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P didy or she diddy?
December 19, 2013
12:30 pm
Springfield VA
Forum Posts: 6148
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August 27, 2012
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Qaivon said 
@ocj_brendan Your taking it the wrong way. I am not calling scottish people gay for wearing a kilt. There is nothing wrong with that. It's in their culture to wear kilts. All I am saying is I don't like how P diddy didnt cuz he is not scottish.


How do you know that, he may have Scottish ancestry most African Americans that are not as dark in complextion as their African counterparts are so because they have White blood mixed into their ancestry.  You have no idea what P Diddy's ancestry is and you are making assumptions on that front.  


That being said there is absolutely nothing wrong with a man wearing a skirt of kilt regardless of their ancestry.  You make yourself look like a neanderthal if you think otherwise, but you are entitled to your opinion, its just mad out dated with the rest of the world man.

"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

December 19, 2013
12:39 pm
Forum Posts: 157
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December 12, 2013
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@ocj_brendan  Fo show g have a good day

December 19, 2013
2:56 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
Forum Posts: 4717
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December 3, 2012
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Fag or not that shit looks straight up fucking ridiculous. Seriously, is this gonna be the next fashion thing? If you wear a kilt because of cultural reasons I can understand that. I cant pretend to understand fashion but that shit is a silly fucking fashion statement. Its all for attention.


Im just saying if I had a son and he wanted a kilt because everyone else had one, Id tell him fuck no. hed thank me for it down the road

December 19, 2013
3:47 pm
Forum Posts: 157
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December 12, 2013
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@slumerican502 that shit does look funny as hell on p diddy

December 20, 2013
3:19 am
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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People aren't going to "turn gay" because a musician is wearing effeminate clothing, it doesn't work like that.

If my kid wanted to wear a kilt, or a skirt, why the fuck should I care? And why the fuck should anyone else? I never understood why people get so upset about this.

Also, @qaivon , you are misinterpreting Persian culture with Muslim culture. There are actually numerous references to homosexuality in Persian literature, especially that of older men with younger boys. Now of course, when Zoroastrianism and Islam came to Persia, it changed things, but you can't say that Persian culture is inherently anti-gay.

I think Horrorcore DOES have a negative effect on people, or at least people who cannot discern reality from pretend (e.g. crazy people or little kids) which is why it is so important for parents to actually talk to their kids about this shit! This includes violence in movies and video games.

I guess my biggest issue with anti-homosexuals is: why the fuck do you care so much about what someone else is doing? It's not like they are forcing you to fuck them in the ass. You can be anti-homosexual for all I care, though. You have your right to your belief, and to your freedom of speech.

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