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Have faith in Psychopathic, they haven't let us down yet
January 1, 2013
12:23 am
Forum Posts: 4891
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November 30, 2012
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Hey fam, been reading so much on here and also elsewhere, as I'm sure you all have, about Twiztid leaving and the future of Psychopathic records. I honestly don't like Twiztid leaving either, but I'll always bump them and rep them as long as I'm alive, same as the rest of you. It just really surprises me that it seems so many have lost faith, that Twiztid leaving is the end of the label. They survived before Twiztid and will survive after, I'm just grateful it seems like they're all still friends, aren't you? Twiztid is vocal as is ICP, if they had beef they wouldn't be silent about it, I don't think so anyway. I just hate to see this much doubt amongst us, have J and Shags ever let us down, ever? Have Madrox and Monoxide ever let us down, ever? They survived with only Project Born as a label mate, we, as a family, make sure that Psychopathic will never die. Until we fail them, they will not fail us. No other band takes care of their fans like ICP. Please fam, just chill the fuck out. Everything will be fine, Twiztid is fam and they love us, I know that for a fact. We don't even know what the fuck is going on exactly, but I know Twiztid didn't leave us. Ever think this could be another Psychopathic label for us all to love? I personally will always support Twiztid, as I know you all will too. So why don't we all just chill the fuck out?

January 1, 2013
5:35 pm
Forum Posts: 171
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I know what your tryin to do n i respect it. But to be honest psychopathic has let us down numerous times in the past. Mainly with promising shit and never coming through with the goods. Psychopathic will not go anywhere because ICP is way too rich to go anywhere, They will sit down at a table have some serious discussions and decide what their gonna push hard next now that twiztid is gone.As for twiztid i think their being bitches right now. ICP and juggalos made you, the least you can do is explain shit. By avoiding the situation you are jus fueling the fire and basically being too pussy to say WHAT YOU REALLY WANNA SAY. Il awalys support Twiztid and their music  but right now theres alotta questions being asked and very few answers provided.

January 1, 2013
6:47 pm
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September 16, 2012
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youre an idiot,you hate on esham like a mufucka in one thread then dickride psy and lie to yourself on the next

January 1, 2013
6:54 pm
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November 30, 2012
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Fuck off stretch nuts, you always pop up in my threads just to tell me to fuck off. I get it. Now get lost, get off my nuts. Or don't, up to you. You constantly say "Now I will ignore you", just to pop up again the next day. Seems kinda sad to me. We both know the only reason you hate me is because Imade you and your team look stupid in the NFL thread. To be blunt, I fucking killed you on that thread. Now, I will ignore you.Unlike you, I won't look you up tomorrow just to tell you again. Now please be a good little bitch, pipe down and fuck off so Ican get back to the much more interesting person above you. Good day sir.

January 1, 2013
6:59 pm
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Homisyde, I agree with you man. I don't know what's taking so long for anyone, from either camp, to really tell us anything. I respect them waiting for whatever reason but as a fan I am curious and would like to know what the fuck is up too. I'm sure it will all come out soon enough, maybe they'll tell us at their Gathering seminar this year, that can be the big news. Assuming all is well I'm assuming they would still have a seminar, but I know what you mean man, who knows.

January 1, 2013
9:09 pm
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Im 100% convinced Twiztid will not be given a SEMiNAR unless they pay Psychopathic to have 1, They will surely come and perform though for which they will get paid. Sure as fuck gona be interesting to see how this shit plays out.

January 8, 2013
1:21 am
Yay Yay

I've been let down by Psychopathic too many times to count. J makes too many spur of the moment random decisions. So either things he announces never materialize or we end up getting artists like Cold 187um. Not to mention ICP's music lately has been the worst it's ever been with J not being able to flow anymore and he has no more creativity. So if V-Ice, Myzery, Zug, Cold, ABK, and Clay are what's outside ICP's insulting music, I don't have any faith left in the label sorry. They couldn't keep a headlining act like Twiztid happy who juggalos already loved. Am I supposed to believe things will get better now when they're re-signing artists juggalos didn't care about the first time around? If J/Psychopathic truly cared about juggalos, why is ICP's music so insulting and bad now? Why are they signing past artists who juggalos didn't care about the first time around? Why can't they keep artists juggalos actually do care about? In a way I respect your loyalty but on the other hand it's that kind of attitude that keeps things shitty at Psychopathic. And it's been going on far too long. Too much of the fam just blindly supporting everything the label (J) does no matter how bad it is. With Twiztid leaving I'd hope it wakes some people up that not everything is peaches and roses in Psychopathic land. IMO it's that militant "either support everything they do or you're not real fam" attitude that's ruined the whole scene to begin with (not that you said that but I've heard it). Without criticism, things get worse. Not better.

