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Rick and morty Tech N9ne reference as well

August 20, 2019
10:49 am
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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Where was the tech reference in that?

August 20, 2019
1:15 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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March 30, 2018
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found where the s-word has been one tooth man is in Portland being an Antifa gangtser


August 20, 2019
1:50 pm
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Pigg said
Where was the tech reference in that?  


Ice T shooting at the end All 6's and 7's at like 48 seconds. Rick n morty is sneaky with shit like that. Part of the reason I love it.

August 31, 2019
6:43 pm
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Not the right spot for this but Insane Clown Posse will be appearing on Dannys House, on Viceland, on 9/4, 10pm Eastern time.

Set your dvr's.

Screenshot_2019-08-31-19-24-102.pngImage Enlarger

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

September 4, 2019
7:50 pm
Forum Posts: 3248
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August 10, 2017
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Ive got a little more than an hour to move some stuff around and get set up. Anyone know where i can upload this to and y'all can stream it? I dont do social media, but im thinking that would get shut down anyways. Any suggestions?

@Psyral Infection @krunkazphuk, hook me up with a video stream widget.

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

September 4, 2019
8:18 pm
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May 4, 2014
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Drunkalo said
Ive got a little more than an hour to move some stuff around and get set up. Anyone know where i can upload this to and y'all can stream it? I dont do social media, but im thinking that would get shut down anyways. Any suggestions?

@Psyral Infection @krunkazphuk, hook me up with a video stream widget.  


I don't know what "this" means in ur post; the content creators who I value for livestreams or prerecorded stuff use




  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


September 4, 2019
8:28 pm
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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If ur talking about Danny's House, be prepared for copyright strikes champ.

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


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