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Eminem - Kamikaze
September 1, 2018
8:52 pm
Bonesaw Wizardstick
Forum Posts: 1332
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Just checked this out.  Only spun it once so far, but I like it.

September 2, 2018
9:40 am
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It's definitely a solid release. I dig it. Wish Em would do another nationwide tour at small venues. Never got to see him.

September 2, 2018
2:41 pm
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A lot of disses joe budden and mgks were the most brutal in my opinion on the album

September 2, 2018
2:42 pm
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He did show some love to the underground too

September 2, 2018
2:55 pm
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GOTJ 2019!

Whoop Whoop FuckHerRightInThePussy :

scruffy, SPOOKYtheFUNGI
September 2, 2018
2:59 pm

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FuckHerRightInThePussy said    
GOTJ 2019!     

they already tried.  

he said he would only do it in exchange for the masters to slim anus and nuthin but a bitch thang.  

Whoop Whoop scruffy :

FuckHerRightInThePussy, SPOOKYtheFUNGI

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

September 2, 2018
3:43 pm
Bonesaw Wizardstick
Forum Posts: 1332
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Well actually it's because they addressed his invitation to Detroit, but it turns out that he now lives 20 miles away.

Whoop Whoop Bonesaw Wizardstick :

Carnivalkilla44, SPOOKYtheFUNGI
September 2, 2018
4:13 pm
Hypnotized Ninja
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I enjoyed this thoroughly. MGK,  Budden, Tyler the Creator, Lord Jamar, Lil Yachty and all of the new school mumble trap rappers in general got some jabs. Plus media folks like Charlamagne and Akadimiks were spanked as well. Only two pop tracks and I like one of the two "("good guy") the pop singer is an unknown so that's probably why. When he has big name pop stars it becomes contrived and formulaic and an obvious cash grab for streams/purchases(Ed Sheeran on the last one for example)


not my favorite track but my favorite subject matter was the song addressing the fact that D12 died when Proof died and admitting he left them behind. Addressing Bizarre mostly. Hopsin stanned out when he saw Em acknowledged him.

September 2, 2018
4:34 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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scruffy said

FuckHerRightInThePussy said    
GOTJ 2019!     

they already tried.  

he said he would only do it in exchange for the masters to slim anus and nuthin but a bitch thang.    

Are you joking or for real here?

Cus they could be like, "oh... those? Sure! Here ya go, Marshall, no problem!"

Thenn...  announce a nonstop 24 hour replaying of Please Dont Hate Me, Who Wanna Flex? and Shittalkaz. 

But we got a second vehicle recently with 3 free months of Sirius, and I just heard the one track where he disses all the folks on there. Pretty good.

September 2, 2018
7:07 pm
Forum Posts: 337
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Possible jab at cypress hill on greatest 

September 2, 2018
8:21 pm
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hippiekush said
Possible jab at cypress hill on greatest   

Not really, He just used a play on B-Reals name to further along the diss at Die Antwoord, Don't know if you know them,

but DJ Muggs, from Cypress Hill, is one of their producers (The Black Goat). He even says "Shout out to Cypress".

Considering Cypress Hill and Die Antwoord both have new albums dropping this year, This is the greatest thing since sliced

bread to happen to both of them.

Hypnotized Ninja said
I enjoyed this thoroughly. MGK,  Budden, Tyler the Creator, Lord Jamar, Lil Yachty and all of the new school mumble trap rappers in general got some jabs. Plus media folks like Charlamagne and Akadimiks were spanked as well. Only two pop tracks and I like one of the two "("good guy") the pop singer is an unknown so that's probably why. When he has big name pop stars it becomes contrived and formulaic and an obvious cash grab for streams/purchases(Ed Sheeran on the last one for example)


not my favorite track but my favorite subject matter was the song addressing the fact that D12 died when Proof died and admitting he left them behind. Addressing Bizarre mostly. Hopsin stanned out when he saw Em acknowledged him.  


Finally no Riana collab, fuck that got so stale. It worked once, so they forced it every time on his last three albums.

The D-12 song was really a great track. He laid it all out. I always wondered why they never put out one more album...or a mix tape or something. I get proof got killed, but even when he was alive there was a lack of material from the group. Now poor Bizarre is forced to hold MNE on his shoulders. Why Em....why. 

