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My personal experiences, so I suppose, experience thread?
March 27, 2013
5:21 am
Forum Posts: 37
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I see a lot of fighting going on due to the recent news about Twiztid, Blaze, and all that jazz so I'm just going to share my story since I'm new and it's 5:55 in the am and I ain't got no motherfuckin' sleep yet.


I have not been a fan for long, I will admit that. I shunned ICP during my youth due to rumours surounding the subculture that is attached to being a juggalo/juggalette. I was only vaguely aware that ICP and juggalo were synonymous honestly, and when I met my ex and learned he was a fan I felt regretful for agreeing to date him. Shallow and pathetic, I know. However, I did let him play the music for me, and while it took me awhile to warm up to it, it grew on me and just god damn now I get pumped about it.


That Novemeber, ICP came to Clifton Park NY at Northern Lights and I bought tickets for the show for my ex (obviously dating at the time), and a few others because like I said, I was fuckin' pumped. This was my first ICP related /anything/ and I was excited. While the night started off rocky, I painted my face in the car with my boyfriend and his friend (and would later get many asking to take photos which was so nice). 

In line to get into the venue, I finally understood what everyone meant by "Family." We stood in line with a few strangers and if I hadn't known any better, I would've thought we had known them before that night. As we pushed into the standing room and the shows started up, I got seperated from my entire group, my boyfriend's words ringing in my ears, "If you get to the front, you fucking hold onto that bar." And so I did, and from start to finish of that concert, I was dead center.

Before the show, people were already starting to mosh and i was having trouble keeping my spot. The person behind me, a tall guy who's face I never saw kept helping me to stay up, asking me if I was all right, and generally kept me safe throughout the concert (My boyfriend was stuck at the very back throughout the concert more or less). He even helped me escape a man who kept trying to shove his damn hands down my pants (Which I realized later when my ID was missing that he was trying to pickpocket me..Either that or my ID just fell out.)

I do not know who opened for them that night and I wish I did, even today I am not familiar with their roster unfortunately and only vaguely know who Twiztid and ABK are. 

One of them did some comedy between their songs, and when some asshole kept crowd surfing and kicking me and a group of girls around me in the head, he actually commented on it "Why the hell do you keep doing that and kicking these girls in the head?" He didn't crowd surf again after that. Thank god, cause I was getting a headache already! After that, and ICP came out, and oh my gosh. I had never enjoyed a concert as much! I was drenched with diet rootbeer (an empty bottle of which I still have because I'm a freak like that).

Shaggy 2 Dope kicked a bottle right into my face and I had an egg on my head for two weeks from it. Imagine that, a 5'1 little 18 year old girl getting a 2 liter kicked into her face. That was my trophy for awhile, and I still (obviously) love telling that story.

When the concert wound down, I got to get on the stage, and I was just so pumped. I wish I had fistbumped J and Shaggy but I'm painfully shy, even getting on the stage was a lot for me, and only one other girl had done so. 


Best night of my god damned life though.

Hilarious sidenote: My Ex had long hair and someone apparently humped the SHIT out of him thinking he was a girl. He also sadly lost his hoodie, and I gained two hats.


I keep trying to watch their tourdates for when they come to New York again so I can relive that, because it was absolutely amazing, and i think that concert solidified me as a fan, even now after I've been broken up with that boy since October.


So I am fairly certain that Bang Pow Boom had just come out there-abouts when I went to that concert. I had only listened to their previous albums until then, and when I did listen to BPB I was pretty disappointed with it. I'm sure it's been talked about to death but just..Miracles, rather the infamy of it, made it fairly difficult for me to admit liking ICP for awhile because it set such a low image of ICP and juggalos. I understand the point of the song and it's kinda funny but just…Sigh to that. The album as a whole feels unpolished, and while there's some good songs, it was a crummy start to a second hand of cards.

However, I only recently remembered that The Mighty Death Pop was out and that I had yet to listen to it (I am an idiot at times). So I checked the songs out on youtube and…Holy fucking shit. I'm honestly hoping that, with this hand, if BPB is where it starts, and MDP is the second, that the third and there on only get better and better. 

I honest to god like every song on the main album. That never happens to me with ANY band. I made my friend listen to Juggalo Juice because god DAMN is that shit catchy (Fucking fitting for Faygo man) and she bought it on Itunes the next day, and she's getting into some of the other songs from the album too. I risked listening to the music at work last night because I couldn't get them out of my head (I work at the YMCA, not exactly the best place to listen to "Motherfucks, fucks, shit, ass, pussy, fuck bitches, murder" etc. lyrics haha. I actually had my boss rocking out to one of the songs as I was leaving. 

