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Predicting The 2018 KMK Reunion Lineup.
February 14, 2018
12:36 am
Forum Posts: 13
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December 18, 2016
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I doubt if there's many people on here anymore that closely follow the latest KMK buzz. But based off of statements from mainly the DLOC and KMK instagram pages details of a reunion are to be unveiled this 420. DLOC has been working on a new documentary as well as appearing in the studio with Richter and Saint Dog. Throwback pictures are being posted and the KMK brand is being hyped. Daddy X has returned after over a years absence to issue a little statement as well as reviving the UFM website. But the whole situation still seems a bit vague. Its tough to speculate who's actually still down for the krown here. Its like rocket science trying to figure which kings, as well as management and former label mates, might still be on good terms with each other or not... Chucky Chuck seems to be cool with everybody lol. But the other dudes, God I don't know. I'm pretty excited for whatever is to come and as a long time fan I can't help but keep wondering who the heck, who the HELL might this new lineup consist of? So I decided to open up a little discussion here. I started breaking it down with a list of each member to have ever been in The KMK and where I think they might stand through my observations but I said fuck it, too much work, lol... But Dloc, Richter, Saint and Daddy X seem to be the only ones in the picture. Richter may only be involved with Kingspade who knows. And Saint finally an official member after how many years??? I don't know. I really need to say its kinda strange how DLOC has made absolutely no acknowledgement of Daddy X whatsoever on instagram it would appear. Than Dirtball refuses to acknowledge any KMK related questions on his facebook live streams. I know he has a new solo album coming this spring and is launching his own label "Throttle House". But he's been wearing his KMK charm at recent shows and it even looked like Faygoluvers was giving him an interview. I really really look forward to seeing that.... Then Taxman and Bobby B are probably completely out of the equation long story short. Than who really knows about Lou lol. But I'm thinking maybe a lineup of... DLOC, Daddy X, Saint and Lou??? With Dirtball staying solo and Richter only apart of Kingspade? 


February 14, 2018
10:28 am
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I hope everybody comes back, except for Daddy X. I've heard some unconfirmed stories that he fucked a lot of things there was a reason he got stabbed in the neck. 

February 14, 2018
10:54 am
Curbstomp Productions
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I'm stoked for that D-Loc Documentary to come out.  But yeah Ive been seeing a lot of Saint and J Ric around D Loc here recently.  shit it should just be those 3, sucks about the Dirtball situation.  Dude came into KMK at the wrong time...However, I do luv that Long live the Kings album.

I was never really a fan of Daddy X, dude can bounce really....

J Ric is looking healthy again too, dude was serisouly falling into some heavy shit.  Ill always remember that fuckin web cam interview he did looking all of 74 pounds geeked to the gills.  Glad he turned it around tho...

February 16, 2018
12:59 am
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I think there are two possibilities for the KMK Reunion. Daddy X owns most of the publishing rights and possibly even the name KMK, which makes it likely that if KMK reformed, it would be everyone essentially X, DLoc, Dirtball, Richter, Lou, maybe Saint. The other possibility would be DLoc and Richter as Kingspade featuring Saint, keeping X out of it. With UFM returning somewhat, it is likely X is back and KMK would be on that label. Those are the two most likely for a reformed version. We can forget about Taxman or Bobby B.

Thinking about these two possibilities, you have to question what would make better music. While I dislike X as much as anyone, and he is in his 60s now, he did so much of the writing that he is almost required by default. Kingspade remains one of my favorite incarnations of the KMK galaxy but the second album PTB was no where as good as the first. And even the first KS was not as consistent as a KMK album. Its almost as though everyone involved has to contribute somewhat to make a KMK record.

If there is a reunion, it is safe to bet we will see the IGs and Twitters of all of them start mentioning it. I doubt it would be a 420 surprise though I could see a new song being a surprise followed by an announcement and a summer tour.

