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Eminem - Survival (Music Video)
October 8, 2013
12:48 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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October 8, 2013
2:50 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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October 8, 2013
3:20 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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Slumerican502 said
What a boring fucking song

not enough chopping & too much substance??


October 8, 2013
3:28 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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don't be a jackass I don't listen exclusively to choppers. And substance? He isnt fucking saying anything. There isn't anything relatable 

October 8, 2013
3:32 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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Slumerican502 said
don't be a jackass I don't listen exclusively to choppers.

maybe not exclusively but majoritively haha

And substance? He isnt fucking saying anything.

something wrong with your ears? comprehension?

There isn't anything relatable 

to you maybe.. hes rappin about rapping & me being a rapper i relate to it a lot.. & to a fan of hip hop like myself theres nothing less boring than intricate lyricism.. jackass. haha


October 8, 2013
3:39 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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Well it seems you know what I listen to better than I do. you seem offended that i don't like the song, you'd think you wrote it. my ears work fine btw

October 8, 2013
3:42 pm
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I don't like this song either.  That berzzzerk song is dope though.  Can't wait for the rest of the album.  Different strokes for different folks

October 8, 2013
3:45 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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Slumerican502 said 
Well it seems you know what I listen to better than I do. you seem offended that i don't like the song, you'd think you wrote it. my ears work fine btw


must be comprehension than haha you really just said a song about pride, accomplishment, & success "isnt saying anything" haha wow... i dont care what you choose to not like but cmon son really?? uplifting songs have no substance? or did you not even really listen to it?


October 8, 2013
3:56 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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i don't know if you know this, but it is possible to disagree on something without having to attack the preferences of the person giving their opinion. Instead of saying " I disagree, I liked it" you immediately attack my tastes and accuse me of listening to music wih no substance. It is a really shitty personality trait. Quit fucking acting like you opinion is more valid because you are a "rapper"

October 8, 2013
4:11 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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lol i was just fuckin with you not attacking you.. & generally speaking cats who rap fast admit its not about whats being said its about the flow.. so yeah.. a lot admit to not having substance & rhyming for the sake of rhyming.. haha of course theres exceptions to this.. but regardless apparently you were the one who was offended haha & i never said anything nor acted like my opinions more valid so fuck outta her with that shit.. hell opinion on what? youre the one who opened with how the song is boring.. smh.. nice dodge tho haha


October 8, 2013
4:31 pm
Springfield VA
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twiztidkillaxxx2 said
I don't like this song either.  That berzzzerk song is dope though.  Can't wait for the rest of the album.  Different strokes for different folks

Cosign the real keefness right there^^^

"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

October 9, 2013
6:33 am
The Notorious, L.T.B.
The Notorious, L.T.B.
Fort Wayne, IN
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I dont like it either. And fuck him for having call of duty ghosts playing in his video. And wearing a mask. First dre beats, now call of duty. Is he suddenly so broke he cant release a video without funding from sponsors?

Blood rains down from an angry sky! My cock rages on! My cock rages on!

October 9, 2013
6:40 am
The Notorious, L.T.B.
The Notorious, L.T.B.
Fort Wayne, IN
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Also, it doesnt matter how much 'substance' something has if it still sounds like shit. Like macklemore for example. Part of music is to entertain the listener and if something sounds like garbage i'm not gonna be thinking about their soooo deeep thoughts and feelings. It needs to sound good. And this one doesnt. All in my opinion of course. berzerk also blew dicks. also my opinion

Blood rains down from an angry sky! My cock rages on! My cock rages on!

October 9, 2013
10:58 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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personally i feel this track's much better than berzerk..


October 9, 2013
11:39 am
영덕, South Korea

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Is that Jennifer Lawerence?

Also, song is ok, video is boring as hell. Fuck Call of Duty. Berzerk is still the shit though. Excited for the album though.

October 9, 2013
3:07 pm
Forum Posts: 26
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Ehh not too great really. Could do without the chorus completely. Lyrics aren't too bad, but to me they are not reminiscent of The Marshall Mathers LP at all. Beat is kinda left field as far as this being the MM sequel as well. and the video straight blows IMO.

So I would say 6/10 because its just missing that mark to me.
He shouldn't have called this a sequel to MMLP from what it sounds like to me. Just slapping that title on it gets everyone to have a different expectation than what he is delivering here.

October 9, 2013
3:14 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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Agreed man. Mmlp was hands down my favorite album of his. It'll be really hard to top it 

October 9, 2013
4:06 pm
Forum Posts: 171
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December 26, 2012
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ems 3 records are without a doubt classics! havin said that this n bezerk is straight garbage. smh at warlock.

October 9, 2013
4:43 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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homisyde said
ems 3 records are without a doubt classics! havin said that this n bezerk is straight garbage. smh at warlock.

smh @ your life son.. & Em has more than 3 records.. jackass.


October 9, 2013
5:27 pm
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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The Warlock said
lol i was just fuckin with you not attacking you.. & generally speaking cats who rap fast admit its not about whats being said its about the flow.. so yeah.. a lot admit to not having substance & rhyming for the sake of rhyming.. haha of course theres exceptions to this.. but regardless apparently you were the one who was offended haha & i never said anything nor acted like my opinions more valid so fuck outta her with that shit.. hell opinion on what? youre the one who opened with how the song is boring.. smh.. nice dodge tho haha

this is a very common warlock thing, he gets angry when you disagree with him and when he realizes he is being a weedy little faggot he trys and turns it around by saying 'im just fucking with you' like anyone actually buys into it ^__^. Also what i know is that i didnt like the song very much. its a 'fuck you im a rapper' song. i havent heard any of the other somgs but if this is the way he is going, its gunna be a mediocre album (in my opinion, so shut up warlock, i know more about music then you do).

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