Also fucking Hold Still. Jesus christ.

When I'm clownin' is probably my favourite but it keeps changing. Chris Benoit I didn't like at first but it grew on me because of the feeling in it. Just…FUCK man. 


So excited I lose my articulation. And man, my birthday is Friday so I was going to treat myself to a unicycle, but I think I might get these albums first and support these motherfuckers legitsky.

March 27, 2013
7:02 am

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did you go to the twiztid concert on the march 15 in Clifton park ?

if you buying the mighty death pop cd's from a store go to hot topic they always have shit buy one get one free so you can save some cash .

March 27, 2013
1:36 pm
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No I didn't, I didn't hear about it until it was too late. Yeah I'm gonna look for a deal on it so i can get all three haha

March 27, 2013
3:50 pm

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hot topic best place for deals on mdp


and icp coming to clifton park may 9  2013 upstate concert hall its a thursday

March 27, 2013
11:36 pm
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Oh SICK, I'm gonna have to request that day off and see if I can find someone to go with! Fuck it, I'll go alone, I don't give a fuck. Thanks man, I checked their tour dates but it didn't say nothin' when I looked. Are tickets selling yet? 


Edit: Oh I see they like JUST posted tour dates. Fuck yes. 

March 28, 2013
5:53 am

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Tickets are not on sale yet but I'll try and let you know when they do as I'll be hitting up the Clifton park show

March 28, 2013
11:41 am

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Thursday, May 9th

Posted by on March 28, 2013

7 pm Door * 8 pm Show
With Special Guests:
Tickets are $25 Adv/$30 Day of Show
On sale Friday, April 5th at 10 am at all Ticketmaster Locations
The Club Box Office and The Northern Lights Smoke Shop on Fuller R

March 28, 2013
10:59 pm
Forum Posts: 37
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Fuck yes, thank you PRJ! If ya see a short chick with pink hair there hit me up Bo) 

March 28, 2013
11:09 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Is it just me, or is anybody else pissed off at the fact that people will protest to redefine the marriage laws so gays can marry each other but they won't protest against insane clown posse fans being considered a ruthless gang?

March 28, 2013
11:22 pm
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I think that the "bad seed" juggalos are to blame while the marriage laws are incringing on basic human rights. The two are completely unrelated and as someone who highly advocates that gay marriage be legal country-wide, I am sort of...mildly insulted that you would insinuate that Juggalos being on the FBI's gang list is, if not more important, then equally important as legalizing gay marriage.


I do think that there should be more protest with Juggalos to get the name removed from the list, perhaps petitions, making videos showing the "gang" activity you participate in daily (which for most of us I would assume involves waking up, going to work, coming home, and hanging out with friends and enjoying the music, if that), but it's difficult when I think in this case, only other juggalos will be on our side, while in the case of gay marriage you have gays, straights, and bis all on the positive side fighting for it.

March 28, 2013
11:43 pm
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Why should we have to waste our time and protest, petition, and make videos for it? I am in no way a gang member nor will I ever be so why should I have to fight for my musical preferences and lifestyle if it obviously isn't bad for society.  And honestly it is equally as important...we are all human beings and no matter what our race, gender, sexual preference, or whatever the fuck u wanna talk about to label someone is, we should be allowed to live the way we want to...I'm all for gay marriage, whatever someone wants to do is none of my business unless it affects me and my family negatively. We should just all change our profile pictures on facebook to equal signs and shit will be straight.....

March 28, 2013
11:55 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I just think marriage is a joke, two reasons to even want a legal marriage, the financial benefits that a married couple has and that it's easier to adopt a child while married. Everything else is just symbolism which you don't need to have legally done. It's not even really a human rights thing, they have the same rights as a straight people, they can marry somebody of opposite sex (which is what the legal definition is) which might sound insulting, but it's the truth. Other than gays not being able to marry the person they love they don't have other rights taken away from them, in fact legally speaking they don't have any rights actually taken away from them.