Whoop Whoop eli-whitney :

February 16, 2018
8:12 am
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When they turned their back on Pakelika that was the end of the kings for me.  


Pak 4 Prez. 

March 3, 2018
10:50 am
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September 7, 2017
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Yeah this situation is a bit crazy and chaotic. The Kingspade song just released makes it seem like Loc and Richter would be back. D-Loc and Saint Dogg have ONLY been hyping their collaboration which is going to be released on 420 which makes no sense being as we had that advertizement for KMK Kingdom Come #ReturnoftheKings at the end of the new Kingspade. It almost looks like Loc and Saint are just calling themselves KMK now??? Then to add to the whole thing Daddy X sends out that email that says, "When the smoke settles and the dust clears KMK will still be blowing smoke rings" Which by all means seems like he is in whatever KMK will be??? Or maybe he will just be producer or manager, co-writer or something since he is older now and I thought he had the rights to the name and logos and stuff. Adding more fuel to the fire Dirtball is still repping his KMK chain hardcore.

The biggest mystery to me is why Loc and Saint are releasing an album or ep or whatever on 420 the same day supposedly their will be some kind of KMK news or album. I assume either they are calling themselves KMK or the original KMK or something OR they will release an album that day which has a teaser for the newly reformed KMK and it will be Saint, Loc, X, Richter possibly Dirtball but that just seems like too many rappers to have all in one group. Maybe on that album they will have one song featuring KMK called Kingdom Come and it will have everyone and then an album will come out soon after. It is fucking confusing and it's pretty obvious that they want it to be confusing right? Like this isn't just a coincidence with the X email and no one including Dirtball, Loc, Richter or Saint giving us any clues as to whos in and whos not. I just don't see how this is good marketing strategy really. I mean it's kindof cool and gets people talking about whos in but it would get just as much talk if they told us.

Whoop Whoop Axl_Haze :

March 4, 2018
10:21 pm
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It is very confusing, it seems many fans are unclear on what is on the way from the KMK/KS crew. It looks like there is both new KMK and new KS on the way. Or at least that is what it seems. I have not seen anything from Saint or Dirtball about any KMK reunion or new music, I checked FB and Twitter, have you seen anything about it? There is the X letter and it is likely he will be involved in some capacity.

My understanding is there is going to be a KS album and the KMK album is going to include DLoc, Richter, X for sure, and its uncertain who on the roster will be involved. It would be surprising if the members we have not heard from would be back in KMK considering the expectation would be to put the news out there with only 6 weeks to go and to advertise the guaranteed summer tour. Its like there are pieces missing in all this.

It would be interesting if the new music mentions the behind the scenes trouble and public allegations that were happening over the past few years. Richter was talking about being homeless and no one in KMK answering his calls, covers up his spade tattoo and now he is back! They have some excellent material that they could work with instead of the same old stuff they put out, but any new music is going to be excellent.

I want to know who is making the beats for them, if no Bobby B, I hope its DLoc, but we may be about to see a whole new lineup!

Whoop Whoop eli-whitney :

March 5, 2018
8:44 pm
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At the end of the new Kingspade track which I put up there ^ there's a KMK logo and 4/20. D-Loc posted a sort of clarification video on instagram. It seems he just put the symbol there because he's saying #TheReturnoftheKings but all he is really talking about is him Richter and Saint. He says they are the real Kings that started it all and he clarified no one else. All he said is that whats coming on 4/20 is just a D-Loc and Saint Dogg album and I don't think he's talking to anyone but those 2 at the moment, he clarified over and over it was just D-Loc, Richter and Saint, Saint, Richter, Loc he just said combinations of those 3 names like 4 times lol I don't understand what's going on with who owns the name Kottonmouth Kings because Loc uses the instagram but facebook is definitely Brad X and it almost seems like they're will be 2 freaking KMK's. Unless X is just hoping Loc and the boys get back with him. I think D-Loc is talking KMK coming back metaphorically, meaning the members of KMK are doing stuff together but they're wont actually be an album released by the band Kottonmouth Kings as a whole like it used to be but rather the Kings are back because Richter and Saint and him are rapping together again.

