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VIOLENT J doubles down on his support for MICHAEL JACKSON !
April 2, 2019
7:02 pm
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Slumerican502 said
Kara that's mighty white of you to allow scruffy and shaman back. Your good looks and charm is only exceeded by your generosity and integrity.  

Image Enlarger

Whoop Whoop Karacalla :

King Lucem Ferre, juggalotus42000


April 3, 2019
3:29 am
영덕, South Korea

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Ahhh yeah I'm a day ahead so April Fool's was over for me.

April 3, 2019
7:03 am
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Pigg said

You're calling someone else a "faggot", but you're definitely more butthurt than anyone else on the forum.  

My anus is butt hurt free lad,as i've never had any organic or non organic objects inserted into it..thank you for your thoughts and concern though..To stay on topic Mj had super imposed kids heads in gay porn mags, and had books of nude boys (not considered CP) he molested dem keedz no doubt about it, check out this vid to see the ratio on how many gay people were molested an then turned around an molested other kids as a result, shit is like a gay zombie virus!


April 3, 2019
7:09 am

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Pigg said
Ahhh yeah I'm a day ahead so April Fool's was over for me.  

Holy Shit! You're in the future! Can you get me next week's lottery number? smile

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
April 3, 2019
10:21 am
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juggalotus42000 said

...shit is like a gay zombie virus!..


XFfEaDD.gifImage Enlarger

Whoop Whoop krunk :

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


April 3, 2019
1:26 pm
Moe Ray Al
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the s-word is in jail this is fact not fiction idiots open your eyes

I am his sworn enemy number 1 and he ain't here to protect his little snowflakes from the big bad smack

that's because he's giving gumjobs to big black cock's in prison

why he is there? I do not know but he is in jail and that's why the snowflakes who whooped anything he said do not show their face anymore bitchtitsshaman ran away without the s-word he does not feel safe the same for turdwell,fungus and pussycat

I mean I hated seeing that red number 1 in my messages it was always s-word saying shit like get real or get gone, your showing ass and you know it,enough with the childish games like he thought he was my mother or something what a creepy guy and I know he private messaged a lot of you guys telling you what you can do and what you cant do on these forums and from message number 1 I was like fuck that dude I am now gonna come at that dude twice as hard and I did.

look how many posts I have?? like over 200 when I used my Klatschen name I never had more than 3 and those posts were legit posts that had everything to do with the topic at hand but were still deleted.

the day he gets out of jail or when he is done icing his asshole my posts will drop to 0 he will erase it all like a muslim radical terroist that want's to erase everything that is not allah the s-word want's to erase all the gospel of smack

look at the shit I post I mean I post to the limit and beyond and if s-word is not in jail then he swore off all of you he gave up on ya'll said fuck you all and those watchtower magazines he collecs have converted him to a jehovas witness and he is married to 400 pound woman and does not celebrate halloween and will let all his children die if they get sick

or maybe he's just dead???

Whoop Whoop the_patriot_smack :



April 3, 2019
1:34 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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Karacalla said

On some real shit....

I kind of feel bad for Scruffy man, I shouldn't have ran him off the boards or popped up at DCG con and perpetuated an altercation with him. 

Scruffy really slowed down his posts after I commented about never seeing a pic of him next to a female.He just seemed to always be rolling with dudes, and only dudes.

He pretty much quit the forum for good after Psyral revealed he couldn't fix the ban hammer, that eliminated the little bit of power mods like Scruffy had.

Hence, the return of Smack.



Whoop Whoop Miklo Velka :

April 3, 2019
1:39 pm
Moe Ray Al
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(Return of the smack) come on
(Return of the smack) oh my God
(You knew that I'd be back) here I am
(Return of the smack) once again
(Return of the smack) pump up the world
(Return of the smack) watch my flow
(You knew that I'd be back) here I go

So I'm back up in the game
Running things to keep my swing
Letting all the Juggalos know
That I'm back to run the show
'Cause what you did, you know, was wrong
And all the nasty things you've done
So, listen carefully
While I sing my come-back song

Whoop Whoop the_patriot_smack :

Miklo Velka


April 3, 2019
9:49 pm
영덕, South Korea

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He posts on Facebook like... Every other day. You just don't know how to find his Facebook.

I also met him in person a couple months ago.

He probably just got tired of the bullshit on the forum. He wouldn't be the first and he won't be the last.

Whoop Whoop Pigg :

April 4, 2019
12:47 am
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So basically Milko Velka and Smack (Trump) laid the foundation, Then I came through and finished it. On AND Offline.



Shout out to all the real FLH Soopa Villanz.



@Pigg, yea he posts on FB, but he dosen't post on here anymore now does he.


April 4, 2019
2:49 am
jiggles the clown
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Pigg said
He posts on Facebook like... Every other day. You just don't know how to find his Facebook.

I also met him in person a couple months ago.

He probably just got tired of the bullshit on the forum. He wouldn't be the first and he won't be the last.  

funny, since from my POV it was him and his "boys" who were starting most of the bullshit i saw.

