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"Family Reunion" by Twiztid
August 24, 2021
4:33 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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The fellas announced they are going to try a big festival, shooting for 2023, titled "Family Reunion".

"Hey, Paul!" I said. "That kinda sounds like The Gath-"

"Why be original," he interrupted, "when you can be better?"

I sighed. "Oh, dip, my fault. Go on, do your thing.'

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

Ghazghkull Thraka
August 24, 2021
11:34 am
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It would be awesome if ICP showed for the family reunion and squashed the beef, especially now that J's health is getting so bad.


August 24, 2021
11:59 am
jiggles the clown
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It would be awesome if ICP showed for the family reunion and squashed the beef, especially now that J's health is getting so bad.  

maybe thats WHY it's titled family reunion? I mean, we can hope. But the dude going through some life altering health crisis is surely to put shit in perspective for him and change his mindset. Maybe he realized the beef isn't that important after all. Maybe paul and jamie realized their homie isn't going to be around forever after all and if they don't squash shit now, he might die before they get the chance. who fucking knows what they've said/done behind closed doors. but hopefully this shit ends before they get too old and start dying.

Whoop Whoop jiggles the clown :

Carnivalkilla44, MASTERWEEDO, Psyral, Ghazghkull Thraka

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

August 24, 2021
8:27 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Paul is a fucking sociopath. I love him and his lyrics and what he has accomplished, but.. yeah, he is incapable of caring about anyone but himself. He is one of those dudes that just "doesn't get it". 

I don't, either. But I still want to fight Paul.

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

sleepy, Ghazghkull Thraka
August 24, 2021
11:52 pm
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Pathetic Twizzler so desperate to steal ICP career. I would support Twizzler but honestly their label is garbage, they are so far out of the loop. Letting George or who ever sign all kinds of whack acts. Now they wanna steal the gathering. Pretty whack 

August 25, 2021
1:23 am
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kukluxklown said
Pathetic Twizzler so desperate to steal ICP career. I would support Twizzler but honestly their label is garbage, they are so far out of the loop. Letting George or who ever sign all kinds of whack acts. Now they wanna steal the gathering. Pretty whack   

Well shit, I never thought I'd agree with YOU on something lol

August 25, 2021
3:50 am
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It would be awesome if ICP showed for the family reunion and squashed the beef, especially now that J's health is getting so bad.  

As warm and fuzzy as this sounds, I cant see it happening. J was still calling them "sellout bitches" a couple of weeks ago. I dont think his health is going to make much of a difference to anything. 

At this point, its like a couple getting back together after years of being broken up. Sounds like a great idea but shit wont never be the same. 

Most people who hate Twiztid these days say they hate the direction they have taken their music anyway. Why would anyone want them polluting psychopathic with their music like that? Seems like everyone who hates MNE hates everything they do anyway, from their flows to the beats to the subject matter and just generally how Twiztid go about their business. So really, I dont think many people even want any kind of reunion.

Twiztid haters: "Twiztid sold out coz warped tour and disses"

ICP haters: "IPC cant even do music and J dont do rap good no more"

Maybe things are better as they are now. I dunno.

Whoop Whoop Noawareness :

August 25, 2021
1:50 pm
jiggles the clown
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Noawareness said

As warm and fuzzy as this sounds, I cant see it happening. J was still calling them "sellout bitches" a couple of weeks ago. I dont think his health is going to make much of a difference to anything. 

At this point, its like a couple getting back together after years of being broken up. Sounds like a great idea but shit wont never be the same. 

Most people who hate Twiztid these days say they hate the direction they have taken their music anyway. Why would anyone want them polluting psychopathic with their music like that? Seems like everyone who hates MNE hates everything they do anyway, from their flows to the beats to the subject matter and just generally how Twiztid go about their business. So really, I dont think many people even want any kind of reunion.

Twiztid haters: "Twiztid sold out coz warped tour and disses"

ICP haters: "IPC cant even do music and J dont do rap good no more"

Maybe things are better as they are now. I dunno.  

lets be real. like, really really real for a second. the absolute realist.


we ALL know, a good 90% of the twiztid haters right now only hate on twiztid because their cult leader violent J said to. if J suddenly flipped and said he was cool with twiztid again, got twiztid to start rocking the stage with them again and shit? suddenly most the mother fuckers who're hating on them now will start saying nothing but good things about them again. People just look for reasons to hate because they're "supposed to" hate twiztid, cause of the beef.

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

August 25, 2021
2:02 pm
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jiggles the clown said

lets be real. like, really really real for a second. the absolute realist.


we ALL know, a good 90% of the twiztid haters right now only hate on twiztid because their cult leader violent J said to. if J suddenly flipped and said he was cool with twiztid again, got twiztid to start rocking the stage with them again and shit? suddenly most the mother fuckers who're hating on them now will start saying nothing but good things about them again. People just look for reasons to hate because they're "supposed to" hate twiztid, cause of the beef.  

I want to see it happen just to see how many do just forgive and forget. I don't care if grown men are friends or not but I'd love to see how many people would just go back on everything they've said about twiztid.

