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Am I the only one who wants MNE to stop signing PSY artist??? MNE real talk, long post.
December 4, 2016
8:57 pm
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I ain't trying to start shit, I love twiztid's music and always will. If you are 100% down with what MNE is doing, cool. Keep enjoying what you like regardless. But I have some thoughts concerning ICP, juggalos and the world they created.

Many people were happy that boondox signed to MNE and are pressing for Otis to do the same. I'm really surprised that juggalos want the same shit in a different package.

To me, this is just a weak move and shows that Twiztid aren't willing to take risks. Blaze and the roc makes sense, Jamie wrote most of Blaze's shit and he has always been their project, the ROC was in HOK with them. I expected Twiz to find more new artist and their first attempt with Lex seemed uninspired. Just throw some clown makeup on a guy and juggalos will buy it I guess. I don't like G-Mo at all, but I applaud twiz for signing someone more unique who isn't just trying to fake the funk like Lex. Then boondox got signed and it just seemed like a safe way to pander to juggalos, new juggalos especially. 

"Twiztid, Blaze, the roc and boondox my psychopathic famil...er... I mean my majik ninja family!" That just don't seem original...

Some ninjas have even mentioned wanting twiztid to have a gathering.... WHY?!?!?!? Seriously, why? BTW it'll never happen because twiztid would rather get paid to play the GOTJ and sell exclusive merch. Meanwhile, ICP is losing money doing this event every year and fighting the FBI because they love us.

I just can't ignore that Twiztid is trying to walk the same path ICP paved for years instead of finding their own. The use of the word family, ninja, naming the label after the chant in BMH, doing juggalo day/GOTJ specials and sales. I know none of it's copyrighted and ICP and twiztid are on good terms, but in a way twiztid is just leeching off the hard work ICP did.

Which brings me to my next point, MNE is all juggalo style, no juggalo substance. None of the MNE albums have tried to have inspiring statements to make or influence positive subjects and thoughts to the juggalos, with the exception of "no breaks" on the darkness. It's mostly just been average horrorcore rap. Comparing ICP and Twiztid's twitter further shows this. Jamie constantly posts him doing cool things or buying stuff and VJ trys to inform the juggalos about various topics concerning us and the world. Yea sometimes he says stupid shit, but he is open and honest about who he is to the people he cares about. And I fucking love him for it.

The last twiztid show I went to had a skinhead with a nazi tattoo in the audience. You know why? Because twiztid hasn't explicitly said fuck racism and bigotry. At this same show, I said whoop whoop to someone after talking to them and they told me to fuck off because they aren't a juggalo. More and more non-juggalos are also coming to shows (in my city at least) talking shit on us. Why? Because twiz doesn't show juggalo love in their new music, just when they want to sell us something. Think about it, all juggalo love has been on twiztid-shop sales, not on new nightmare, get twiztid, the darkness or what little we've heard of TCEOL?.

I'm sorry, this is gonna piss a lot of you off, but like I said I can't ignore it. It seems people are often using hatchetgear vs twiztidshop as the main topic to decide who is better, rather than what matters most, the music, the attitude, the beliefs and the lifestyle. You can say they are one and the same and should be equally embraced by juggalos, but in the last 3 years all MNE has shown me is they like selling shit and making decent music that's careful not to take a stance on any topics. 

As much as I love twiztid, I can't deny that my faith in them is waning. I put my life on ICP and the hatchet, not twiztid and MNE. I am excited to hear the new album and will support them in what way I can, just like the other underground labels. But if they keep making vapid music and only showing juggalo love with a price tag, I am fucking done with their future plans. I will always love their old shit but it's getting harder and harder to support diet psychopathic records. 

December 4, 2016
9:11 pm
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EMENEE can pull all the Psy. artists they want! Psy. treats their artists like slave labor! Twiztid treats them like artist! Go Twiztid!

Whoop Whoop wicket_juan :


replacing my heart with a liver, so I can drink more and care less!

