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August 11, 2016
11:25 am
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https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13902638_10205062536362331_4565102235248382805_n.jpg?oh=5d4d742b25b8f9cc9ea9b70449e6057c&oe=5813FDE9&dl=1Image Enlarger

"I Just Wanna Hide Inside My Own Private Hell"- Boondox

August 11, 2016
11:28 am
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Are we even sure he's snitching? He could just be talking for other reasons.


Who did they snitch on and why?

August 11, 2016
11:42 am
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If you aint got papper work it dont mean shit. 


August 11, 2016
12:33 pm
Hypnotized Ninja
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I approve of snitching on juggalos for the following things.


*giving your kids any type of drugs or alcohol  (witnessed parents letting ten year old doing whip it's till retardation ) or just underage kids turning up in general 

*theft or sneaking in (fuck that we WORK and SAVE to go to this festival not cool)

*unwanted projectiles in the face (if you aim a firecracker or full beer can at me and do damage I'm pressing charges)


*for their benefit tell on someone on TOO MUCH or OD'ing...I'm not one who laughs at this much I can laugh at the acidalos but I also worry

*physical sexual harassment

If daddy long legs was snitching about any of these things GOOD.

Whoop Whoop Hypnotized Ninja :

deathmetaljuggalo, MASTERWEEDO, SPOOKYtheFUNGI, JC
August 11, 2016
12:48 pm
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I dont care if kids drink or do drugs. Be 15 at least. 

No ten year olds doing whip its. If i saw that i would have slap the shit out of its parent's.

To be honest i would resort to violence for most of those things before i call the cops.

I would call the cops on the sexual harassment thing if the person wanted me too. If the person is passed out i would call the cops. I wpuld call the cops in this situation if i know i cant track them down. It all depends i guess. 

I would all day call the medical people.

Whoop Whoop bayAreaShaman :

Split, SPOOKYtheFUNGI, jrw


August 11, 2016
8:12 pm
Springfield VA
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Damn I missed a troll opportunity when I took the security team to pickup beach lady.  If I had someone snap a pic of me on their Gator I coulda made a multi and trolled everyone about OCJ being a snitch....smh who knows if ill get the shot at that again...

Whoop Whoop OCJ_Brendan :

bayAreaShaman, Nyro, JC

"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

August 15, 2016
4:43 pm
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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This was from last years gotj. People were throwing water balloons at him and he was telling the cops they were filled with piss.

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

August 15, 2016
5:23 pm
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Are we even sure he's snitching? He could just be talking for other reasons.


Every time cops busted a party when I was in high school, I would always be a smart ass and go talk to them instead of run away and have one chase, tackle or give you a MIP. 

I never told em shit, just said things like "whats the problem?" etc and knew they couldn't do anything to me (well not in all cases). Shit, one time a cop just told us to keep it down and clean up all the beer cans when we were done. We continued to party while others ran scared for the woods.

Anyway, one day someone wouldn't sell weed to me because they heard I was a police informant and it spread like wildfire. Could only get buds from my closest ninjas. It took me like a year to realize it's probably because I gave no fucks about cops and went to talk to them. So don't always be so quick to judge a ninja who talks to cops! Sometimes we are just trying to learn more about their ways so we can outsmart them.

And to respond to the topic, lol. I don't care either way, I fucking hate wolf pac. They are a bunch of shit performers who need to use strippers to distract people from how crappy they are. Plus the dudes they send in the pit with full padded gear to headbutt people is just fucked. Wolf pac has the most pathetic gimmick that can't even be backed up by good music.

Whoop Whoop Deiko17 :

August 15, 2016
6:12 pm

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Deiko17 said
Anyway, one day someone wouldn't sell weed to me because they heard I was a police informant and it spread like wildfire. Could only get buds from my closest ninjas. It took me like a year to realize it's probably because I gave no fucks about cops and went to talk to them. So don't always be so quick to judge a ninja who talks to cops!

yeah, ive seen this same bullshit happen to people. 

whats more fucked up, around here, is that half the dealers in the area are informants themselves.  they pretty much have to be, to stay in business;  thats the deal. 

