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Dotard Donnie is a weak ass little bitch who can't get shit done
March 28, 2018
6:49 am

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February 15, 2014
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521sp_Permalink sp_Print

@spookythefungi  said
@Psyralinfection you are on the right an interstellar lightworker for gaia...or is gaia an acronym that you cant find on the interwebs because it only exists offline, in nature where its can flourish.

Gaia is the effect, not the cause...

Or is this just dumb jargon im spewing cuz im bored...or is it because im paid to plant these seeds #JohnnyAppleSeed

Or maybe "Gaia" is a clue in part of NEXT year's Cicada 3301. The link to your post actually will come from decrypicing part of the other puzzle clues along the way. ... I think you are really part of the Cicada 3301 team and were recruited several years ago. Maybe all your posts were part of recruitment. I think you've been analyzing responses to posts and determining who should be recruited.


Did I pass?


No? Damn! Oh well.

Whoop Whoop Psyral :

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
March 28, 2018
7:47 am
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October 30, 2013
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522sp_Permalink sp_Print

Faygoluvers Forum - "Spill it!"


Psyphuck - "Fuck you!" (spits in face)


Cheshyr - "Sir? ... SIR!? If you leave it to me he doesn't have to speak."


Psyphuk - "What're you up to, bitch?"

Cheshyr - "Welcome to the inside of your head.  It's kinda empty in here."



Psyphuk - "See...? If you're talkin' about my fucked up head, ... versus your fucked up head... your fucked up head is gonna lose."


Psyphuk - "... figured that'd shut you up."


Cheshyr - "Hey...  I can play mind games too."



Faygoluvers Forum - "Interesting."


Whoop Whoop Cheshyr :


"Your lack of online social presence makes it difficult for me to predict your needs..." - 2064: Read Only Memories

March 28, 2018
10:00 am
Forum Posts: 8229
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May 4, 2014
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Stating a fact about anything isn't boasting, it's embracing objective reality. I'm not ashamed of testing well. Ironically, that could be why I test well.

lN43iXv.jpgImage Enlarger

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


March 28, 2018
11:42 am

Forum Posts: 4297
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524sp_Permalink sp_Print

Cheshyr said

Faygoluvers Forum - "Spill it!"


Psyphuck - "Fuck you!" (spits in face)


Cheshyr - "Sir? ... SIR!? If you leave it to me he doesn't have to speak."


Psyphuk - "What're you up to, bitch?"

Cheshyr - "Welcome to the inside of your head.  It's kinda empty in here."



Psyphuk - "See...? If you're talkin' about my fucked up head, ... versus your fucked up head... your fucked up head is gonna lose."


Psyphuk - "... figured that'd shut you up."


Cheshyr - "Hey...  I can play mind games too."



Faygoluvers Forum - "Interesting."

@cheshyr , I can't figure out what you are talking about. Could you please break it down for me?

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
March 28, 2018
4:14 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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525sp_Permalink sp_Print

Cheshyr said

Faygoluvers Forum - "Spill it!"


Psyphuck - "Fuck you!" (spits in face)


Cheshyr - "Sir? ... SIR!? If you leave it to me he doesn't have to speak."


Psyphuk - "What're you up to, bitch?"

Cheshyr - "Welcome to the inside of your head.  It's kinda empty in here."



Psyphuk - "See...? If you're talkin' about my fucked up head, ... versus your fucked up head... your fucked up head is gonna lose."


Psyphuk - "... figured that'd shut you up."


Cheshyr - "Hey...  I can play mind games too."



Faygoluvers Forum - "Interesting."



lol#FreshnessPoint💎 earned....that shit wins post of the month...too fuckin funny especially reading it after watching that cliplol

March 28, 2018
4:24 pm
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August 10, 2017
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526sp_Permalink sp_Print

Ok so, i am completely non political but still feel the need to keep checking these posts to find a ridiculous spot for me to post something witty and completely off topic. I still havent found it and im lost AF reading the jargon that has already been posted. Anyone else as lost as me?

Whoop Whoop Drunkalo :


Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

March 28, 2018
4:30 pm
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January 28, 2016
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527sp_Permalink sp_Print

Psyral Infection said

@spookythefungi  said
@Psyralinfection you are on the right an interstellar lightworker for gaia...or is gaia an acronym that you cant find on the interwebs because it only exists offline, in nature where its can flourish.

Gaia is the effect, not the cause...