Juggalos having careers ruined, reputations tarnished and being thrown in jail just for supporting the music they like is really much more against human rights. You can work hard your whole life to build something up and watch it all crumble just because you listen to a certain type of music or because you dress/look a certain way. It's all pretty fucked especially when you consider why we were put on the list. It was a very low amount of "bad seed" juggalos coincidentally from my area with completely unrelated crimes that got us on the list. Hell, let's not just protest for juggalos, why don't we protest against the FBI themselves the way they have been handling shit lately, selling guns to Mexican cartels, replacing Bin Laden's most wanted spot with some random foreign dude who was caught with child porn on his hard drive.

March 29, 2013
12:10 am
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what financial benefits do you speak get way more financial help from the government not being married than being married....shit's ass backwards

March 29, 2013
12:15 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I don't know the specifics, but I do know there are tons of financial percs to being married.

March 29, 2013
12:27 am
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Investigate your statement a bit a let me know what you come up with....I know I'm way more well off not being married than being married....

March 29, 2013
12:46 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I'm lazy and don't care for marriage in general.

March 29, 2013
1:04 am
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A lot of people tend to forgo marriage these days because it can actually be more expensive.  


The problem is, it does not matter how many bad seeds there are, there's enough that they made Juggalos infamous for some pretty fucked up behavior. In my school, for instance, Juggalettes were all slutty girls. For example, one of my friends walked in on a girl sucking two dudes off at a party and her excuse was she wanted to be a juggalo. I wasn't into ICP at the time but shit like that, while not on par with this discussion, was enough to keep me away from some pretty damn good music until I was 18 and someone pretty much forced me to listen to it. 


It only takes one seed to spoil everything for everyone else unfortunately. If you feel you are at risk of losing your home, job, getting thrown in jail, whatever the fuck they would do for being a Juggalo, then fight against the FBI actively. I still do not think it is on par with gay marriage and honestly it has been a long ass struggle for gay rights. 

March 29, 2013
1:25 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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LinaB said:

A lot of people tend to forgo marriage these days because it can actually be more expensive.  


The problem is, it does not matter how many bad seeds there are, there's enough that they made Juggalos infamous for some pretty fucked up behavior. In my school, for instance, Juggalettes were all slutty girls. For example, one of my friends walked in on a girl sucking two dudes off at a party and her excuse was she wanted to be a juggalo. I wasn't into ICP at the time but shit like that, while not on par with this discussion, was enough to keep me away from some pretty damn good music until I was 18 and someone pretty much forced me to listen to it. 


It only takes one seed to spoil everything for everyone else unfortunately. If you feel you are at risk of losing your home, job, getting thrown in jail, whatever the fuck they would do for being a Juggalo, then fight against the FBI actively. I still do not think it is on par with gay marriage and honestly it has been a long ass struggle for gay rights. 

What you don't realize is that they aren't losing rights, I mean it's not plural, it's one right that affects almost nothing in their lives. Technically they have every single right that straight people have. Gay people can get married, it's just the definition of the law that prevents them from marrying each other.

Juggalos are getting rights, as in the plural form of right, taken away from them. Most importantly it's a huge intrusion on the first amendment.

Inductive reasoning like that is extremely fallacious, which is why the FBI shouldn't be doing it in the first place. Every juggalette you knew was a slut, bet you never tried to look at the bigger picture. Every black person I know has a criminal record but I'm not going to assume every black man is a criminal. A hand full of drug deals, in a state where the police, who sadly did more research than the FBI, even admit that only few juggalos are violent criminals, puts us all at risk of being discriminated against because of our "gang affiliation". It honestly does not pertain to me since I have no tattoos and I rarely wear Psychopathic merch. It's just bull shit that so much shit people work for can be taken away from them simply because them liking a certain type of music puts them on a gang list. Gays don't lose that much from not being able to have same sex marriage. Hell, I'm straight and I can't marry a dude even if I wanted to, we technically have the same rights.

March 29, 2013
1:31 am
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March 29, 2013
1:34 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Hell let me measure up the rights



1 they can't marry the person they love



1They can't put their hair up in certain styles

2 They can't have certain tattoos that show any affiliation to ICP or Psychopathic Records

3 They can't have hatchet gear

4 They can't use certain slang words such as "whoop whoop" "ninja" etc.

5 They can't paint their faces like ICP or anything that they assume is "juggalo"

6 They can't have stickers, decals, etc.  on their cars that represents ICP or Psychopathic Records


And that's all just off the top of my head, there might be much more too. That's 6x more rights being taken away from juggalos than gay people.

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