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DCG CON 2017
February 5, 2017
1:46 pm
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JC said
Wait, are you being sarcastic? Tons of people seem interested?  I thought the hotel would be sold out by now lol  

The circle of juggalos that I have on my various social medias have shown like zero interest in this, sadly. Or they're going to other things, can't afford to go to the con, etc.

But one of my friends said she wasn't really hip to it until they talked about it on the last Juggalo Show. She's going now. So that's something.

February 5, 2017
1:58 pm
Forum Posts: 14
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I want to hit this up so badly. I don't have the mones to go full on cross country. I'm more excited about missing this than the gathering.

Whoop Whoop Porkchop :

February 6, 2017
10:30 am
south florida
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I can't fuckin wait for DCG con! I will be bringing my very own full sized home made copy of Boardgame Bizaar for anyone wanting to play and get rid of their herpes!

Whoop Whoop sewerside :

scruffy, CellE2057, SPOOKYtheFUNGI, m0sh, Guest


and now i'm gonna be performin at Juggalo Day WHUT

Official Sewerside Website * Sewerside on Facebook

February 6, 2017
4:06 pm
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sewerside said
I can't fuckin wait for DCG con! I will be bringing my very own full sized home made copy of Boardgame Bizaar for anyone wanting to play and get rid of their herpes!  

Dude, fuck yes! 

Maryonette said

The circle of juggalos that I have on my various social medias have shown like zero interest in this, sadly. Or they're going to other things, can't afford to go to the con, etc.

But one of my friends said she wasn't really hip to it until they talked about it on the last Juggalo Show. She's going now. So that's something.  

Yeah, it really seems like the Juggalo Show gave it a push. According to their twitter hotels in the vicinity are now filling up. Dunno how much of that is typical Psychopathic hype and how much of it is legit but regardless, it seems like people are payin attention now. 

February 6, 2017
9:55 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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I would go for Morton's List activities and Texas Hold 'Em. Haven't played either in years.

The movies are good picks. Akira, Beetlejuice, Killer Klowns, Hustlas, Evil Dead 2, Half Baked... good stuff.... I remember at Nelson Ledges when we would wander over to the outdoor theatre and watch the flicks. Evil Dead 2 was playing then, too. 

My non-Juggalo friend at work said it looks fucking awesome. He's a gamer, primarily Magic the Gathering. And D&D. It will likely draw the attention of all kinds of gamers.

Sounds fun as hell. Have fun, all who are attending.

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

SPOOKYtheFUNGI, scruffy, ScottieD
February 6, 2017
11:49 pm

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whats kinda fucked up about the con, for me, is that im not really all that much of a gamer.  

that is, with the exception of the game im bringin, im not really up on most of this stuff.  


take magic.  i could enter the whatever deck tournament thingy, but id have to speed read through the rulebook to find out what theyve changed in the last couple decades.  basicly, id just be there to get wiped out by somebody who knows what theyre doin.  

same for most of the games.  not all, though.  i should be able to do well with echoside, partner play notwithstanding.  i mean, if the partner has actually played the game before, that would help...  


anyway, im anticipating takin losses at virtually everything i try to do all weekend long.  its gonna be great.  

Whoop Whoop scruffy :

SPOOKYtheFUNGI, ScottieD, TheFvckinKreeper

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 7, 2017
9:44 am
Forum Posts: 63
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scruffy said
whats kinda fucked up about the con, for me, is that im not really all that much of a gamer.  

that is, with the exception of the game im bringin, im not really up on most of this stuff.

In an attempt to suck much less, I'm buying all the games that I don't already have and playing the fuck out of them until the con. Well, the ones that interest me anyway.

I bought Munchkin and Tsuro. I still need to get King Of Tokyo.

Whoop Whoop Maryonette :

scruffy, CellE2057
February 7, 2017
3:16 pm
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not that i have any say but shouldn't this thread be moved to the Psycopathic Records section of the forum?

Whoop Whoop deathmetaljuggalo :

scruffy, CellE2057
February 7, 2017
3:33 pm
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scruffy said
whats kinda fucked up about the con, for me, is that im not really all that much of a gamer.  

See, my circumstance is similar but different. I'm a hardcore Dark Carnival Games OG. Quest for Shangri-la,  Morton's List...I host weekly Into The Echoside Games too. But as far as everything else I'm totally ignorant. I'm still hype on the bonus nerdy flavor, though. Looking forward to the anime screenings and the standup arcade. I fucks with 2D fighters, I'm hoping to get my ass beat by taking on all comers. A great way to make new froends that went out of fashion in the 90's.

Whoop Whoop TheFvckinKreeper :

February 7, 2017
10:31 pm
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deathmetaljuggalo said
not that i have any say but shouldn't this thread be moved to the Psycopathic Records section of the forum?  

Didn't quite know where to stick it but it seems like it's bigger than just Psychopathic so I put it here. 

If it was there it might get some more traffic though.

