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Psychadelic tunes
March 13, 2016
11:05 am
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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Whoop Whoop krunk :

GanjaGoblin, Psyral
  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


March 13, 2016
11:46 am
Forum Posts: 3151
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February 13, 2015
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Yeah what scruffy said is pretty true its all up to the person. Back when i used to shovel DXM in my mouth i was like 15 so i was listening to the classics and industrial. 

And im not trying to hear abounch of folk song wither like the ninjas out here. I always think its funny hiw hippies like that so much. Or how crazy lookin goth kids with thier head phobes are slappin "Its Friday Im In Love". I like folk and the cure but i digress....

And thats Mano Negra. Dope band feom spain and france. Thier music covers alot of genre's. They sing mostly in english but speak French Spanish and some middle eastern language.


March 14, 2016
7:59 am
Forum Posts: 3521
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March 14, 2016
1:37 pm
Forum Posts: 713
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Whoop Whoop DemonicSwagger :

March 16, 2016
8:53 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
Forum Posts: 3599
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January 19, 2013
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A lot of WEEN's shit is really trippy.

PURE GUAVA is probably their most psychedelic album front to back.

I feel honored to have seen them live several times, before they broke up. smile


Whoop Whoop Miklo Velka :

March 17, 2016
9:03 pm
Forum Posts: 8202
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YouTube Video Man with no name- Teleport 

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


March 19, 2016
7:53 pm
215, PA

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April 1, 2012
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Gracias for the contributions mi amigos rasta_gif





August 5, 2016
6:20 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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I just discovered this style of dubstep that totally gave me an amazing experience. I must say that i do dislike techno and dubstep aka rave music, but now I think imma explore a lil into the subgenres of dubstep. The style imma talk about today is called chillstep. Now currently, at the moment, i have only listened to just the one video of this subgenre, and i will post it below my rant here, since its sooo beautiful. I stumbled upon this last weekend when i took sum fun guys. Yes, I, as in all by myself, no sitter. I like to trip alone once in awhile, just so i can do whutever i want, when i want witout having to compromise wit sumone. So i steeped them for 15 minutes and drank the tea, followed by a rough time tryin to down the soggy doggys. Idk why but for sum reason eating them when the are slimey made me gag and almost barf.

Just makin a new paragraph so its not hard to read

It took me under 5 minutes to down the dose and while i was still chewing the last of it i grabbed my bookbag and went for a lil walk in the woods. Effects started kickin in within 10 minutes of my walk, perks of making the tea. I stopped by a family of deer and had a smoke while observing their behavior. I watched for like 15 min then continued onward to my destination. 10 min later i got to my bench that was next to a newly made pond. It was amazing to see all this life there, since it was just a hole 2 months ago. I sat for about 45 min and watched the suns shadows morph wit the trees. The plants in and around the pond all had vibrant changin colors and an angelic glow emitting from them. The animal and insect noises were soo trippy and beautiful but the occasional person walking by made me feel like a i was a creeper sittin in the park by myself looking for my next rape victim.

After that i walked to a store to get sum beverage and went home. At this point i felt extremely fulfilled and filled wit love and happiness, but lil did i know it was about to get even better. I took a piss and got to my recliner , to kick back and smoke and vibe to sum shpongle. After a couple songs i decided to click on a suggested video that looked extremely beautiful and peaceful. I was a lil hesitant but decided to try it for 5 min while i tried logging onto FLH. I had a hard time gettin onto the forums, and once i got on i couldnt comprehend what was going on in the threads, so i gave up. By now the video was sucking me in, and i just noticed it was more than just a still image.i figured out that the song would layer and build for 5 min or so, have a 3 min climax then transition into something new and refreshing and continue wit the same process.

