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My Kaos and Kronik Tour Review
May 1, 2012
6:25 am
Forum Posts: 3521
Member Since:
April 4, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Saw the Twiztid/KMK show Sat. night in Worcester, MA and I will say I was disappointed with the show. My girl an I getting into a huge fight and my friend's drunk ass catching a DWI after the show didn't help much either.

I missed Big B. (which I can care less about) so I really can't say how his set was. I watched Blaze from the bar and he put it down. I will say he was my favorite performance of the night. 

KMK killed it on stage, but I got bored with their set after a while and went back to the bar. (Seems to be a trend here)

Twiztid was the worst I remember seeing them. Their backdrop was some red xmas lights and they just seemed tired. Not much energy at all. They mainly played tracks from WICKED which was cool for a while, but got old. 

The merch booth sucked. For $30 at least sell some decent shirts. They all looked like ones I would see at Hot Topic in a mall. To top it off the guy was sold out of almost everything. It got to the point where I just asked him, "So what aren't you sold out of?" I was pissed I couldn't get the Blaze tour CD. No I don't want the fucking Twiztid one with the same artwork as CC4 and the same songs I already have on more than one CD as it is.

All in all not a good night. I should have saved the $300-400 it cost me for the whole weekend and stayed home. T
he only highlights for me were Blazes performance and being able to cop a House of Krazees CD I didn't have.

End rant.
May 1, 2012
6:28 am
Forum Posts: 3521
Member Since:
April 4, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Why the hell did my post come out like that? What's with the track bars?yell

May 1, 2012
2:42 pm
Forum Posts: 670
Member Since:
April 2, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

1st bad review i seen everyone else said it was a fresh show 

May 1, 2012
3:28 pm
Scottie D
Dallas, TX
Forum Posts: 845
Member Since:
July 15, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I think it's because you copied and pasted from a notepad homie.  That's the only thing i can think of.  Maybe try copying/pasting from Word or something?  That or highlight everything you copy and paste and modify it with the options above.  There are also "Paste from Word" and "Paste from Text" options.  Either way, give it a shot.  

May 2, 2012
5:02 pm
Ypsi Foolish
Ypsi Foolish
Forum Posts: 725
Member Since:
April 15, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

hey Scottie D, why is it whenever i quote someone to reply to their message, it italicizes whatever i type along with the statement that im quoting?

May 2, 2012
6:01 pm
Forum Posts: 670
Member Since:
April 2, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I love going to every tour there hasn't been on tour  that i did not enjoy i haven't gotten to point yet were i get brunt out of them

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