Whoop Whoop jiggles the clown :

86, Karacalla

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

April 4, 2019
5:22 am
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Donald_Trump said
the s-word is in jail this is fact not fiction idiots open your eyes

I am his sworn enemy number 1 and he ain't here to protect his little snowflakes from the big bad smack

that's because he's giving gumjobs to big black cock's in prison

why he is there? I do not know but he is in jail and that's why the snowflakes who whooped anything he said do not show their face anymore bitchtitsshaman ran away without the s-word he does not feel safe the same for turdwell,fungus and pussycat

I mean I hated seeing that red number 1 in my messages it was always s-word saying shit like get real or get gone, your showing ass and you know it,enough with the childish games like he thought he was my mother or something what a creepy guy and I know he private messaged a lot of you guys telling you what you can do and what you cant do on these forums and from message number 1 I was like fuck that dude I am now gonna come at that dude twice as hard and I did.

look how many posts I have?? like over 200 when I used my Klatschen name I never had more than 3 and those posts were legit posts that had everything to do with the topic at hand but were still deleted.

the day he gets out of jail or when he is done icing his asshole my posts will drop to 0 he will erase it all like a muslim radical terroist that want's to erase everything that is not allah the s-word want's to erase all the gospel of smack

look at the shit I post I mean I post to the limit and beyond and if s-word is not in jail then he swore off all of you he gave up on ya'll said fuck you all and those watchtower magazines he collecs have converted him to a jehovas witness and he is married to 400 pound woman and does not celebrate halloween and will let all his children die if they get sick

or maybe he's just dead???  


Donald_Trump said
the s-word is in jail this is fact not fiction idiots open your eyes

I am his sworn enemy number 1 and he ain't here to protect his little snowflakes from the big bad smack

that's because he's giving gumjobs to big black cock's in prison

why he is there? I do not know but he is in jail and that's why the snowflakes who whooped anything he said do not show their face anymore bitchtitsshaman ran away without the s-word he does not feel safe the same for turdwell,fungus and pussycat

I mean I hated seeing that red number 1 in my messages it was always s-word saying shit like get real or get gone, your showing ass and you know it,enough with the childish games like he thought he was my mother or something what a creepy guy and I know he private messaged a lot of you guys telling you what you can do and what you cant do on these forums and from message number 1 I was like fuck that dude I am now gonna come at that dude twice as hard and I did.

look how many posts I have?? like over 200 when I used my Klatschen name I never had more than 3 and those posts were legit posts that had everything to do with the topic at hand but were still deleted.

the day he gets out of jail or when he is done icing his asshole my posts will drop to 0 he will erase it all like a muslim radical terroist that want's to erase everything that is not allah the s-word want's to erase all the gospel of smack

look at the shit I post I mean I post to the limit and beyond and if s-word is not in jail then he swore off all of you he gave up on ya'll said fuck you all and those watchtower magazines he collecs have converted him to a jehovas witness and he is married to 400 pound woman and does not celebrate halloween and will let all his children die if they get sick

or maybe he's just dead???  

Even though i know this will never happen a vote needs to be held to make this forum great again, have a vote for trump and kara, winner takes scruffys spot sense the title has been abandoned and this forum needs new, fresh blood to shake shit up, make it happen!Then scruffy can come back in 6 months to try to regain his title as forum mod, the banter would be of epic proportion,titts will be twisted an words will be said but god damnit it would be entertaining!

Whoop Whoop juggalotus42000 :

April 4, 2019
5:25 am
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krunkazphuk said

juggalotus42000 said

...shit is like a gay zombie virus!..


XFfEaDD.gifImage Enlarger


your whoops were at 1717 but i didnt realize this till i whooped you , couldnt help it  i see a thriller gif i whoop

April 4, 2019
7:00 am
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Its sad some of you get a rise out of running juggalos off of a juggalo site.

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

April 4, 2019
7:38 am
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It's weak not to respect Juggalos' decisions on how we spend our time. Stay, go... that's on u. And MichaelJackson, MichaelJackson, MichaelJackson...

Michael.jpgImage Enlarger

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


April 4, 2019
9:07 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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jiggles the clown said

funny, since from my POV it was him and his "boys" who were starting most of the bullshit i saw.  

I was gonna disagree but then I thought of all the times OMD had went on these tirades on Krunk and thought that maybe there's a good reason for that perspective.


My perspective is that shit gets started on the internet when people can hide behind anonymity especially with juggalos since the culture revels in immaturity, insecurity and mental illness. It's not really just one small group since it's come from all sides. Other than Smack. Smack literally comes here just to start shit.

April 4, 2019
11:06 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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King Lucem Ferre said

I was gonna disagree but then I thought of all the times OMD had went on these tirades on Krunk and thought that maybe there's a good reason for that perspective.


My perspective is that shit gets started on the internet when people can hide behind anonymity especially with juggalos since the culture revels in immaturity, insecurity and mental illness. It's not really just one small group since it's come from all sides. Other than Smack. Smack literally comes here just to start shit.  

Like I said, no one did anything to Scruffy at the Con. I said I'd never speak of it again but this is a simple reminder that nothing occurred confrontational-wise with him. There were fights and shit but completely unrelated to him or anyone else on Faygoluvers. It was unfortunate. I had a good time even though it was cancelled after the first night. There is nothing else.

And I have every right to go on those tirades dude. Keep my name out of your mouth- er, well... off your typing fingertips lol

April 4, 2019
11:15 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Old Mr Dangerous said

Like I said, no one did anything to Scruffy at the Con. I said I'd never speak of it again but this is a simple reminder that nothing occurred confrontational-wise with him. There were fights and shit but completely unrelated to him or anyone else on Faygoluvers. It was unfortunate. I had a good time even though it was cancelled after the first night. There is nothing else.

And I have every right to go on those tirades dude. Keep my name out of your mouth- er, well... off your typing fingertips lol  

I'm not sure what prompted the Scruffy response to me, OMD. I didn't say anything at all about what you're talking about, OMD.


You have every right to do a lot of things, OMD. You can spend your whole time harassing chucklez for no reason, it's with in your rights just as starting shit is, OMD. Either way, OMD, regardless of the justifications of your tirades we're talking about perspectives and I'm saying I can understand his in retrospect even though I disagree. OMD.

April 4, 2019
1:23 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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City of justice, city of love.... Salt Lake Citayyy

April 4, 2019
1:27 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Take me to Salt Lake City or the girls are Mormon and the beer is shitty!

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