At the 35 min mark my cat decided to join me on the recliner and chill. I was starting to try to make sense of the flh forums again exactly when she hopped on me. At 1st i was annoyed wit her but quickly changed that opinion. I was thinkin that she came to me and wanted to tell me she loved me, since all shes got is her owners/food givers. I was feeling her love and affection so hard, i decided i should try to make her feel like all i got is her. I focused all my energy and envisioned seeing waves of love flow from me to her, similar to the glow of the plants i saw at the park. Needless to say she wouldnt let me stop petting her at all. This lasted for over an hour. We had  the best bonding experience, and i started to wish my girl was there to experience the overwhelming experience, started to come down.

The video had the best soundtrack for that kinda moment. At times i felt like it sounded like a water level from donkey kong country, a happy place for me.. Its so beautiful that i think one must experience an hour of this video during their lifetime. So wit out further ado here it is.

August 5, 2016
8:07 pm
Forum Posts: 5
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August 5, 2016
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shit some of my personal favorite when im tripping out is old sixties psychadelic like 13th floor elevators or kalidoscope. those long 10 min trip out jams are the shit when your tripping.



Whoop Whoop soulstalka :

SPOOKYtheFUNGI, deathmetaljuggalo
August 5, 2016
9:07 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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soulstalka said
shit some of my personal favorite when im tripping out is old sixties psychadelic like 13th floor elevators or kalidoscope. those long 10 min trip out jams are the shit when your tripping.



Welcome to the forums homie, you should hit up the thread about new members introducing themselves to the rest of the community. Ill have to check those songs out when i get a chance. I personally like atleast hour long vids while trippin, that way i can explore my brain witout having to figure out whut to put on next.

Whoop Whoop SPOOKYtheFUNGI :

August 5, 2016
9:59 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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This is old. Posting songs anyway. 



Whoop Whoop Pigg :

August 6, 2016
11:50 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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I just discovered this style of dubstep that totally gave me an amazing experience. I must say that i do dislike techno and dubstep aka rave music, but now I think imma explore a lil into the subgenres of dubstep. The style imma talk about today is called chillstep. Now currently, at the moment, i have only listened to just the one video of this subgenre, and i will post it below my rant here, since its sooo beautiful. I stumbled upon this last weekend when i took sum fun guys. Yes, I, as in all by myself, no sitter. I like to trip alone once in awhile, just so i can do whutever i want, when i want witout having to compromise wit sumone. So i steeped them for 15 minutes and drank the tea, followed by a rough time tryin to down the soggy doggys. Idk why but for sum reason eating them when the are slimey made me gag and almost barf.

Just makin a new paragraph so its not hard to read

It took me under 5 minutes to down the dose and while i was still chewing the last of it i grabbed my bookbag and went for a lil walk in the woods. Effects started kickin in within 10 minutes of my walk, perks of making the tea. I stopped by a family of deer and had a smoke while observing their behavior. I watched for like 15 min then continued onward to my destination. 10 min later i got to my bench that was next to a newly made pond. It was amazing to see all this life there, since it was just a hole 2 months ago. I sat for about 45 min and watched the suns shadows morph wit the trees. The plants in and around the pond all had vibrant changin colors and an angelic glow emitting from them. The animal and insect noises were soo trippy and beautiful but the occasional person walking by made me feel like a i was a creeper sittin in the park by myself looking for my next rape victim.

After that i walked to a store to get sum beverage and went home. At this point i felt extremely fulfilled and filled wit love and happiness, but lil did i know it was about to get even better. I took a piss and got to my recliner , to kick back and smoke and vibe to sum shpongle. After a couple songs i decided to click on a suggested video that looked extremely beautiful and peaceful. I was a lil hesitant but decided to try it for 5 min while i tried logging onto FLH. I had a hard time gettin onto the forums, and once i got on i couldnt comprehend what was going on in the threads, so i gave up. By now the video was sucking me in, and i just noticed it was more than just a still image.i figured out that the song would layer and build for 5 min or so, have a 3 min climax then transition into something new and refreshing and continue wit the same process.