The difference between them surviving before Twiztid is pretty obvious bro. They were releasing fuckin Riddle Box and Milenko lol. They were so good back then they weren't going anywhere. Nowa days their music doesn't have the same effect because it isn't as good. People have been buying in to the "family" lifestyle instead. But a person has to wonder how long that'll last with everyone leaving the label. It's just gimmicks anymore.

Twiztid keeps making quality though and now they'll be able to do things they want. So it'll be interesting to see what they can cook up.

January 8, 2013
1:40 am
Yay Yay

And I agree homisyde if Twiztid gives some cookie cutter bullshit explanation, I won't have much faith in them either. I expect Psychopathic to always say it's all family love and everything is great and blah blah when someone leaves because they want to look innocent every time. But are we so stupid to believe after 15 years on the label they helped build, Twiztid left on the best possible terms through the ICP hotline and them announcing it on Facebook? Without any follow ups for a month now from either camp? Word? As fucked as Majik was, they were at least promoted prior to when Twiztid was about to leave. That's at the very least good terms. This is like 30 levels below good terms lol. The silence says it all and their last couple albums had no promotion. Best possible terms would have been them announcing it months in advance and letting juggalos know what was going to be happening and giving them the departure they deserved. Pushing Abominationz hard as the last Twiztid on Psychopathic album. Not this shit. I truly hope Twiztid doesn't go the route of taking us for fools. Sometimes you hear ex employees not even being able to talk bad about their previous employers for an entire year and what not. So who knows what we'll get. Twiztid promised a full explanation though and if they don't deliver, they're already shooting themselves in the foot. If they wait too long they'll be shooting themselves in the foot too. Hope we get the truth soon.

January 8, 2013
2:53 am
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I don't believe Twiztid was on good terms with Psychopathic at all back in the Majik Records period. Remember Tom Dub? He was the middle man between Twiztid and Psychopathic and intentionally started shit between both camps until he got fired. Wonder how he feels going through life with that stale ass tattoo covering his whole neck and half his face? I honestly don't think shit is all that bad between Twiztid and Psychopathic, if there were problems why wouldn't they just so so? Either side isn't exactly known for silence. Until I hear a diss track or interview or anything to the contrary I can't believe the worst.

January 8, 2013
1:24 pm
Yay Yay

There was definitely drama back then too but Psychopathic at least let Twiztid promote Majik and give them time to let people know they were leaving while J was giving his support publicly. That's better than what it is now which is them leaving suddenly and silence since from everyone involved. Then just remember how little their last couple albums have been promoted by the label. I don't think they left on good terms at all. Maybe business wise in that it was probably a bit more situated now then it was back then. But Twiztid hasn't been giving the impression at all that they've been happy on the label the last few years and Psychopathic hasn't been showing their appreciation either. I remember when they were flying out to do that Over/Under TV show. ICP was supposed to be on it too because J was blowing up twitter. Then it was silent after that about the whole thing until Twiztid talked about it in the newsletter about how the producers just wanted them. I think both sides have built up a bitterness and jealousy of each other over the years.

I side with Twiztid more through all this though. I know just as much as anyone else but ICP/Psychopathic have been going to shit for a long time and Twiztid leaving is the climax of it all. J could only make so many bad decisions for so long before it fell apart and Twiztid is too talented to sit back and not make any moves of their own.

January 8, 2013
1:35 pm
Forum Posts: 4891
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November 30, 2012
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You could be right about that, I really hope not but you could be, sure. The only reason I can think for ICP to hate on Twiztid, let's face it, Twiztid makes better music. Abominationz was worlds better than Mighty Death Pop, maybe ICP hates being shown up on their own label. Maybe Twiztid is jealous over money and label control. There's a lot of maybe's, I just can't believe the worst until I hear it from them, that's all.