December 4, 2016
10:08 pm
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Blah. MNE is both signing developed characters and developing their own as well. They don't really seemed limited either way. At the end of the day MNE is a business and if they can turn a buck by touring Juggalo nostalgia... more power to them. 

December 4, 2016
10:12 pm
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This is going to end one of two ways:

1. It is fully successful and forces PSY to sign fresh new artists with some decent talent or they will collapse.

2. Works out in the short game for MNE but eventually collapses as all the old artists start to seem stale compared to Lex and G-MO....Twiztid better come with absolute fire in January or Them, Blaze and Boondox are in serious trouble credibility wise as faces of their own label. Lex and G-Mo's released blew most people out of the fucking water for what people expected from them was a flop.

Blaze's casket factory was good but definitely not on par with what Lex and G-MO did. Twiztid's the Darkness was not near on par with what they are capable of.

If Boondox's new album doesn't do well you might start to see some jealousy/rift in MNE sooner then later between the old cats and the new bloods.


I expect in a year or two at least 2 of the current artists on MNE leave the label.

PSY may have cemented ABK in with the bringing in of his buddy Str8jacket...this was a very ambassador like move to help with negotiations.

December 4, 2016
10:15 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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You have a few good points there. 

The truth is that ICP's story, Joe's and Joey's, is from a completely different era and world than Twiztid's. They have been taught by the masters, but still don't grasp the hustle that ICP put in. And maybe they don't have to do it the same way. Of course they don't, actually. Times are so different now than Kinko's and hustlin. Twiztid have it simultaneously easier and harder than ICP did, coming up. 

No matter what Twiztid does (and I LOVE these dudes, straight up... 100% love), they will never have the same scrub story as ICP. Or at least won't be able to tell it as well as Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope.

Twiztid could become the world's first dual American presidents of the United States, and still not touch ICP's saga.

December 4, 2016
10:18 pm
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I would like to add @deiko17 Have you heard Lex's new album or the unholy trinity exclusive? He definitely has some intellectual messages based on morality and politics.

December 4, 2016
10:25 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Nyro said
This is going to end one of two ways:

1. It is fully successful and forces PSY to sign fresh new artists with some decent talent or they will collapse.

2. Works out in the short game for MNE but eventually collapses as all the old artists start to seem stale compared to Lex and G-MO....Twiztid better come with absolute fire in January or Them, Blaze and Boondox are in serious trouble credibility wise as faces of their own label. Lex and G-Mo's released blew most people out of the fucking water for what people expected from them was a flop.

Blaze's casket factory was good but definitely not on par with what Lex and G-MO did. Twiztid's the Darkness was not near on par with what they are capable of.

If Boondox's new album doesn't do well you might start to see some jealousy/rift in MNE sooner then later between the old cats and the new bloods.


I expect in a year or two at least 2 of the current artists on MNE leave the label.

PSY may have cemented ABK in with the bringing in of his buddy Str8jacket...this was a very ambassador like move to help with negotiations.  

Lex does not impress me. Sorry man, I know you dig him, but what the fucking fuck is his appeal? I'm a NY-er too. Don't get it.

December 4, 2016
10:37 pm
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Old Mr Dangerous said

Lex does not impress me. Sorry man, I know you dig him, but what the fucking fuck is his appeal? I'm a NY-er too. Don't get it.  

Well for one. Dude is intelligent as fuck and has more intellect and subliminal messages all over his shit then most artists in the genre. He actually reminds me a lot of old ICP with the hidden messages and moral complexities.


EDIT: Also how can you not dig Contact? It may very well be the FLH album of the year.

December 4, 2016
10:42 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Nyro said

Old Mr Dangerous said

Lex does not impress me. Sorry man, I know you dig him, but what the fucking fuck is his appeal? I'm a NY-er too. Don't get it.  

Well for one. Dude is intelligent as fuck and has more intellect and subliminal messages all over his shit then most artists in the genre. He actually reminds me a lot of old ICP with the hidden messages and moral complexities.