Lord Jamar got that work because of all the shit talking about Caucasians in hip hop on those VLAD interviews, Raciest ass, Fuck that guy. MGK got it THE worst on the entire album, hands down. Eminem basically did the Lyrical button combination that performs a fatality on that kid. I literally felt bad for the guy once the verse ended. Wowsers! Even through Techs name in the fray. Man, when that beat switches up....look out.

"And I'm talking to you...but you already know who you are ( R.), Kelly...",



September 2, 2018
10:25 pm
Forum Posts: 555
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January 3, 2015
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scruffy said

FuckHerRightInThePussy said    
GOTJ 2019!     

they already tried.  

he said he would only do it in exchange for the masters to slim anus and nuthin but a bitch thang.    

M N Em

Whoop Whoop FuckHerRightInThePussy :

scruffy, SPOOKYtheFUNGI
September 4, 2018
1:36 pm
Forum Posts: 555
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January 3, 2015
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The video of hopsin actin like a 13 yr old who just got laid for the first time reminds me of this verse instantly..

Yo, so Hopsin's the greatest rapper alive, right?
I bet you if you scratch his black off
You’ll probably get a 1999 bright blond hair, blue eye, white new guy
With five Spice Girls sitting next to Dr. Dre saying “Hi”, right?
Let's put the facts together, he ain’t a rapper
He’s the worlds’ biggest blackest Marshall Mathers swagger jacker ever
It’s fucking sad but clever, every single thing he does, Eminem did ten years in the past and better
He’s just a big clone! Somebody took white contacts and stuck them on a slim shady dick comb
And Eminem’s own fans kids were just stoned enough for it to work, now he's dancing in the end-zone.

Don't get me wrong, I think I'll mind 5 and 7 are pretty dope, along with a few other songs, but really dude? That reaction is wack

Whoop Whoop FuckHerRightInThePussy :

Bonesaw Wizardstick
September 4, 2018
2:40 pm
Bonesaw Wizardstick
Forum Posts: 1332
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April 18, 2017
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FuckHerRightInThePussy said
The video of hopsin actin like a 13 yr old who just got laid for the first time reminds me of this verse instantly..

Yo, so Hopsin's the greatest rapper alive, right?
I bet you if you scratch his black off
You’ll probably get a 1999 bright blond hair, blue eye, white new guy
With five Spice Girls sitting next to Dr. Dre saying “Hi”, right?
Let's put the facts together, he ain’t a rapper
He’s the worlds’ biggest blackest Marshall Mathers swagger jacker ever
It’s fucking sad but clever, every single thing he does, Eminem did ten years in the past and better
He’s just a big clone! Somebody took white contacts and stuck them on a slim shady dick comb
And Eminem’s own fans kids were just stoned enough for it to work, now he's dancing in the end-zone.

Don't get me wrong, I think I'll mind 5 and 7 are pretty dope, along with a few other songs, but really dude? That reaction is wack  

Slim Shady dip cone.  Not dick comb, lol

But yea, that was a super cringey reaction and I know Jokerr had to get a kick out of it even though he's been "over it" for years now.

September 4, 2018
3:24 pm
Forum Posts: 3248
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August 10, 2017
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What Ill Mind did hopsin do at GOTJ?

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

September 4, 2018
4:35 pm
Forum Posts: 3521
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April 4, 2012
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Drunkalo said
What Ill Mind did hopsin do at GOTJ?  

Ill Mind 8

Whoop Whoop Carnivalkilla44 :

Drunkalo, SPOOKYtheFUNGI
September 4, 2018
4:50 pm
Forum Posts: 3248
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August 10, 2017
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Carnivalkilla44 said

Ill Mind 8  

Thank you again, my good man!

Whoop Whoop Drunkalo :


Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

September 4, 2018
5:11 pm
Bonesaw Wizardstick
Forum Posts: 1332
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April 18, 2017
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Drunkalo said

Thank you again, my good man!  

He also did Ill Mind 4 and 5 at the Gathering.

Whoop Whoop Bonesaw Wizardstick :

Drunkalo, SPOOKYtheFUNGI
September 4, 2018
5:15 pm
Forum Posts: 3248
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August 10, 2017
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Bonesaw Wizardstick said

He also did Ill Mind 4 and 5 at the Gathering.  

He also did 7, thats the one i was looking for. I knew it had a questioning religion moral and none of those were it. Thanks anyways fellas. 

Whoop Whoop Drunkalo :


Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

September 4, 2018
6:20 pm
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
Forum Posts: 3110
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July 28, 2016
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7 is my fave. Glad to hear he does it live

Whoop Whoop Noah Fence :


If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

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