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Twiztid's "A New Nightmare" Thoughts Reviews and whatever else
July 29, 2013
12:13 am
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I dig the majority of the record. shit is dope  my only complaint would be othsr then blaze and swollen I don't give a fuck bout the guests. prefer if it was jus mono n jamie. on the real though I think i have lost some respect for twiztid as people. I hate subliminal bullshit especially when in public their sayin its sll good. naw clearly it ain't cuz ur takin shots in ur record. had they directly said fuck icp I would have more respect for them. their jus puttin on a front cuz their afraid they will lose fans aka juggalos. I don't respect that at all. that's cowardly.

July 29, 2013
12:15 am
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Demented Smoka said
I like the older one better too, I wonder why they took it off the disc.

i dont know either, maybe they thought we couldnt handle twiztid singing just yet...


July 29, 2013
12:17 am
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homisyde said
I dig the majority of the record. shit is dope  my only complaint would be othsr then blaze and swollen I don't give a fuck bout the guests. prefer if it was jus mono n jamie. on the real though I think i have lost some respect for twiztid as people. I hate subliminal bullshit especially when in public their sayin its sll good. naw clearly it ain't cuz ur takin shots in ur record. had they directly said fuck icp I would have more respect for them. their jus puttin on a front cuz their afraid they will lose fans aka juggalos. I don't respect that at all. that's cowardly.

im tired as fuck with shit load of guests on albums too...i buy a record to hear that artist not t pain..i think it works for the majority of new nightmare but the new tech,some of the guests dont work for me cuz tech kills it all the time and they cant keep up and it suffers imo...


July 29, 2013
12:21 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
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homisyde said
I dig the majority of the record. shit is dope  my only complaint would be othsr then blaze and swollen I don't give a fuck bout the guests. prefer if it was jus mono n jamie. on the real though I think i have lost some respect for twiztid as people. I hate subliminal bullshit especially when in public their sayin its sll good. naw clearly it ain't cuz ur takin shots in ur record. had they directly said fuck icp I would have more respect for them. their jus puttin on a front cuz their afraid they will lose fans aka juggalos. I don't respect that at all. that's cowardly.

yes but it's also smart.. cuz they know for every one fan like yourself 100 would lose even more respect if they were straight forward with it.. & maybe their beef is with psy as a label & not icp..


July 29, 2013
12:34 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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i think they needed to vent some anger over the whole leaving thing and they did jst that.


if they are still doing it on their next release ill be scratching my head. but i get why they are taking pot shots. i just dont care that much. i enjoy the music.

July 29, 2013
12:46 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Wow, this forum is becoming the same recycled comments over and over again.

"Twiztid will never leave Psycopathic, even if they did it won't matter to me, it's about the music."

"Twiztid left Psychopathic, I don't care, I listen for the music"

"Twiztid is releasing a new album, now watch as speculaters try to find subliminal disses aimed at ICP. Even if they did diss ICP I wouldn't care, I listen for the music."

"I think I heard some subliminal shots taken at ICP on Twiztid's new album, I don't really care, I listen for the music."

Am I the only one that notices this?

July 29, 2013
12:54 am
Louisville, Kentucky
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I don't really care if the comments are recycled. to me its just about the music. 

July 29, 2013
12:54 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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nah your not the only one.

what do you expect though? we are creatures of habit. and we tend to follow the same patterns over and over.


welcome to the internets.

July 29, 2013
12:55 am
Louisville, Kentucky
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hey lucem have you heard the disses on the new record? there are disses on the new record

July 29, 2013
1:01 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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"These X employees are all lying, never could my clown god J be a shady business man, fuck these haters man, I don't really care, I listen for the music."

"Thank you Joe Strange for shedding light on the situation, I knew they couldn't all be completely full of shit, I don't really care though, I listen for the music."

"OMG Mommy ICP & Daddy Twiztid are fighting when I don't want then to, I don't really care, I listen for the music."

"Wow, I lose respect for Twiztid because they are too bitch to admit to the fans that they have a problem with ICP. It'd probably be bad for business if they did though. I don't really care though, I listen for the music."

"My name is Novocaine and I'm Austrailian, (insert generic Lucem Ferre insult) but I don't care I just listen for the music."

"My name is Ryda and I am the smartest man on here, now watch as I do exactly what I condemn others for while claiming that I am much more superior than everybody else. I don't really care, I listen for the music."

"I'm Warlock and I know REAL hip hop, this album has some but lacks it at other areas, my professional opinion. I d9on't really care though, I listen for the music."

"I'm iLL and I don't listen for the music, I listen for the art of the music."

"My name is Slumerican (awesomeness) and I listen for the music."


July 29, 2013
1:04 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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dawww i made his list, im so happy.

im glad you htink of me lucem, gets me all warm and fuzzy.



July 29, 2013
1:05 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I've been pissed off for seemingly no reason all week end. It doesn't really matter though, it's the music that matters to me.

July 29, 2013
1:07 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I like ya because you speak your mind. But really if you didn't it won't change my opinion of the music.

July 29, 2013
1:08 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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Lucem Ferre said
I've been pissed off for seemingly no reason all week end. It doesn't really matter though, it's the music that matters to me.


im gunna go snowboarding in less then a week. i hope that helps you feel better.


also, i think there are soem disses on the new twiztid album. its oke, i just listen for the music.

July 29, 2013
1:08 am
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"I'm iLL and I don't listen for the music, I listen for the art of the music." HEY that's kinda true

July 29, 2013
1:11 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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iLLtheClown said
"I'm iLL and I don't listen for the music, I listen for the art of the music." HEY that's kinda true


agreed hahaha.

you pretencious (spellinglol) bastard you. its ok.

where you at now?

or you made your way back into the states?

July 29, 2013
1:12 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I never snowboarded before, sadly since I do live in Utah. but I don't really care about all that, it's the music that matters to me.

July 29, 2013
1:14 am
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Back stateside since about Friday.

July 29, 2013
1:15 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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Lucem Ferre said
I never snowboarded before, sadly since I do live in Utah. but I don't really care about all that, it's the music that matters to me.


would it help that i may very well break my neck. itll be my first time. ive  been surfing adn sandboard but never snowboarding.

July 29, 2013
1:21 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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You probably won't. My little brother's mom used to take him snow boarding all the time when he was a little child, he never got injured even once from it.

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