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Things I learned from the new Blaze interview
January 6, 2016
8:22 pm
Sean Law
Sean Law
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Bostin said
As far as flow, rhymes, and punchlines.

Are you fucking kidding me?? 

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


January 6, 2016
8:29 pm
Springfield VA
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Sean Law said

Bostin said
As far as flow, rhymes, and punchlines.

Are you fucking kidding me?? 

It has to be a troll...If its not ima just chalk it up to different opinions....regardless of them being completely off base with reality....

Whoop Whoop OCJ_Brendan :


"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

January 6, 2016
8:37 pm

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Bostin said

ABK is a better rapper than monoxide.. jus sayin

Bostin said
As far as flow, rhymes, and punchlines.


January 6, 2016
8:41 pm
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You can't take away from someone's skill just because they have a lisp, his flow and lyrics are on point and crisp, reminiscent of Rakim. The two weakest links in the psychopathic chain have always been blaze and mono. They make good music but as hip hop artists they are pretty average.


January 6, 2016
9:10 pm
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Better than J or Shaggy in my opinion. Does not touch Monoxide though...

January 6, 2016
9:27 pm

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January 6, 2016
9:45 pm

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assumin that bostin is sayin all this as his personal opinion, i dont see whats so off base or incredulous about it. 

no accounting for taste.  it aint like abk is the saddest rapper out there, nor monoxide the greatest.  he digs on over the other, considers them better, thats whatever. 


now, if hes sayin that this is some undeniable truth that he is qualified to make a ruling on, cuz hes the big expert...  nah. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 6, 2016
10:11 pm
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Screenshot_2016-01-06-20-09-08.pngImage Enlarger

 now milko what do these say.....


January 6, 2016
11:20 pm
Sean Law
Sean Law
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A 5th grader can write better songs than abk. They are really simple rhymes. And have you heard his chorus's?? 

I like abk's old stuff, but his new shit is.... not  impressive

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


January 6, 2016
11:30 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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ABK's music has aged way better than Twiztid's has.

To this day I bump all of Killa's shit on the regular.

Only Twiztid cd I still reach for a lot is The Green Book.

The last time Monoxide really blew me away with a verse was in Psypher #4.

Oh and Bayarea don't call me milko instead of Miklo, that's Novocaine's way of trolling me, he might get jealous.....


January 7, 2016
12:23 am
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Miklo Velka said
ABK's music has aged way better than Twiztid's has.

I have to agree with this. Still to this day, "Dirty History" is my favorite ABK album, and for me anyways, it sounds better and better the older it gets.

 "Wicked" to me is Twiztid's best work. Abominationz was the shit when it first dropped, but idk, it just isn't aging well. Like I love The Wraith Shangri-la, but over time it grew stale. When it was fresh on the shelves in 2002, it was simply amazing.  Same with Twiztid's abominationz in 2012.

 I'm just not a big fan of how Twiztid behaves now. Like they're the shit, and everyone else is inferior. It's good to have confidence and pride in your work, but respect is important. Especially to those who have earned it. Twiztid just acts like they don't respect nobody now. That, more than anything else, is driving me away from listening to Twiztid. I don't give a damn how good their next album is, I might not buy it, because of this vibe surrounding them now that they're trying to silently pull away from the Juggalo culture. That's fine. Hey if It's not what you want anymore, then don't do it. Juggalos will make it without them. 

Bit of a rant.

"I Just Wanna Hide Inside My Own Private Hell"- Boondox

January 7, 2016
7:57 am
Maquoketa, IA
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September 10, 2012
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i agree with your last paragraph 100%, 86

January 7, 2016
9:32 am
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86 said

Abominationz... it just isn't aging well.

The Wraith Shangri-la... it grew stale.

My reaction when I read that... lol.
Image Enlarger

January 7, 2016
10:41 am
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scruffy said
assumin that bostin is sayin all this as his personal opinion, i dont see whats so off base or incredulous about it. 

no accounting for taste.  it aint like abk is the saddest rapper out there, nor monoxide the greatest.  he digs on over the other, considers them better, thats whatever. 


now, if hes sayin that this is some undeniable truth that he is qualified to make a ruling on, cuz hes the big expert...  nah. 

Pretty much this. It is my personal opinion. I have studied hip hop and been a fan of hip hop beyond the juggalo world since I was a kid, and having that knowledge has led me to the opinion of ABK being the more skilled lyricist. There are absolutely songs where mono has blown me away. As a body of work I'd give it to killa.. Madrox is superior to both of them. It's hilarious to me that because my opinion differs from others I'm "wrong" haha.

Part of this may be the live factor as well.. Abk gets on stage and controls a stage/crowd with no hypeman. Twiztid have just been shouting words back and forth during their performances lately.. Monoxide has really began to aggrivated me how during a madrox verse he shouts words in a silly voice. He be gettin too stoned.

Again I've never said my words are the absolute fact because I'm god.


January 7, 2016
11:15 am
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86 said 

I'm just not a big fan of how Twiztid behaves now.

No, me either.
I would love to call in and talk to them on their radio show but seeing how they treat the fans... I mean, I know they're just having fun but it seems like they're the ONLY ones having fun... Not their fans.

January 7, 2016
11:20 am

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Rosco said 
... I mean, I know they're just having fun but it seems like they're the ONLY ones having fun... Not their fans. 

interesting thought. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

January 7, 2016
11:44 am
Sean Law
Sean Law
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The only thing I will agree with, is Mono's live performance shouting word extentions. other than that, Mono's kills ABK everytime.

Go back and listen to old HOK albums and listen to Mono and his progression is an incline on every release since. ABK.... well we will stop at Dirty History. his first 2 releases are the ONLY ABK albums I can bump front to back. after that, I can make a complimation album, adding filler.

and also, I like how Blaze stated he is having fun making music again, and they want to bring it back to how it used to be. That has me anticipating every MNE release in the future. Some of their best work was circa early 2000's

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


January 7, 2016
6:05 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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86 said

 I'm just not a big fan of how Twiztid behaves now. Like they're the shit, and everyone else is inferior. It's good to have confidence and pride in your work, but respect is important. Especially to those who have earned it. Twiztid just acts like they don't respect nobody now. That, more than anything else, is driving me away from listening to Twiztid. I don't give a damn how good their next album is, I might not buy it, because of this vibe surrounding them now that they're trying to silently pull away from the Juggalo culture. That's fine. Hey if It's not what you want anymore, then don't do it. Juggalos will make it without them. 

Very well said.

Bostin said

Part of this may be the live factor as well.. Abk gets on stage and controls a stage/crowd with no hypeman. Twiztid have just been shouting words back and forth during their performances lately.. Monoxide has really began to aggrivated me how during a madrox verse he shouts words in a silly voice. He be gettin too stoned.

So damn true. Monoxide seems like he barely tries some of the times I've seen him perform.

ABK always kills it live, he destroys Monoxide's stage skills.

No contest.

Rosco said

I would love to call in and talk to Twiztid on their radio show but seeing how they treat the fans... I mean, I know they're just having fun but it seems like they're the ONLY ones having fun... Not their fans.



January 7, 2016
7:09 pm
randy gall
randy gall
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I lerned that blaze will ha e the beat cd in the world and man I would hang out with monoxide if he has beer and pot but he better not talk bad about fat guys or I will kick his ass and make him pull down my hanes

Whoop Whoop randy gall :


Noah Fence is a RACIST piece of shit and so are you if you support him. No excuses.

January 7, 2016
7:47 pm
Forum Posts: 662
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ABK is the only artist i can think of that performs better live than on the cd, he really starts to flow

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