Whoop Whoop Axl_Haze :

March 9, 2018
5:37 am
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November 22, 2016
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So that Kingdom Come release on 4/20 is the Saint Dog & D-Loc album. Kinda misleading to put a KMK logo, but whatever.

March 10, 2018
12:49 am
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September 7, 2017
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Agreed. I think it's possible that they're going for the slow build up to new Kottonmouth Kings album. Like real slow. Probably to try to re-legitimize the whole scene. If that is what they're going for it's a really good idea. If they do the D-Loc and Saint album for 4/20 that would show them sticking to the roots, bringing it back if you will, tons of people have been wanting Saint back forever and just putting out a basically independent release like that will have people loving it I bet. Then the new Kingspade everyone wants to see Richter and D-Loc work everything out. It would have been strange to just throw him back in to a new KMK album but with a Kingspade album to bridge no one will think twice if he's back in with KMK when X and Dirtball come back. I hope that's what they're doing and it kinda seems like it because of Daddy X's website comment (which came out right at the same time D-Loc & Saint and Kingspade were being announced), that after the smoke settles and whatever that probably means after both these albums from D-Loc and probably Dirtball will drop his own at some point I assume. Then the real KMK probably X, Loc, Richter and Dirtball maybe featuring Saint Dogg on some of the tracks like they have been for awhile or maybe he'll even be officially in but I doubt that. That's my prediction for the lineup when it happens awhile from now.

March 11, 2018
12:29 pm
영덕, South Korea

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Dirtball is coming to Lincoln in April! If I get a chance I'll try and ask him for his input. The show is only $10.

Whoop Whoop Pigg :

March 11, 2018
1:35 pm
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July 24, 2012
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Wow, that sounded remarkably bad
What happened to Saint, did he totally forget how to rap or what

March 11, 2018
6:27 pm
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August 11, 2015
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Zero said

Wow, that sounded remarkably bad
What happened to Saint, did he totally forget how to rap or what  

They really did make the "reunion" news as confusing as possible. It seems D-Loc is releasing 2 albums with 2 different guests.

The clip with Saint is complete garbage. He sounds awful, the flow is terrible. I am immediately skeptical of this now because if that was the best they could put out and Saint's first music in 3-4 years, it is such a let down.

Still waiting to learn what X's involvement will be along with anyone else from KMK. Maybe he is a producer on both new releases? The use of the KMK logo may suggest that or they are trying to get as much press as they can.

March 20, 2018
10:55 pm
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September 7, 2017
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D-Loc answered everything in the faygoluvers interview that you all probably heard if your interested.

So Kottonmouth Kings is D-Loc and Saint Dog right now. Full Kottonmouth Kings album Kingdom Come will be released 4/20.

All the kings are on good terms and are talking to each other. There is going to be a part 2 full length album with a third member who Loc says could be Richter, D-Ball or X. It would make the most logical sense for it to be JR. So technically Kottonmouth Kings is all of them but they all are not on all the KMK releases anymore. It seems that if any 2 of them would do an album together besides Kingspade because it already has a name, they could probably call it KMK.

I love the way that this is building tho. D-loc and Saint will be really cool. Then add Richter or whoever I'm sure it's him tho. Maybe they'll have more members on stuff in the future. It's kinda cool because it will give the albums their own feel and style.

Pre-order the new KMK album here:


There's bundles and shirts and hats and stuff! I hope they sell super well so it will show them that the kings should continue and also that they can make good money doing it. Plus it's Saint's time to shine he hasn't been in KMK in like 20 years while still holding it down and guesting on KMK tracks. Don't judge his rapping on the whole album from one verse, maybe he was just trying something different on that one song, I'm sure he's got flows you'll dig on the album.

Whoop Whoop Axl_Haze :

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