Sometimes we are just trying to learn more about their ways so we can outsmart them.   

know people that are believers in this tactic, too. 

and ya know what?  they never get arrested. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

August 15, 2016
6:24 pm
Pittsburgh pa
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I had 2 encounters with the police this year.

1st was when I slapped some dude in the neck with shit. Which he was ok with, but he was passed off nobody would clean it off him. I gave him a bottle of water and baby wipes. But I wasn't gonna clean him. That was never part of the agreement. Then he pulled a knife out on me, screaming "clean this shit off me". He knew what he was getting into, I always make it very clear. I never do.anything to anybody who doesn't agree too it. My boy was ready to crack him with a chair but I told him not too.


He started screaming and yelling at the wrong person. And my boy beat the shit out of him. Then the dude left, and apparently he told the cops we stole his wallet. So we told the cops the whole truth. And the cops sided with us


2nd was when my boys tent got robbed. And we roughed dude up a little, and then handed him over to the cops. The 2nd dude was cleared of any charges. But I don't believe they did a proper investigation. In my heart I believe he was guilty. But without any of the stolen items on him, handing him over to the cops was the right move. 


Honestly I'm glade he didn't have shit on him cause if he did, the cops would've been arresting me and I'd have a hospital bill for that fuck

Whoop Whoop Frog :

scruffy, OCJ_Brendan

From tadpoles to frogs to Jesus to legends.

August 15, 2016
7:12 pm
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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the only interaction I had with police at this gotj was when I had to hunt them down to tell them that there was a fire in the porta john. 

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

August 15, 2016
7:13 pm
Forum Posts: 1470
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February 9, 2013
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Frog is there footage of this sounds like the video I watched a couple weeks back the theif one

August 17, 2016
2:24 pm
Forum Posts: 1853
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October 30, 2013
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It's a simple riddle to solve if you've Gathered....

There is ONE THING in this picture that can IMMEDIATELY let you know that this picture was not taken at GOTJ17!!!!

First person to say so wins 10 whole JuggaloCoins!!!

"Your lack of online social presence makes it difficult for me to predict your needs..." - 2064: Read Only Memories

August 17, 2016
2:56 pm
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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Cheshyr said
It's a simple riddle to solve if you've Gathered....

There is ONE THING in this picture that can IMMEDIATELY let you know that this picture was not taken at GOTJ17!!!!

First person to say so wins 10 whole JuggaloCoins!!!  

empty space? lol.

oh wait you probably mean that the roads are brown not black. that too. that too.

Whoop Whoop Noah Fence :


If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

August 17, 2016
3:43 pm
Pittsburgh pa
Forum Posts: 549
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January 6, 2013
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There was video. But I haven't been able to find the 1st part recently. I believe it was taken down. From what my peeps said, the dude was getting all the footage taken down from face book. Apparently he was able to get it down from you tube too. Unless Im just able to find the 1st part

From tadpoles to frogs to Jesus to legends.

August 18, 2016
3:58 pm
Forum Posts: 1853
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October 30, 2013
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Ding! Ding! Ding!

Noah Fence wince!

We have a wiener!


Given there are no other roads that have the turn shown in the picture, this must have been taken from above to primary path to Main Stage and as such shows that this picture cannot have been taken from this year's Gathering as Legend Valley had "paved" this road with crumbled tar "chunks" (like reclaimed street material) which turned the road's color to black, not the dusty clay color it had been.


@noah-fence You will receive your prize just as soon as I flip this cash into JuggaloCoins via your local CVS. I just need your bank account number and sort code...

"Your lack of online social presence makes it difficult for me to predict your needs..." - 2064: Read Only Memories

August 18, 2016
5:04 pm
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
Forum Posts: 3110
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July 28, 2016
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If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

January 18, 2017
1:12 am
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June 24, 2016
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Wolfpac had me interested when they backed icp on Howard stern last century. Other than that they are not worthy of our attention. They don't produce music very often and their record label has never signed anyone. I'm not sure what they expect 

January 18, 2017
8:50 am
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They should not let wolfpac take a year off and get the Bloodhoung Gang to play the Gathering, if there is a Gathering....

December 25, 2021
12:53 pm
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December 7, 2017
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🎶Somebody Snitched On Me🎶


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