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Fat, dumb and happy
April 30, 2016
3:29 pm
Forum Posts: 2139
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March 10, 2016
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So it occurred to me that although I have been here over a month I never introduced myself properly....


Well hello there, my name is Drew (Andrew or Nyro. Yes I got by Nyro also as it has been a net handle since I was 13). I am 28 years old and first heard  ICP at 15 and liked their shit ever since. I am a therapist for children who were abused and I also work with juvenile criminals. I had a shitty life growing up so I wanted to give something back to kids that also had rough lives and I figured the #1 thing I wanted growing up was just someone who gave a shit. I am a father and husband (not sure how good but I try).

I can be pretty crazy. My wife often says I never left college and am still in party mode. I just tell her any man that doesn't grab those huge bouncy balls at Walmart and plays with them through the store is a fucking stick in the mud. I genuinely look for the best things in life and try not to focus on the negative.

One interesting fact about me that others found odd were I have NEVER been to a show and May 22nd will be my first(tickets bought and ready to go). This is mostly due to my shitty childhood and my financial situation I was in until I finished my degree and nowadays it is because of my daughter and the fact I live a good couple hours from any venues they go to.  I will be driving 2 1/2 hours to Ft.Worth and was lucky enough that my mom is in town to watch my baby girl.


Anyways that's it you know enough.

Whoop Whoop Nyro :

King Lucem Ferre, SPOOKYtheFUNGI, bayAreaShaman, Cabracan, OCJ_Brendan, djscrubb
April 30, 2016
3:34 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
Forum Posts: 4717
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December 3, 2012
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You have an awesome job dude. That's really cool. Does your boss know youre a juggalo gang banger in your free time?

Whoop Whoop Slumerican502 :

86, JC
April 30, 2016
3:43 pm
Forum Posts: 2139
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March 10, 2016
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Slumerican502 said
You have an awesome job dude. That's really cool. Does your boss know youre a juggalo gang banger in your free time?

I work at a church and have been a member there since I was 2 so....I doubt they give a shit as long as I stay clean and do my job. I am not a gang banger though. Also I am kind of my own boss really. My office is just at the church.

Whoop Whoop Nyro :

King Lucem Ferre
April 30, 2016
3:59 pm
Forum Posts: 518
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May 28, 2013
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I agree, very fucking cool job. That's awesome. What part of Texas are you from? I was stationed in Freeport for a few years. 

And I think you picked a great tour to experience your first show. I was in a similar situation growing up and didn't see the clowns until I could afford it on my own.

Whoop Whoop V_Ron :

April 30, 2016
4:03 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
Forum Posts: 4717
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December 3, 2012
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Lol I know you ain't a gang banger. It was a long played out joke. My bad.

Whoop Whoop Slumerican502 :

April 30, 2016
4:22 pm
Forum Posts: 2139
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March 10, 2016
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V_Ron said
I agree, very fucking cool job. That's awesome. What part of Texas are you from? I was stationed in Freeport for a few years. 

And I think you picked a great tour to experience your first show. I was in a similar situation growing up and didn't see the clowns until I could afford it on my own.

Like 30 miles east of Waco? Little town called Lott. Pretty much dead center texas. I drive 30 mins to go grocery shopping in Waco. I think Austin is the closest bigger city to me at 1 1/2 hours.


@slum when I was younger I got in a lot of trouble so I avoid the bullshit for sure.

Whoop Whoop Nyro :

King Lucem Ferre
April 30, 2016
4:49 pm
Forum Posts: 2139
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March 10, 2016
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Let's see I would have been 6 years old.....so thankfully no or I might have been sodomized.

Whoop Whoop Nyro :

King Lucem Ferre
April 30, 2016
4:56 pm
215, PA

Forum Posts: 2886
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April 1, 2012
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Welcome to the forums Nyro. Make yourself at home, shoes off and use the coasters for your faygos. 

Whoop Whoop GanjaGoblin :



April 30, 2016
5:07 pm
Forum Posts: 2139
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March 10, 2016
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the_smack said
out of all place in America Texas is the one place I would want to visit that and Nevada because I like to gamble and would love to fuck a whore at the moonlight bunny ranch.

Waco Texas is pretty boring man.

Whoop Whoop Nyro :

King Lucem Ferre
April 30, 2016
5:13 pm
215, PA

Forum Posts: 2886
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April 1, 2012
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the_smack said
out of all place in America Texas is the one place I would want to visit that and Nevada because I like to gamble and would love to fuck a whore at the moonlight bunny ranch.

Don't visit Jersey, wherever you decide to travel. Completely avoid Jersey. 

Whoop Whoop GanjaGoblin :



April 30, 2016
5:15 pm
Forum Posts: 2139
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March 10, 2016
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GanjaGoblin said

the_smack said
out of all place in America Texas is the one place I would want to visit that and Nevada because I like to gamble and would love to fuck a whore at the moonlight bunny ranch.

Don't visit Jersey, wherever you decide to travel. Completely avoid Jersey. 

But......Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith.....

Whoop Whoop Nyro :

King Lucem Ferre
April 30, 2016
5:18 pm
215, PA

Forum Posts: 2886
Member Since:
April 1, 2012
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1 point for Jersey I guess. They actually were filming Mallrats 2 at a mall about an hour away from me. Thats all Jerseys really got. The beaches and the bitches are terrible there. 


April 30, 2016
5:20 pm
Forum Posts: 2139
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March 10, 2016
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GanjaGoblin said
1 point for Jersey I guess. They actually were filming Mallrats 2 at a mall about an hour away from me. Thats all Jerseys really got. The beaches and the bitches are terrible there. 

I dunno...I would tap Snooki just to say I did it.....

