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Video- Woman accurately predicts pandemic and vaccine mandates over 2 years ago
October 21, 2021
1:32 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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Whoop Whoop Miklo Velka :

Rotten J
October 21, 2021
1:37 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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Juggalos should read this comment about the vaccine that's survived 2 months on youtube without them being able to "fact-check" delete it, very disturbing-

"Antibody dependent enhancement. Also known as pathogenic priming. When this mRNA procedure was first developed, it looked promising on paper, but failed animal trials in a big way. The theory was exactly the same as it is now. Inject a "code" which tells the hosts cells to produce the virus S-protein, then the body mounts an immune response against the S-protein, the contents of the inoculation stay in the shoulder and dissipate, and the body creates and retains immunity against the S-protein through T-cell memory. It was first tested against the original SARS. When the animals (ferrets and cats) were injected, it produced an immune response. So far so good. But when the inoculated animals were later exposed to the wild virus, they all died. Their immune systems were "overprimed" and exposure to the virus created a cytokine storm. The technology was deemed too dangerous to bring to market. Fast forward to 2021. We took the exact same procedure, did three months of safety data on humans, and then double jabbed half of North America. So far, we know for certain that the S-proteins do not dissipate, nor stay in the shoulder. Jabbed people are showing S-protein accumulation after the shot in major organs including the brain, according to a bio distribution study from Japan. This S-protein invasion is very dangerous, as the S-protein is pathogenic. It was only supposed to be produced in small amounts in the hosts shoulder, not roaming freely nor accumulating in the body. This is shaping up to be the biggest disaster in human history, and seems entirely deliberate and obvious."



Whoop Whoop Miklo Velka :

Psyral, the_patriot_smack, Rotten J, bozodklown
October 21, 2021
4:38 pm

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Miklo Velka said
Juggalos should read this comment about the vaccine that's survived 2 months on youtube without them being able to "fact-check" delete it, very disturbing-

"Antibody dependent enhancement. Also known as pathogenic priming. When this mRNA procedure was first developed, it looked promising on paper, but failed animal trials in a big way. The theory was exactly the same as it is now. Inject a "code" which tells the hosts cells to produce the virus S-protein, then the body mounts an immune response against the S-protein, the contents of the inoculation stay in the shoulder and dissipate, and the body creates and retains immunity against the S-protein through T-cell memory. It was first tested against the original SARS. When the animals (ferrets and cats) were injected, it produced an immune response. So far so good. But when the inoculated animals were later exposed to the wild virus, they all died. Their immune systems were "overprimed" and exposure to the virus created a cytokine storm. The technology was deemed too dangerous to bring to market. Fast forward to 2021. We took the exact same procedure, did three months of safety data on humans, and then double jabbed half of North America. So far, we know for certain that the S-proteins do not dissipate, nor stay in the shoulder. Jabbed people are showing S-protein accumulation after the shot in major organs including the brain, according to a bio distribution study from Japan. This S-protein invasion is very dangerous, as the S-protein is pathogenic. It was only supposed to be produced in small amounts in the hosts shoulder, not roaming freely nor accumulating in the body. This is shaping up to be the biggest disaster in human history, and seems entirely deliberate and obvious."



Yep. The ADE. I've mentioned it a few times on here too but it gets dismissed. Those who don't want their illusions shattered will not read it or will use the "fact check" on ADE that states "a study shows"...

Whoop Whoop Psyral :

Miklo Velka, bozodklown
(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
October 21, 2021
9:17 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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I am a proud strait white right-handed unvaccinated male who is part of the LGB community (Let's go, Brandon)

I will never take this vaccine willingly, they will have to tie me down and force it upon me, the only way out of this bullshit is mass non-compliance and I will not comply

God bless you all 


October 21, 2021
9:23 pm
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September 8, 2013
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What happened to getting the vaccine next year like you said before? Now it's never? Do you even know what you want? At least stick to your beliefs, so miklo can have a buddy to wear a tinfoil hat with

October 21, 2021
9:59 pm
Moe Ray Al
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BZA said
What happened to getting the vaccine next year like you said before? Now it's never? Do you even know what you want? At least stick to your beliefs, so miklo can have a buddy to wear a tinfoil hat with  