Whoop Whoop CellE2057 :

February 7, 2017
10:40 pm

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TheFvckinKreeper said    
and the standup arcade. I fucks with 2D fighters, I'm hoping to get my ass beat by taking on all comers. A great way to make new froends that went out of fashion in the 90's.    

fucks with samurai showdown 2 and 3, to hell with all the rest of em.  


need fuckin pinball.  they said anything about pinball?  we need it, badly.  


oh, and fuckin ghetto hockey.  really, really need that.  neeeeed.  


CellE2057 said    
Didn't quite know where to stick it but it seems like it's bigger than just Psychopathic so I put it here.   
If it was there it might get some more traffic though.    


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 8, 2017
2:35 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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finally got my damned hotel rezzes in.  yay me.  


can get into it more later, spose, but idly wondering:  what nights is everybody plannin to be there?  overnight, i mean.  at the concorde.  


scruffy said

CellE2057 said    
Didn't quite know where to stick it but it seems like it's bigger than just Psychopathic so I put it here.   
If it was there it might get some more traffic though.    


thinkin on this a lil bit more...  should i move it to the psy section, for that reason...?  


scruffy also said  
oh, and fuckin ghetto hockey.  really, really need that.  neeeeed.  

yeah, if anybody involved happens to be payin attention...  AIR HOCKEY TABLES.  or at least one.  fuck.  

for now, im content to harp on it here in the thread;  but the more i dwell on it, the more i feel like i/we should hit rob up about this directly.  

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 10, 2017
10:15 pm
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scruffy said
finally got my damned hotel rezzes in.  yay me.  

Yay indeed. Prepare for me to make a bunch of lame ass jokes along of lines of "fancy meeting you here" cause it'll probably happen a lot. 

thinkin on this a lil bit more...  should i move it to the psy section, for that reason...?  

It'd be cool of ya if ya did. Considering I'm the one that put it here and had to spend five minutes tryin to find it cause I forgot where I put it. 

yeah, if anybody involved happens to be payin attention...  AIR HOCKEY TABLES.  or at least one.  fuck.  

for now, im content to harp on it here in the thread;  but the more i dwell on it, the more i feel like i/we should hit rob up about this directly.    

Shit, we still have a battle to be battled don't we? Never found a table at the Gathering or post-Gathering banquet. 

February 10, 2017
10:44 pm

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CellE2057 said    

scruffy said    
finally got my damned hotel rezzes in.  yay me.     

Yay indeed. Prepare for me to make a bunch of lame ass jokes along of lines of "fancy meeting you here" cause it'll probably happen a lot.    

same here.  

like when i run into people at the gathering, and ask em if they have plans to do anything cool this weekend.  

thinkin on this a lil bit more...  should i move it to the psy section, for that reason...?  

It'd be cool of ya if ya did. Considering I'm the one that put it here and had to spend five minutes tryin to find it cause I forgot where I put it. 

ive done that once already.  

aight, i moves it.  

at this point, dcg might should maybe have its own section.  would surely get more use than the reel life section, for the time bein, anyway.  

yeah, if anybody involved happens to be payin attention...  AIR HOCKEY TABLES.  or at least one.  fuck.  
for now, im content to harp on it here in the thread;  but the more i dwell on it, the more i feel like i/we should hit rob up about this directly.    

Shit, we still have a battle to be battled don't we? Never found a table at the Gathering or post-Gathering banquet.   

oooooh yeaaaaah...  

okay, you and me need to find out how to get air hockey up in that mufucka, and then hip jumpsteady or jwebb or kuma or somefuckinbody to it.  fuckin raven.  

ill happily pay half the cost of a rental, if we can pitch a series of ghetto hockey bouts.  no way one battle would be enough.  

hell, maybe we can buy a table at the flea market thing.  

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 25, 2017
1:57 am
Forum Posts: 320
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July 24, 2012
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just noticed that mortonslist.com has been updated. redesigned & mention of the events going down at the con

im so hyppppepepepeppepeeedddd ??????????⚰️

Whoop Whoop m0sh :

scruffy, TheFvckinKreeper
February 25, 2017
7:32 pm
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^this motherfucker laid out my exact itinerary for the con using only emojis. He must be a psychic wizard 

Whoop Whoop TheFvckinKreeper :

February 26, 2017
12:09 am

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so, should we be plannin out an flh meetup massacre for this?  

or an flh breakfast bloodbath?  

or an flh somethin whatever?  

Whoop Whoop scruffy :


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 28, 2017
2:58 pm
Forum Posts: 1202
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May 13, 2013
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I see the website is up, but it doesnt mention a venue, and the one they announced back in December has 2 events for that weekend already. 




Hypnotized Ninja
February 28, 2017
3:30 pm
Hypnotized Ninja
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I see the website is up, but it doesnt mention a venue, and the one they announced back in December has 2 events for that weekend already. 



Psy just do nationwide tours performing jokers cards in their entirety K ? 

This any event other than GOTJ idea isn't going well matter of fact just take GOTJ back to legend valley k? 

February 28, 2017
3:45 pm
Forum Posts: 3424
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April 15, 2013
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Legend Valley suck Crystal Forest dick. 

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