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I would post a pic but..
August 19, 2013
11:29 am
Forum Posts: 12
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August 17, 2013
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of myself but I am very ugly. we're talking puke bag material.

August 19, 2013
1:57 pm
Forum Posts: 4619
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July 11, 2012
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no one cares..we all ugly ass juggalos..I put up my ugly mug...doc brown aint all that bad..sexy hair like the hammer...

[Image Can Not Be Found]

August 19, 2013
2:51 pm
Forum Posts: 404
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April 29, 2013
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For real. Fuck it ill post a few - the first pic is me at the WKFOS tour in 99 Its hard to tell but im the crazy motherfucker crowd serfing, I was 14 it was one of my first concerts without adult supervision. I was told one thing - stay out of the pit.... Well as you see i didnt, and to top it off i was dumb enough to label the photo "Mecrowdserfing!" got in SO much trouble for that. (also a side note - I nor my friends had anything to do with this photo. I found it on realjuggalos back when hardcoremike and juggalojoe were still running shit)


The second photo is from a few days after that show (if anyone has or knows anyone with that mostastless jersey... let me know I want that shit back!) and the 3rd one is from june when i was on vacationme serfingImage Enlarger

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and for shits and giggles me before the poughkeepsie twiztid show a few months back - im lazy with the paint in my old age (28)

156045_470290462751_4703530_n.jpgImage Enlarger

August 19, 2013
10:44 pm
Springfield VA
Forum Posts: 6148
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August 27, 2012
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Feel free to post pics here

"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

December 26, 2013
9:45 pm
Forum Posts: 12
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August 17, 2013
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000000000000000.jpgImage Enlarger
docbrown2015 said

of myself but I am very ugly. we're talking puke bag material.


December 27, 2013
10:16 am
Forum Posts: 4891
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November 30, 2012
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I just barfed. My fucking God, a picture has never done that to me before. Hold on, I gotta barf again. Okay, I should be fine as long as i don't look at you again. Oh no, I peeked on accident. I looked away real quick right after but, but, BARF!!!!!!! Oh shit, what the fuck man. You sir, are puke bag material. Yuck.

December 27, 2013
11:01 am

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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hot, or not?  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

December 28, 2013
10:03 pm
Forum Posts: 12
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August 17, 2013
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patjoyce said
I just barfed. My fucking God, a picture has never done that to me before. Hold on, I gotta barf again. Okay, I should be fine as long as i don't look at you again. Oh no, I peeked on accident. I looked away real quick right after but, but, BARF!!!!!!! Oh shit, what the fuck man. You sir, are puke bag material. Yuck.

patjoyce said
I just barfed. My fucking God, a picture has never done that to me before. Hold on, I gotta barf again. Okay, I should be fine as long as i don't look at you again. Oh no, I peeked on accident. I looked away real quick right after but, but, BARF!!!!!!! Oh shit, what the fuck man. You sir, are puke bag material. Yuck.


I told you..

December 28, 2013
10:11 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
Forum Posts: 4717
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December 3, 2012
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So, here we are. It came to this. It was a good run fellas. See ya in the next life. Stay out of loose women and dont run with scissors...peace

December 29, 2013
8:30 am
Forum Posts: 234
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April 15, 2013
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This Is the worst topic I've ever witnessed. 

December 29, 2013
10:38 pm
Forum Posts: 12
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August 17, 2013
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Not for nothing.. I thought all us Juggalos were fam..make one feel better when they feel all down n shit, guess I was wrong. thanks...fam. and patjoyce you're an ass.. yes you sir.. are.. an.. ass.

December 29, 2013
10:59 pm
The Notorious, L.T.B.
The Notorious, L.T.B.
Fort Wayne, IN
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May 29, 2013
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I think pat was fucking with you, and you fell for it. Now you're gonna have to live with this rep of being a whiney sensitive insecure pussy. Btw there was no hate there whatsoever, im just laying it on you. Unless of course youre fucking around too, in which case bravo u had me fooled. also on a final note, ur not ugly. U could prolly derail a train with your forehead, but that'd be a fresh ass story. I consider myself ugly too. But im told im not. Insecurities are fun.

Blood rains down from an angry sky! My cock rages on! My cock rages on!

December 29, 2013
11:36 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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I was always saddened about having such a huge penis, the girls tell me it's really not that big and it's actually quite small, but those sincere lies just don't help me feel any better about my huge penis. :(

December 30, 2013
1:40 am
Forum Posts: 234
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April 15, 2013
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docbrown2015 said
Not for nothing.. I thought all us Juggalos were fam..make one feel better when they feel all down n shit, guess I was wrong. thanks...fam. and patjoyce you're an ass.. yes you sir.. are.. an.. ass.

We're not fam. That is just a money making ploy psy set up. Yes some people do become close threw the music but some random juggalo on the street is not my fam. 

December 30, 2013
1:14 pm
Forum Posts: 4891
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November 30, 2012
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LTB said
I think pat was fucking with you, and you fell for it. Now you're gonna have to live with this rep of being a whiney sensitive insecure pussy. Btw there was no hate there whatsoever, im just laying it on you. Unless of course youre fucking around too, in which case bravo u had me fooled. also on a final note, ur not ugly. U could prolly derail a train with your forehead, but that'd be a fresh ass story. I consider myself ugly too. But im told im not. Insecurities are fun.



There it is, the truth as spoken by LTB

December 30, 2013
1:17 pm
Forum Posts: 4891
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November 30, 2012
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And for the record, I was just fucking with you. What a letdown, I mean, you make a post like the first post on this thread, and then you post up a picture of yourself and you look like any regular dude walking down the street. After a post like that, you best come correct and look like the dude from Mask or something. 

December 30, 2013
10:16 pm
Springfield VA
Forum Posts: 6148
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August 27, 2012
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Lucem Ferre said
I was always saddened about having such a huge penis, the girls tell me it's really not that big and it's actually quite small, but those sincere lies just don't help me feel any better about my huge penis. :(

This literally made me LOL.

"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

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