Whoop Whoop Nyro :

King Lucem Ferre
April 30, 2016
5:59 pm
Forum Posts: 1581
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June 13, 2013
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@nyro wish I could have known you when I was a teenager. At that age, you really don't know shit, but that certainly doesn't make the whole process of growing up any easier. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to give a shit to make a world of difference. That's an important job you have sir. That's awesome.cool

Whoop Whoop 86 :

Nyro, SPOOKYtheFUNGI, Cabracan

"I Just Wanna Hide Inside My Own Private Hell"- Boondox

April 30, 2016
9:33 pm
Forum Posts: 544
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July 6, 2014
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Hi @nyro 

As everyone has said, your career does sound awesome.  Seriously, what a great way to give back to the world and make a difference.  I hope you have a great time at your first show!  Will you be coming to the gathering this year as well?  

lol I've been here for like a year and never introduced myself properly...I'm far too socially awkward for that shit :) 

Whoop Whoop JC :

April 30, 2016
11:34 pm
Forum Posts: 2139
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March 10, 2016
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JC said
Hi @nyro 

As everyone has said, your career does sound awesome.  Seriously, what a great way to give back to the world and make a difference.  I hope you have a great time at your first show!  Will you be coming to the gathering this year as well?  

lol I've been here for like a year and never introduced myself properly...I'm far too socially awkward for that shit :) 

I won't make it. Can't find a babysit we I trust for that long to do the gathering.

Whoop Whoop Nyro :

King Lucem Ferre
May 1, 2016
8:00 am
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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Nyro said
So it occurred to me that although I have been here over a month I never introduced myself properly....


Well hello there, my name is Drew (Andrew or Nyro. Yes I got by Nyro also as it has been a net handle since I was 13). I am 28 years old and first heard  ICP at 15 and liked their shit ever since. I am a therapist for children who were abused and I also work with juvenile criminals. I had a shitty life growing up so I wanted to give something back to kids that also had rough lives and I figured the #1 thing I wanted growing up was just someone who gave a shit. I am a father and husband (not sure how good but I try).

I can be pretty crazy. My wife often says I never left college and am still in party mode. I just tell her any man that doesn't grab those huge bouncy balls at Walmart and plays with them through the store is a fucking stick in the mud. I genuinely look for the best things in life and try not to focus on the negative.

One interesting fact about me that others found odd were I have NEVER been to a show and May 22nd will be my first(tickets bought and ready to go). This is mostly due to my shitty childhood and my financial situation I was in until I finished my degree and nowadays it is because of my daughter and the fact I live a good couple hours from any venues they go to.  I will be driving 2 1/2 hours to Ft.Worth and was lucky enough that my mom is in town to watch my baby girl.


Anyways that's it you know enough.

Thats whuts up, im bout the same age as u and kinda went thru da same shit. I felt like my callin would to have been a school counselor, since i like helpin others out.  I too been have been financially challenged all my life and couldnt get any gear or attend anshow growin up. My 1st show was bang pow boom tour and i havent missed one since. Cant wait for my 1st gatherin this year, just gonna be sad when it ends.

Whoop Whoop SPOOKYtheFUNGI :

May 1, 2016
10:29 am
Forum Posts: 405
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February 4, 2015
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nyro Welcome! Those bouncy balls at Wal-Mart are addictive. Shit never gets old. Have fun at your first ICP show. I have only been listening to ICP and horrorcore for a few years. I guess I am a late bloomer since I'm 34. I have always had friends who were down and heard songs here and there but I guess in my 20s I was more into other music. I saw ICP for the first time at gathering in 2014 and I have been a fan ever since. I can't say I am an expert or walking Wikipedia on all things Psychopathic but thats why I come here. There are a lot of ninjas who keep me in the loop of things. I am sure you have already discovered that being on here. And of course props to you and your career. Being able to help someone in their struggles and let the know they are not alone and that someone cares is an amazing feeling you can give to someone. My wife is a social worker and she deals with the elderly. I have see the way people take to her and it is a wonderful thing to see. I am sure you do the same in your field with the youth.  

Whoop Whoop phreakcore :

May 1, 2016
10:39 am
Forum Posts: 405
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February 4, 2015
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GanjaGoblin said
1 point for Jersey I guess. They actually were filming Mallrats 2 at a mall about an hour away from me. Thats all Jerseys really got. The beaches and the bitches are terrible there. 

how about a point for Jersey has beer, liquor, and wine in 1 place and they don't close at like 8 or 9 like PA. How about the fact that Jersey doesn't make you pay for a car inspection and they don't make you do it yearly like PA. How about the fact the NJ has one place for you to get your license and register your car. PA has PennDot and then you have to go to a Tag Agency. Since my car is still being financed I had to have my title be mailed, yes mailed and not faxed, over from Capital one before I could get my tags. Oh and my first PA license was a temp one for 14 days. I didn't think it was a big deal until some douche hit my car and I had to get a rental while my car was being repaired. The rental place told me I couldn't rent one with a temp license. I totally understand the car places policy but why PA needs to give you a temp one is beyond me. I never thought I would say this but I really miss Jersey. I moved to PA for my wife so she could be closer to her family. I love the area where I live but I just hate this state. Im sure PA has its perks. I have yet to see them though.

Whoop Whoop phreakcore :

May 1, 2016
2:05 pm
Forum Posts: 159
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December 24, 2015
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I went through a lot of shit too growing up and i want to give you much props for your Job.  I've been down for 10 years now and never was to a show because I live in germany and you know... They just don't Come around here. I think the one time they were here was 2000 when my memorys of behind the paint aren't foolin' me. Have fun on the forum!

Whoop Whoop Cabracan :

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