Or is this just dumb jargon im spewing cuz im bored...or is it because im paid to plant these seeds #JohnnyAppleSeed

Or maybe "Gaia" is a clue in part of NEXT year's Cicada 3301. The link to your post actually will come from decrypicing part of the other puzzle clues along the way. ... I think you are really part of the Cicada 3301 team and were recruited several years ago. Maybe all your posts were part of recruitment. I think you've been analyzing responses to posts and determining who should be recruited.


Did I pass?


No? Damn! Oh well.  

You are still growing, so no you didnt will know when you have your wings, and that moment will be magical!

Cicada, really? I rep the purple slushie butterflies! Fuck outta here with that moth shit.

For We are majestic!

13453901_1093374060733317_2099575373_n.jpgImage Enlarger

449ac3024eb2f374420b1b35ff9c3eb9.jpgImage Enlarger

butterfly-1164493_960_720.jpgImage Enlarger

Whoop Whoop SPOOKYtheFUNGI :

March 28, 2018
4:33 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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528sp_Permalink sp_Print

Drunkalo said
Ok so, i am completely non political but still feel the need to keep checking these posts to find a ridiculous spot for me to post something witty and completely off topic. I still havent found it and im lost AF reading the jargon that has already been posted. Anyone else as lost as me?

March 28, 2018
5:45 pm

Forum Posts: 4297
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February 15, 2014
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529sp_Permalink sp_Print

Drunkalo said
Ok so, i am completely non political but still feel the need to keep checking these posts to find a ridiculous spot for me to post something witty and completely off topic. I still havent found it and im lost AF reading the jargon that has already been posted. Anyone else as lost as me?  

Yes! I am completely lost on what all of this means too. 

Whoop Whoop Psyral :

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
March 28, 2018
7:54 pm
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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530sp_Permalink sp_Print

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

March 30, 2018
9:13 am
Solomon Grundy
Forum Posts: 203
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August 21, 2016
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531sp_Permalink sp_Print

Ever hear about white slavery? The selling of people into sexual slavery or in short enforced prostitution. Why not focus on stopping white slavery. I'm certain human trafficking is worse than anything Noah's favorite person in the world will say.

March 30, 2018
10:29 am
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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532sp_Permalink sp_Print

White slavery doesn't exist. Human sex trafficking doesn't happen to white people disproportionately. The fact that your racist ass is more concerned about white people who are victimized by horrific crimes speaks volumes.

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

March 30, 2018
10:30 am
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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Hey, 17. So as not to disrupt the other thread too much.

17 said
Noah... how is Donald Trump a racist? Give me one single indisputable piece of evidence. Don't include illegals, or muslims. Show me something that he has said or done that is racist. Add sources also.  

The problem with "indisputable facts" is that people who don't want to believe them will dispute them. Just like there are people (B.o.b. I'm looking at you) who think the world is flat, there will be people who inherently can't accept the realities of who our current president is.

Instead you should ask for measures. 

How do I measure his racism? Here are some (but not all) of the things that I think make him a racist.

