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Joe Biden is pro pedophile.
April 15, 2021
7:55 pm
Forum Posts: 1218
Member Since:
April 25, 2017
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April 15, 2021
9:12 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
Member Since:
March 30, 2018
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started off killing 60,000+ jobs with the pipeline

opened the southern border and will ship those people to the suburbs

raised taxes

he is coming for your guns

want's to pack the court

want's to end the filibuster

and now he's creating a sanctuary country for sex offenders all while you have an open border

but at least no more mean tweets from the bad orange man who put up a wall to protect america and Joe Biden put up a wall to protect himself.

by the way Trump said Biden was going to do all those things and Biden and the media said Trump was lying

you morons got played 



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