EDIT: Also how can you not dig Contact? It may very well be the FLH album of the year.  

I haven't heard the full album, so I'm biased. I'll listen to it then get back to ya. I just thought the few singles he put out before were BULLSHIT. I'll get back to ya

December 4, 2016
11:02 pm
Cat Burgerler
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Lex is the man and so is G Mo Skee too.


ICP needs to do songs with them

December 4, 2016
11:02 pm
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Old Mr Dangerous said

I haven't heard the full album, so I'm biased. I'll listen to it then get back to ya. I just thought the few singles he put out before were BULLSHIT. I'll get back to ya  

I would also recommend "I dream" from his unholy Trinity EP.  That sing gives me goosebumps. 

December 5, 2016
12:54 am
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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I don't really care what twiztid do, but I do think it makes the juggalo world look small as fuck when they keep pulling icp related acts. I don't like g mo skee at all but he's something different and from outside of the juggalo world, so that's cool, and I think Lex murders just about anybody else on their label so I think he's dope.

I couldn't give two fucks about anything boondox drops.

I don't think ABK was gonna go anywhere. He's tried that in the past and came back knowing full well that he can't make it without easy access to the juggalo audience. They didn't bring str8 in because they wanted to keep ABK, they brought him in because they needed someone and ABK said "I know a guy". 

And if young wicked jumps over there, that's cool or whatever but I'm good without having to hear his shit. I don't really fuck with him and didn't like slaughter, but I really doubt he is jumpin ship. He'll probably be on the psypher and we'll see more of him back on psy in the near future, I suspect. 

MNE should focus on bringing new shit though, like g mo and lex and whoever. Nobody needs labels anymore and someone who has weight behind them commercially doesn't really need the help in branding that a label offers. 

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

December 5, 2016
2:12 am
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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Riding ICP's nuts that hard might of made sense ten years ago, but not now.

You are pointing out all the signings MNE has made that you don't like, without bringing up the fact that ICP signed the groupie J was banging, and is trying to push her on us like she is some mega watt talent, or some shit.

Deiko17 said
 Meanwhile, ICP is losing money doing this event every year and fighting the FBI because they love us.

It you truly believe that, I have a few bridges I can sell you.

Anyone who has been paying attention to your recent activity on here can see that you are trying to come up with weird, ineffective ways to hate on Twiztid/MNE.

Telling us you think Twiztid-Shop has too many promotions just makes you look like a hater, and a jackass. Hatchetgear is a total ripoff now compared to Twiztid-Shop, pretty much every ninja in the forum has realized this in the last while,except you.

Get a grip.



December 5, 2016
9:25 am
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From what I've seen, Twiztid is more willing and able to do more creatively with their artists than PSY is. I've said it before, MNE really brings out the full potential of their artists. Lex is a perfect example. While I really didn't care for him after his first two EP's, I still gave him a chance and I'm glad I did. Contact bangs hard! I feel comfortable enough saying it's the best MNE release to date. The work is really getting put in for him with both himself getting better and growing as an artist, along with Twiztid's guidance. I don't see that at PSY.

I say bring em all over, especially Otis. Of course with the exception of Blahzay... She can stay right where she is.

Whoop Whoop Carnivalkilla44 :

December 5, 2016
11:04 am
Curbstomp Productions
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The thing that I've really noticed over time.  Is that Twiztid brings mad visuals, just down to all the little stuff.  That pumpkin carving contest, all the periscope brunch and bakes, Ashtrays and Action Figures (with visual) is consistent.  To me, I love that shit.  PSY does nothing in comparison.  When was the last time you've see "the fuk eka" or J on PSY Radio or anything like that.  I was completely and utterly SHOCKED when they did that mannequin challenge...it was good too.  haha

I dunno MNE is killen shit right now....still haven't checked out Contact!!!  Why complain about those weekend t-shirt sales too?  I have not EVER bought one....who cares!?  They don't bother me one bit.  meh....that's all I got.

