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Murderous Thug found guilty on all 3 counts, what should be his punishment?
April 20, 2021
4:45 pm
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
Forum Posts: 3110
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July 28, 2016
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He's facing up to 40 years in prison. Is that enough? Should he be deported like people convicted of running traffic lights? Should he be executed like people accused (but never tried) of selling loose cigarettes?

I really hope that the violent members of his demographic block don't use this as an excuse for property damage or assault

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

April 20, 2021
5:15 pm
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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April 20, 2021
5:37 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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March 30, 2018
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now if only the jury was sequestered and Maxine Waters would have shut her ugly mouth up this might have stuck

but since they were not sequestered and Maxime Waters crossed state lines to Minneapolis and called for violence if the jury did not vote guilty in front of where one of the jurors lived this case will be appealed and thrown out of court and Derek Chauvin will walk away clean.


April 21, 2021
11:38 am
Forum Posts: 498
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May 4, 2013
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If you actually care about the facts presented in this case and the legal standard of reasonable doubt in the specific definition of the charges, the cop clearly wasn’t guilty of “murder”... manslaughter itself is a super stretch...

This was a blatant case not of true unbiased justice, but emotional gut reaction and mob rule. These jurors knew good and well America would burn (again) and they would be doxxed if they didn’t convict and instead decided to do their duty as jurors and examined the evidence and standard of law...

All that said. I’m hardcore ACAB fuck the police. I’m philosophically a Libertarian when it comes to the purpose of government, and therefore view the system of policing victimless crimes as evil. Every officer in America breaks “the golden rule” by knowingly/voluntarily signing up for a job in which they will be required to do harm to innocent people.

They are a “necessary evil” for a civilized society under the current law of America, but “necessary evil” is still evil...

So a cop being unfairly punished for something he didn’t deserve to be gets my rocks off, cause they do it every day.

Karma is a bitch 😎

Just wish more cops would catch a heave dose!

Whoop Whoop JuggaloJ :

April 21, 2021
1:09 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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January 19, 2013
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April 21, 2021
1:36 pm
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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Wow. Mark Dice seems blackpilled & sedated now.

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YouTube Video Pelosi Thanks George Floyd for Taking One for the Team

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