At the 35 min mark my cat decided to join me on the recliner and chill. I was starting to try to make sense of the flh forums again exactly when she hopped on me. At 1st i was annoyed wit her but quickly changed that opinion. I was thinkin that she came to me and wanted to tell me she loved me, since all shes got is her owners/food givers. I was feeling her love and affection so hard, i decided i should try to make her feel like all i got is her. I focused all my energy and envisioned seeing waves of love flow from me to her, similar to the glow of the plants i saw at the park. Needless to say she wouldnt let me stop petting her at all. This lasted for over an hour. We had  the best bonding experience, and i started to wish my girl was there to experience the overwhelming experience, started to come down.

The video had the best soundtrack for that kinda moment. At times i felt like it sounded like a water level from donkey kong country, a happy place for me.. Its so beautiful that i think one must experience an hour of this video during their lifetime. So wit out further ado here it is.

grew and ate shrooms for a decade. Solo tripping is my preference. You can learn a lot about yourself and your universe.

I love the cat part of the story. I remember my mom's dalmatian gazing into my humongous pupils during a particularly heavy DXM trek, transfixed. Makes me kinda sad, actually.

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

August 7, 2016
6:05 pm
Forum Posts: 713
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April 19, 2012
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https://demonicswagger.bandcamp.com/track/prisom-phosphene-remixListen to this remix my boy made of a song I recorded recently. But first take acid then look up the definition of what a phosphene is then put headphones on and close your eyes and listen. 

If it does not make you uncomfortable then I have failed....:(

Whoop Whoop DemonicSwagger :

August 7, 2016
7:07 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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most of demonics shit would make for good psychedelic music.  along with most of strange opposition. 

i tried several times to convince my boys of that, last night.  unfortunately, they are both facebooking youtube marks, so we ended up gettin all our music through miniature 'speakers', courtesy of pandora.  really.  ugh. 

worked out okay, i spose...  but seriously, it was a shit way to run some audio, particularly given the circumstances. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

August 13, 2016
4:26 pm
Forum Posts: 467
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January 21, 2016
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December 14, 2017
4:26 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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This just came out in october...i listened to some of the beginning.

Gonna start posting shit i find while trippin, when i discover them.


December 14, 2017
4:59 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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Does anyone have any fun "trippin pranks"?

What i mean by that is games or gadgets or jokes or subliminal "magic"...like playing a musical instrument and not getting caught playing it, making everyone wonder if they really heard those noises or if its in their head.

Im not asking anyone to give away their signature "secret tricks".

One of my favorite things to do is "make" synchronicities happen...it usually ends up giving the trip a theme thats fun and easy to remember. Plus blowing peoples minds and seeing their happiness and amazement intensifies my trip, plus it makes me look like a magical wizard.

As for gadgets ive seen those LED hula-hoops, those are awesome...i have LED gloves and some 3d poster flats(the ones you move left to right and the image shifts/moves). 

Ive seen kaleidoscopes, looked at crystals, and lavaa lamps. 

Is there anything you like to do while trippin at a concert? Or seen people do at them?...making fake traps (or real ones) is funny...same with making random signs and leaving them in weird places.

December 14, 2017
6:11 pm
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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Wrapping yourself in Christmas lights while out of your fucking tree is dope. Also, walking around a metro downtown and playing with the bums is always mind expanding (a nutty indigent named Bishop gave me his map out of Hell once.)

 Fw8sW7C.gifImage Enlarger

YouTube Video Sinister Whisperz - Ride The Mindway (AcidEater mix)  

Whoop Whoop krunk :

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


December 14, 2017
6:37 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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I meant things to fuck with your trippin buddies, fun or mean.

Dressing up in things, like the xmas lights you suggested, or pretending to be someone like batman, are fun tho.

December 14, 2017
8:13 pm
Forum Posts: 365
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December 7, 2017
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11 days! 🎅⏰

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