  • His political history
    • He began his current political activity by challenging the authenticity of Barack Obama's presidency. He does not believe Obama was born in the US, believes Obama lied about his religious beliefs, and is lying about his belief in liberal policies so that he can usher in religious law. He has also stated that Obama is not smart enough to have attended Harvard or to have a law degree. 
  • His allies
    • Arpiao openly called his prisons concentration camps, violated court orders that declared his practices to be racially discriminatory, and has also pushed race based conspiracy theories ranging from birtherism, to chain migration, and several others.
    • Putin is horrifically racist and trump loves him.
    • Jeff Sessions was voted by a Republican Congress to be too racist for the position that he is currently in a few decades ago. He previously came under fire for preventing black people from voting.
    • Although initially against Roy Moore, trump said it would be better to have him in office than a person who sought justice against the members of the Kkk who killed black children in the 60's. Doug Jones won the seat anyway and republicans were quick to point out that he was a very centrist Democrat so why was beating him so important they would embrace an accused pedophile? Roy Moore had a history of racism too.
    • Someone recently followed everybody trump follows on Twitter and demonstrated how it is a white supremacist echo chamber. I don't have the link handy but basically he follows (or has followed in the past) a lot of prominent white supremacist leaders.
  • His statements
    • Trump or his administration have openly spread misinformation about violence in relation to race which was created and shared by white supremacist leaders to make black people and latinx immigrants appear more violent than white people and as a threat to white safety. These numbers were thoroughly debunked by federal agencies.
    • He declared that a federal judge was biased against him because the judge is of Latinx descent.
    • He refuses to denounce white supremacist violence and speaks more harshly of peaceful protestors than he did the white supremacist mob who killed a woman in Virginia.
    • He has been openly hostile to LEGAL immigration from Latin American countries, citing things like "chain migration" (which doesn't exist and is a known talking point by white supremacists).
    • His "travel ban" was supposed to expire after six months. It would target only Muslims from only specific middle eastern countries (despite the fact that there are more Muslims in Asian countries like Indonesia) so that they could fix a vetting process (which they have not changed or challenged in his entire term) which while not immediately identifiable as racist on the surface feeds into white supremacist conspiracy theories, fear mongering, and propaganda.
    • The department of justice removed white supremacist terrorist groups from their watch list and stated that they are low priority.
    • He reportedly did not believe his staff when they told him that most people in welfare are white.
  • His focus
    • Trump has had time to criticize multiple POC for taking a stand against racism but largely ignores racial violence by white people. Outside of the white supremacist mob in Virginia, he ignored the bombings in Austin which targeted influential people of color. The only white victims were people who were accidentally exposed to the bombs through random chance. Etc
  • How much he benefits from racism
    • His family businesses have been sued for racial discrimination in the past and he has since then challenged laws which protect people from the kind of practices his father was involved in. His father built their wealth in discrimination and he has made no genuine efforts to correct the disparity created in order to give him wealth. At best, he used new york liberalism to benefit publicly by promising donations which never turned up in the amount promised if they ever turned up at all, just to change his public image.
  • His supporters
    • White supremacist leaders and organizers have openly embraced trump but he has never disavowed them. If David Duke or the trad worker party, or other known white supremacists came out and declared me their champion, the first thing I would do is point out that they are assholes. Trump can't find the time. Instead he retweets their racist propaganda.
    • A number of hate crimes have specifically mentioned Trump which shows that hate groups feel empowered by Trump. These range from teachers humiliating students in classes to vandalism to physical violence.
    • A recent profile of a white supremacist on vice refers to his behavior as "Trumping it". "I wasn't being racist when I yelled slurs at that kid, I was just Trumping It."
  • The fact that you had to adjust your question to show him being racist but not against these people or these people. Lol. what. I mean just think about that.

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

March 30, 2018
10:47 am
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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Iris The Tranny juggalette said

Look, Noah, buddy, no hard feelings but, you kinda need to cite claims like this. I personally think he's a zenophobe, and rallied people into thinking Mexicans were a bunch of terrible people, something I don't even need to cite because "bad hombres" became such a meme.   

He's definitely xenophobic but those aren't mutually exclusive. 

And demanding citations is a common tactic of people who aren't interested in reading your response. It's meant to slow down a discussion and demotivate people who are seeking justice. Every single one of those claims is easily Google-able and researched. I'm not saying you're doing that, but rather that it's a common tactic that is employed and that I'm not interested in playing that game.

We all got more important shit to do than researching trumps obvious bigotries.

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

March 30, 2018
11:06 am
Iris The Tranny juggalette
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535sp_Permalink sp_Print

Solomon Grundy said
Ever hear about white slavery? The selling of people into sexual slavery or in short enforced prostitution. Why not focus on stopping white slavery. I'm certain human trafficking is worse than anything Noah's favorite person in the world will say.  

Listen I've known plenty of white people who have been trafficked, it happens, it can happen to anyone BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT this

now I'll be honest, I don't like a lot of this document, a lot of it talks about the roots of things, and thats not always a very good indication of how it is now, but it does properly cite many examples of minorities being more susceptible to being locked into the sex industry. An example given in New York found 50% of a large group of discovered people being trafficked were african american, and plenty more hispanic, despite African american presence in the state being far lower than that, given that these people are likley in the lower classes they are the most likley to be put in these situations, so its hard to tell if it was racially motivated or not, however it does confirm with certainty that this is not a "white slavery" issue, this is a "human slavery issue" as I stated in the New york example, there were many different races there including white, because, well, thats new york, they have only around 50-40 percent whites in the state. Stop trying to make this issue, white slavery, or black slavery, its just slavery. All is fair in love and war and this is a war against the most disgusting people in the world. Minorities are not majorly targeted, poor and homeless people are targeted, who happen to be minorities, so by extension minorities are targeted, just maybe not for the same reason as a racial crime. 