I never once said I was getting the vaccine I said if I was to get the vaccine at the earliest would be April 2022 when people who are fully vaccinated have babies.

look little sheep I don't want to be proven right I want to be proven wrong because if I am right we are all fucked.

but don't worry only 70% of all covid deaths in the UK are fully vaccinated, you should be fine I am sure you won't get myocarditis or a PE anything like that.

now I think it's about time you get your booster shot FLU season is right around the corner


October 21, 2021
11:44 pm
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the_patriot_smack said

I will never take this vaccine willingly, they will have to tie me down and force it upon me, the only way out of this bullshit is mass non-compliance and I will not comply

the_patriot_smack said

I never once said I was getting the vaccine

the_patriot_smack said

I said if I was to get the vaccine at the earliest would be April 2022 when people who are fully vaccinated have babies.

You make no sense

October 21, 2021
11:52 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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March 30, 2018
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of course, ignore what you are too fragile to hear

and you would make a horrible lawyer because everything you stated I stated is true

but please and I am saying this as your homie take the booster shot you really need it


October 22, 2021
3:55 am
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You literally said you've never said you're getting the vaccine, then said if you were to..

You should be a politician 

October 29, 2021
6:39 pm
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April 25, 2017
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BZA ignores the elephant in the room.

Can't think on his own. Assumes all doctors, scientists and corporations have his best interest at heart.

He needs to check his privilege.

October 29, 2021
6:43 pm
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April 25, 2017
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Miklo Velka said
Juggalos should read this comment about the vaccine that's survived 2 months on youtube without them being able to "fact-check" delete it, very disturbing-

"Antibody dependent enhancement. Also known as pathogenic priming. When this mRNA procedure was first developed, it looked promising on paper, but failed animal trials in a big way. The theory was exactly the same as it is now. Inject a "code" which tells the hosts cells to produce the virus S-protein, then the body mounts an immune response against the S-protein, the contents of the inoculation stay in the shoulder and dissipate, and the body creates and retains immunity against the S-protein through T-cell memory. It was first tested against the original SARS. When the animals (ferrets and cats) were injected, it produced an immune response. So far so good. But when the inoculated animals were later exposed to the wild virus, they all died. Their immune systems were "overprimed" and exposure to the virus created a cytokine storm. The technology was deemed too dangerous to bring to market. Fast forward to 2021. We took the exact same procedure, did three months of safety data on humans, and then double jabbed half of North America. So far, we know for certain that the S-proteins do not dissipate, nor stay in the shoulder. Jabbed people are showing S-protein accumulation after the shot in major organs including the brain, according to a bio distribution study from Japan. This S-protein invasion is very dangerous, as the S-protein is pathogenic. It was only supposed to be produced in small amounts in the hosts shoulder, not roaming freely nor accumulating in the body. This is shaping up to be the biggest disaster in human history, and seems entirely deliberate and obvious."



Guess who invented this technology? Robert Malone. He has come out against his own creation. He's trying to blame Fauci (who has his own crimes to answer for). Malone is an insider and he is a mole that has been sent in to spy on and potentially disrupt the anti vaccine movement. Just like the CIA sent in their boy Alex Jones to control the 9-11 movement. Malone is should be BARRED from all anti vaccine movements and protests. It's team to clean out the intelligence spooks.

October 29, 2021
6:50 pm
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the_patriot_smack said

look little sheep I don't want to be proven right I want to be proven wrong because if I am right we are all fucked.

but don't worry only 70% of all covid deaths in the UK are fully vaccinated, you should be fine I am sure you won't get myocarditis or a PE anything like that.

