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The Genius Of Lil Pump: Eskeetit & Building On The Short Comings Of Neitzsche.
August 23, 2018
11:22 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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If you've heard of Lil Pump you've probably dismissed him as another flash in the pan obnoxiously moronic soundcloud kid with a following of tattoo faced imbeciles. He has a song that is fairly popular among the young hip hop crowd called 'Gucci Gang' that on the surface level seems like another cliche and simplistic ode to materialism that dominates the pop charts.

For this reason alone many people are turned off by his music. Included into this crowd is my circle of friends, who automatically dismiss anything that is popular or different from their closed and limited taste of culture and art. When everybody hates something I personally make a note to look more into it to go against the grain and fight the pretentiousness and self righteousness of otherwise superficial opinions that are drenched in an irony with a lack of self awareness.

My first step into truly trying to understand and gain an educated perspective or opinion on Lil Pump was by joining the Lil Pump Fan Club. The first few days were extremely annoying with kids redundantly posting memes asking which soundcloud artist is the best or paying homage to the lost and never forgotten icons of this culture, XXXTentacion and Lil Peep. Coupled with this were a bunch of misspelled and shortly written encomiums written for Lil Pump that truly made me regret this decision. Though, associating with juggalos for most of my life, I have grown to tolerate this type of immature simplicity so I resiliently stood by my initial decision like the true American hero that I am. One thing that I noticed was one phrase; Eskeetit.

Now I desperately tried searching for a meaning behind this seemingly obnoxious and unintelligible catch phrase spat out by the Lil Pump fans like a religious blessing similar to a Christian's 'amen' a Satanists 'Shemhamforash'. My first step was to google the meaning. According to Urban Dictionary 'Eskeetit' is the phrase Lil Pump uses when he demands seminal excretion in or around his mouth. An example would be;
Guy: I'm going to ***!!!
Lil Pump: Eskeetit!!!!
I couldn't truly accept this answer since it never truly fit the context that the following used.

So my next adventure into understanding the motto of the Lil Pump Fan Club was through the source it's self; Lil Pump. At first, like most people, I truly didn't get it. It didn't seem at all to be any different from anything else I've already heard before. The same basic and uninspired sounding instrumental, the same repetitive materialistic lyrics, the same colorful mop dreads and face tattoos that are reflected among his contemporaries. Then it finally hit me. The meaning of it all, the true understanding of Lil Pump, the revelation of his genius and the motto of Eskeetit.

Eskeetit means that I acknowledge the absurdity of existence, I accept my insignificance and I find inner peace in embracing the path laid before me by the cosmic algorithm. Meaning that we all play a part in side of a play written by the cosmos. Although most plays have a point and each role is inherently meaningful to the over all play, the cosmic play is written out of absurdity, randomness and each actor's role is blatantly pointless. There is no moral, no cohesive ideas or plot behind the cosmic algorithm. Things just happen. Eskeetit means that you no longer fight this idea by trying to gain control of the cosmos or making meaning where there is none. You embrace the path and it's incoherent absurdity thus enjoying it as you spend more time doing things that are fulfilling to you rather than things that appeal to a cultural perspective to try and gain a false sense of control. Where most philosophers fall short is they have you revel in existential dread, worried about the meaningless of it all. The genius of Lil Pump is that he and his followers and much of the soundcloud culture have more of an existential appreciation where they celebrate the absurdity of life through a reflection of life's absurdity in a way that instantly fulfills their true desires rather than desperately trying to find or create a meaning that doesn't truly exist.

All of this is explained in Gucci Gang.

If you want to learn more or want to embrace the absurdity of life through a new lens join the Lil Pump Fan Club.


August 23, 2018
11:32 am
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
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If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

August 23, 2018
12:29 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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I also learned that the reason why a lot of the Lil Pump fans can't spell properly is because they are foreign and hardly speak any English while the juggalos are just stupid.

August 23, 2018
12:44 pm
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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"ESSKEETIT" is Apache for "Mama froze her eggs at the wrong temp, so now I'm 

Tranny-Rainbow-Brite-1.jpgImage Enlarger


  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


September 11, 2018
10:52 am
Iris The Tranny juggalette
Forum Posts: 1338
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February 16, 2018
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NWA perfectly captured an area of life not yet talked about in music, all the while being agressive and powerful

Immortal technique told of the shocking realities of that life

Icp created fictional worlds and engagins stories

The geto boys created/popularized a style of story telling not shown before

Eminem had a speed, flow, and emotional variety that let him be impressive and entertaining however he chose 

Biggy Smalls proved himself to be the best at relaxed and mellow rap

Tech n9ne mixed increadable lyrics with great speed and energy, often keeping singing involved and always seeking to have a message

this man said Eskeetit, CLEARLY he's the genius here

(seriously this thread is hillarious, unless of course you weren't joking, if so, thats even funnier)

I see no difference between a corpse and a sex toy

September 12, 2018
6:20 am
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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This song's so fucking dumb... I love it.


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