Whoop Whoop Iris The Tranny juggalette :

Noah Fence

I see no difference between a corpse and a sex toy

March 30, 2018
1:03 pm
Solomon Grundy
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536sp_Permalink sp_Print

White slavery is sexual slavery. Learn about The Mann Act. The White-Slave Traffic Act from 1910. It's a federal law that makes sure forced prostitution is against the law.

Since 1828 




White Slave Trade is real. I'm not even talking about skin color. A tranny and morbidly obese retard are.

Necro has two songs White Slavery and The Human Traffic King (White Slavery, pt. 2) but clearly those songs are about race... 

March 30, 2018
1:45 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Wasn't the term 'White Slavery' used to describe the kidnapping young white girls and forcing them into sex trafficking?


You could have easily used the term 'Sex Trafficking'. You knew what you were doing, you lil race baiter you.


New rap name. Lil Race Baiter.


Edit: You do have a point, though. Hardly anybody really tries to take a stance against sex traffickers, which also includes young children that are sold into a life of miserable abuse. Then again, it doesn't make what Noah tries to stand against excusable either.

Whoop Whoop King Lucem Ferre :

Noah Fence
March 30, 2018
5:38 pm
Iris The Tranny juggalette
Forum Posts: 1338
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February 16, 2018
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Solomon Grundy said
White slavery is sexual slavery. Learn about The Mann Act. The White-Slave Traffic Act from 1910. It's a federal law that makes sure forced prostitution is against the law.

Since 1828 




White Slave Trade is real. I'm not even talking about skin color. A tranny and morbidly obese retard are.

Necro has two songs White Slavery and The Human Traffic King (White Slavery, pt. 2) but clearly those songs are about race...   

I'll admit I should have read the rest of the conversation before assuming you were bringing race into it. But nobody uses the term white slavery anymore, I've been around many people who have been trafficked and I've never heard that term till now, but a little research found that it was a racially motivated term. It was originally used to describe the enslavement of Europeans. And the reason the term because used to describe sexual slaves was because both the Ottoman's and the Muslims, 2 of the 1st groups to ever enslave white people, mostly used slaves as forced prostitutes. Specifically the Ottomans did all the way up to the 20th century.

And when it started being used to exclusively describe sexual slaves, around the 1830s, the legal slavery of blacks was still a thing in most of Europe and the US, hence this type of slavery (sexual slavery) which applied to all races, and had a history of being involved with whites began being called White Slavery to differentiate it from legal slavery.

The meaning of words can change, this is true, but nobody uses this term anymore, it was racially motivated when it was made, and when taken out of context it sounds racial. 

Its possible for this term to be used non-racially but it was both invented in a racial context, and sounds racial out of context, there is no logical reason to use this term and calling somebody retarded for thinking you were using it racially is very unfair.

Whoop Whoop Iris The Tranny juggalette :

Noah Fence

I see no difference between a corpse and a sex toy

March 30, 2018
5:59 pm
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Always remember. November is just around the corner.

March 30, 2018
7:18 pm
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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540sp_Permalink sp_Print

Solomon Grundy said
White slavery is sexual slavery. Learn about The Mann Act. The White-Slave Traffic Act from 1910. It's a federal law that makes sure forced prostitution is against the law.

Since 1828 




White Slave Trade is real. I'm not even talking about skin color. A tranny and morbidly obese retard are.

Necro has two songs White Slavery and The Human Traffic King (White Slavery, pt. 2) but clearly those songs are about race...   

White slavery is a myth created by white people to justify racism. Period. There is no reason to call it white slavery other than to talk about race. The mann act was a response to reconstruction cratered by a white ruling class which was trying to justify rampant abuse of POC through the criminal justice system.

Sex trafficking is real and is a problem but conservatives are passing bills that directly harm women for coming forward as victims. That's your team, not mine. 

More POC are abducted and forced into prostitution than white women. That you chose to label it a white problem using archaic laws written by a racist government as proof doesn't mean you're right.

Johnson, the first African-American heavyweight boxing champion, was among the first to be charged under the act. In 1913, he was accused of ostensibly transporting a prostitute from Pittsburgh to Chicago. Johnson was convicted and given the maximum sentence: one year and one day. Critics, however, believe that Johnson's case was racially motivated — the "prostitute" was his white girlfriend

But good job trying to play word games.

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

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