Look at what BZA is ignoring. He doesn't even ask for proof. I could provide it. Patriot smack could provide it. BZA isn't interested. He's happy in his illusion. He doesn't have an open mind. He is not a curious enough person. Many people aren't. And it has lead to them getting sick and dying. I bet only a few family members of the vaccine injured and killed, are going to be smart enough to put two and two together. They'll become conspiracy theorists very soon. I've seen comments on twitter, tiktok and telegram of people saying, "I would have never considered any type of conspiracy theory about population reduction and vaccines as weapons years ago. Now it looks like the CT people were right all along. I should have listened." Well you didn't. Because you were stupid enough to think that because many ct people were right wing or centrist, that therefore it was all bad and all racist and blah blah blah...just making excuses to poison the well and not study further. And now your logical fallacies and self righteous stubbornness it has come back full force to smack you in the face.

Liberals (and I'm a proud one of the 90's stripe) are a funny bunch. They don't believe in actual problems until it confronts them right in the face. They like to pretend the world is a great place with almost no evil people. Certainly not in Muslim lands. lol. Back in the 80's and 90's liberals would be exposing the vaccine corporations and talking about their profits and motives and clear plan to reduce the population. In the old days, liberals would be pointing out how a lot of these vaccine companies and big pharma motherfuckers have attended secret meetings of capitalist bankers and media scumbags at places like Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and upon reading their policy papers about the need to reduce the world population, they'd make a big stink about it. And they'd see how they test run vaccines to kill off blacks in Africa. Think Jello Biafra type of liberal. Hell, THEY'D HAVE BAD THINGS TO SAY ABOUT MONSANTO. THAT'S THE KIND I RESPECT. ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE.

Now, not anymore. These 21st century liberals are a bunch of pussies that for some reason love corporations now. I really don't get it.  Must be because the corporations make their stupid fucking phones and ipads. Now these days, liberals only know how to live in their little privileged bubble and virtue signal their non racism and non homophobia. Yeah, me also. I'm neither of those things. So can we move the fuck on already? Why not impress me with some actual knowledge?

Oh I'm sorry. You don't have that.

Whoop Whoop vinyllover :

October 29, 2021
10:01 pm
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I dobt think you understand, I've never once debated any stats of any kind, I'm saying smack keeps flip flopping between getting it one day and never getting it and then denying he ever said it

I couldn't care less if you get it or not, I've only ever talked about smacks hypocrisy, don't know why you're saying I'm ignoring or not asking for proof when I'm talking solely about smack? Not if it's effective or worth getting, I could care less, it might not be but why does smack change change mind then deny it all the time 

October 29, 2021
10:55 pm
Moe Ray Al
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this retard does not understand that me saying IF I was to get it, it would not be before April 2022 does not mean I plan on getting it, all that it means is if I was to get it the earliest I would feel that it is safe would be in April 2022 when fully vaccinated people have had babies.

but too many side effects are coming to light and it's looking like once you get this vaccine you are now dependant on it and will need booster shots for the rest of your life. while the people who refuse it will simply gain natural immunity.

in this world, there are two people critical thinkers and people that have a hive mind, thank God I think for myself and do not feel safe from taking a vaccine that a man who tortures puppies recommends.


October 29, 2021
11:10 pm
Forum Posts: 767
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Yes but you keep saying IF

Then you say NEVER

You can't say IF if you say never 

Don't you get that by saying IF then it's a possibility?

If you had of come out and said I'm NEVER getting it end of story we wouldn't be here, but everytime you say IF you are leaning towards it and going back on your beliefs


This is my last post about this so don't bother responding, just know you're a hypocrite 

October 29, 2021
11:37 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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what if I was stupid??

then I would just do what the TV tells me

once again thank God I am not stupid unlike BZA over there.

I never once said I was going to take it but said one day I just might have no choice and that day would not be before April 2022.

one of my greatest homies today came out to me, said he got vaccinated and had no choice, he was a soldier who was so against it but in the end, he had to do it because he was not allowed to take his kids to Soccer and Kung-Fu classes and that sucks and you don't want to tell your kids they can't go anymore.

It's no longer a conspiracy theory they wanna vaccinate 5 to 11-year-olds from something that can not harm them by giving them a vaccine that can in so many ways.

Now you do what they told ya
Now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya

how many jabs will you be on when the second sixth drops??


October 30, 2021
11:11 am
Hells Forecast
Hells Forecast
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They medicaided everyone but howl dawg?


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