December 5, 2016
12:48 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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I don't think Twiztid ever took advantage of the juggalo culture. They have always been careful about making juggalo music instead of music talking about juggalos except for a few tracks here and there over the years.

They are in a weird place. If they stop saying juggalo completely then you have people saying they turned their back on us. If they don't then you have people saying they are mooching off of ICP's culture.

I think they are doing just fine out on their own and they are definitely much more active than icp. No arguing there. I'm very very interested in the future of MNE.

I still love icp but my hype level for them is non existent right now. Can't help it.

December 5, 2016
1:08 pm
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^Couldn't have put it any better.

December 5, 2016
1:27 pm
Curbstomp Productions
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Slumerican502 said
I still love icp but my hype level for them is non existent right now. Can't help it.  

BOOM.  There it is.  

December 5, 2016
4:44 pm
Hypnotized Ninja
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I love both labels. Overall I'll always be partial to the clowns over everyone. As far as labels despite the fact I enjoyed Broken and Asylum alot. MNE has the upper hand contact and my filthy spirit bomb are fantastic debuts and Zodiac Mprint  (seven version) is dope plus them putting back catalogue out for R.O.C and Drive By is icing on the cake. I could only hope one day they'll re release the Virus Independent stuff R.O.C. and Skrapz did years ago (half-breed and level jumpers )

Long story short fuck trying to divide and make it " I'm down with them not them" thing juggalo day in Florida is all MNE/Psychopathic two nights trying my damndest to go.

December 5, 2016
10:12 pm
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Man.....this is hard to speak on with out offending anyone(mainly younger juggalos).Hmmm.... i agree with alot of what Deiko said. For the record ICP and Esham> anyone is my stance and always will be.RESPECT THE OGS. I was a massive Twiztid fan..like huge...copped every record and liked pretty damn much everything they dropped with the exception of mutant which was still decent. I didnt care that they left psychopathic to do their own thing...i understood and embraced it aslong as they didnt sell us out, they put in mad years and work at psy and deserve to venture out and do shit they own way. The problem for me is that the music has suffered a maaaaaaaaaaajor drop off. I havnt liked a single thing they put out post psyhcopathic....altho a few tracks off the darkness are dope. But in terms of liking an entire record they put out post psy...sorry im just not feeling it. It seems more Whiney EMO and watered down(thats just my opinion. MNE as a label though is run incredibly well and im sure they are doing quite well. They promote the projects and artists they have extremely well and i wish Psychopathic would adapt a similar tactic. The Roster they have is all opinion based so there is no right or wrong answer. But heres my brief summary

Twiztid- dissapointing releases post psy....not feeling it.

Blaze. Casket Factory is quite dope and actuallly underated.Admittedly im a huge Blaze mark...so prolly biased

Roc- we finally got a Zodiac Mprint release and it was pretty solid.

Boondox- makes dope music i like him as an artist and repsect homies talent...but lets keep it real...he dosnt give a fuck bout loyalty or juggalos.If you share a different opinion you are either A: new to this scene or B: Havnt been paying attention to his career and the moves hes made

Lex- DOPE AS FUCK IMO! little dissapointed with contact but its still very solid and all his other releass are hard as nails too.


Gmo- mad talented....i see alotta ppl showin him alotta love and his new record. i aint got nun negative to say bout him i just personally aint a fan of his style too much...has nun to do with talent or beats or anything...it jus comes off as pure comedy rap n i cant say i care too much for that.


All in ALL ppl need to acccept its a different era now. this is the MERCH N VIP era. dont hate MNE and TWiZ for that.They are just being smart. i personally aint with that..but i cant hate on someones hustle...so respect to TWIZTID and MNE and what is unquestionably a succesful start to their label. But in the future i would like to see more originality( stop going to the psychopathic well) and jus focus on music more.


None of this effects ICP or Psy. They will always do what they want at their own pace in their own way...n make fuck tons of $ doin it....MNE willl not change that.

Whoop Whoop FrankieG :

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