January 8, 2013
1:54 pm
Yay Yay

Word I got ya. That's how I've been seeing it for awhile too. ICP is sick of hearing how much more talented Twiztid is and being shown up while Twiztid was sick of hearing how much bigger ICP is and how they're 2nd. Regardless them leaving is the best thing for both sides and I hope both sides come out even more motivated to make better product for fans. The days of record labels mattering and the drama of them are coming to an end with everyone being put on equal ground with the digital landscape anyway. And at the end of the day all I care about is good music. This other stuff is just distractions lol.

January 8, 2013
2:08 pm

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August 12, 2012
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Hey to make it in this game is like winning the jackpot
These days you don’t need a label, just a laptop


Super Ill Villain  lyric by ---MadChild

January 8, 2013
2:28 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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December 3, 2012
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Yay Yay said:. The days of record labels mattering and the drama of them are coming to an end with everyone being put on equal ground with the digital landscape anyway. And at the end of the day all I care about is good music. This other stuff is just distractions lol.



Couldn't have said it better. All these twiztid leaving threads we have can be condensed into this one short paragraph

January 8, 2013
11:37 pm
mike c the troublema

ICP survived as the only act in the 90s cuz they were workin on the joker's cards and that created a huge fanbase. then when twiztid came the label got stronger and the acts like twiztid, blaze, abk kept momentum while icp's music was taking a decline after hells pit dropped.


i dont think icps new music is strong enough 2 keep juggalos comin 4 new shit. their back catalog is very strong but twiztid was carrying on the new music while icp just put out cds people wanted 2 collect. every album after hells pit most buyers listened 2 the albums and never got into them like the old shit.


the label is gonna probably get smaller without twiztids revenue. the label was very different before the internet and twiztid. they had a cool successful music thing going. but for icp to be the only act 2 carry the label that is gonna require icp to really deliver music cuz they will be the only main act on the label.


if u understand wat im sayin you know we might see a decline in album and ticket sales and probably smaller gatherings. alot of new juggalos are spoiled and our used to how big the label is but it got this way with a lot of twiztid help.


after the 6th dropped and esham came around violent j got his flow back on lotus "black rain" and the first abk album. even psychopathics from outerspace 2 he was killing it. hopefully that J can come back with good music

January 8, 2013
11:49 pm

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May 22, 2012
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juggalo interpreter will now translate the preceding couple hundred posts [including all related threads]:

'icp/twiztid/etc didnt do exactly what i wanted them to do, but they should have.'

–end of line–

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 9, 2013
12:18 am
Louisville, Kentucky
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December 3, 2012
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No actually not all of us said that. Some of us said fuck all the bullshit let's hear some music

January 9, 2013
12:42 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Could anybody imagine a Twiztid/ICP beef? I'm kind of curious on what they'd say about each other.

January 9, 2013
1:28 am

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Slumerican502 said:

No actually not all of us said that. Some of us said fuck all the bullshit let's hear some music


well, you know what i mean. 

i havent had much input in all this blather, because i believe it is much ado about nothing. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 9, 2013
4:05 am
Forum Posts: 62
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May 25, 2012
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theres a couple things i wanna say first punkrockjuggalo great post llal,now to the serious part,i will always support psychopathic,an twiztid,its not that bad,looka at it from twiztids side they prolly left because these are grown ass men do u think they wanna be in icp shadow all there career??imainge mono an jamie explaining to someone what they do,twiztid:ya we rap...ya know..random guy:???? what kind of rap...twiztid:ya know icp?????/they wanna do there own thing an make there mark excatly like psychopathic did! at NYE5 they said 2013 the year for the fam,thats us,an im sure twiztid has psychopathic blessing, on abominationz monoxide says in a song i cant remember the track but anyways he says i got the blood of violent j an 2 dope in my veins,i dont think he would of said that if it was beef?an all this bitchin about aww icp"s stale there not like the old days fuck that ya theres tracks i dont like but there is always good material on each cd!an if u dont agree,your opinion matters to you,an if u keep the bitchin up,go to the party store scratch some paint on your face get a 2 liter of some cheap pop an you make music for the juggalos an lets see if you can make everyone of your fans happy much love to the real ninjas reppin for life HATCHETS UP!laugh

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