August 25, 2021
4:56 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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I have had a low-key distaste for Paul as a person for years, before this label stuff. He just rubs me the wrong way, in person and on his internet posts. Some people just don't meld together. I've said this so many times, but I still love his music and am fine with how he runs his new label. But I love repeating him saying that 

"Why be original, when you can be better?"

line. It just oozes with all kinds of bad feelings.

Madrox doesn't care. By Joe Bruce's own words, he is a stand-up dude. Paul is the aggressive force. Joe Bruce is the other. They will never see eye to eye. But Madrox, Mr. James Spaniolo himself, has to stick by his homie for life, and I get it. 

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

August 26, 2021
1:23 am
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I remember watching this when it came out and thinking he was down to earth and cool, what changed..

Whoop Whoop BZA :

Old Mr Dangerous
August 27, 2021
2:12 am
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July 27, 2012
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I want to like Twiztid. I know they're talented. Every new album has diminishing returns on my interest though. Their music,  to me, feels kind of directionless currently. I'm hyped for V5 though, whenever the hell that will come out. AXE is the most interesting thing on MNE to me at this point. 

A cease fire between the camps would be cool as fuck. It doesn't seem likely though. 

Whoop Whoop Neverthrive :

sleepy, Psyral, Old Mr Dangerous


August 27, 2021
1:51 pm
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June 5, 2019
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Old Mr Dangerous said
Madrox doesn't care. By Joe Bruce's own words, he is a stand-up dude. Paul is the aggressive force. Joe Bruce is the other. They will never see eye to eye. But Madrox, Mr. James Spaniolo himself, has to stick by his homie for life, and I get it.   

Not sure how true this is, considering a pilled-out Violent J assaulted Madrox for no reason on the Black Rain tour, and then stranded Twiztid in that city.

I think it may be that Monoxide is just more willing to speak publicly about it.

Kill Your Boss

August 27, 2021
2:01 pm
jiggles the clown
Forum Posts: 1943
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Mezzd said

Not sure how true this is, considering a pilled-out Violent J assaulted Madrox for no reason on the Black Rain tour, and then stranded Twiztid in that city.

I think it may be that Monoxide is just more willing to speak publicly about it.  

See. I still think it's hilarious we have countless examples of J hopped up on pills or shaggy drunk as fuck abusing Madrox and monoxide. But somehow people think Madrox and monoxide owe J and shaggy undying loyalty and respect until the day they die.


This shit is why I call juggalos a cult these days 

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

August 27, 2021
6:31 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Shaggy "abusing" Madrox and Monoxide? I didn't realize that they were complete bully-bait wimps. Poor things. That mean ol Utsler.

Until Madrox comes out in a clear and pointed interview with his side of the story, I will continue to view the whole thing as: Paul is an anxiety-ridden, sociopath dickhead & Joe is a megalomaniac control freak with some sort of substance abuse problem. 

August 27, 2021
7:27 pm
jiggles the clown
Forum Posts: 1943
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abuse is abuse, anyone can be abused. especially a couple of young cats who's entire career is in the hands of the people who're tormenting them. Just because you want shaggy's cock in your mouth doesn't excuse the things he's done in the past.


I know shaggy is a recovering alcoholic, and hopefully at this point in his recovery he's reached out and genuinely tried to make amends for the way he's treated them while drunk off his ass. Maybe they've forgiven him, maybe not. but don't pretend J is the only one who's given twiztid shit.

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

August 27, 2021
8:05 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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jiggles the clown said
abuse is abuse, anyone can be abused. especially a couple of young cats who's entire career is in the hands of the people who're tormenting them. Just because you want shaggy's cock in your mouth doesn't excuse the things he's done in the past.


I know shaggy is a recovering alcoholic, and hopefully at this point in his recovery he's reached out and genuinely tried to make amends for the way he's treated them while drunk off his ass. Maybe they've forgiven him, maybe not. but don't pretend J is the only one who's given twiztid shit.  

Yep, because I want Shaggy's cock in my mouth. Exactly.

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

August 27, 2021
10:30 pm
Moe Ray Al
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jiggles the clown said
abuse is abuse, anyone can be abused. especially a couple of young cats who's entire career is in the hands of the people who're tormenting them

twinkie pie the hateful bigot somehow thinks Twiztid is so much younger than ICP Shaggy is 46 Violent J is 49 Madrox is 45 and Monoxide is 48

but it sounds like at one point twinkie pie was cornholed by his uncle it would explain just why he is so homophobic


August 27, 2021
10:40 pm
jiggles the clown
Forum Posts: 1943
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Old Mr Dangerous said

Yep, because I want Shaggy's cock in my mouth. Exactly.  

literally or metaphorically, the answer is still yes.

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

August 28, 2021
9:02 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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jiggles the clown said

literally or metaphorically, the answer is still yes.  


On a totally unrelated note, I haven't returned to jail since my second degree assault with a deadly weapon on an attempted carjacker in 2005. Haven't felt that urge at all to hurt again, really.

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