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January 25, 2023
8:38 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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How could Scottie make it better?

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

January 25, 2023
9:52 pm
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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A better question might be "How can members make it better?"

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


January 25, 2023
10:28 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
Forum Posts: 785
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April 18, 2014
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By encouraging moderators to ban people. Like they should be doing. Part of the reason over 100 members stopped wanting to come here was because of people like you and some other ones. Cesspools of toxicity with no idea that they are. You've added nothing here.

Whoop Whoop Mr. Popo :

Noawareness, Stalkz, Old Mr Dangerous

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

January 28, 2023
8:47 pm
Forum Posts: 277
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May 28, 2013
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Mr. Popo said
By encouraging moderators to ban people. Like they should be doing. Part of the reason over 100 members stopped wanting to come here was because of people like you and some other ones. Cesspools of toxicity with no idea that they are. You've added nothing here.  

Are there even any mods here? I've never seen a single stitch of modding since like 2017 (and I wasn't here from 2012-2017)

January 28, 2023
10:22 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Just wish it was intriguing again. 

January 29, 2023
9:16 am
Forum Posts: 3521
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April 4, 2012
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Old Mr Dangerous said
Just wish it was intriguing again.   

That won't happen until ICP and/or Twiztid give us stuff to be intrigued about. Can't consistently post new topics when the groups the topics are based around (the majority of topics at least) don't give us anything meaningful to talk about. 

Whoop Whoop Carnivalkilla44 :

Old Mr Dangerous
January 29, 2023
2:06 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Carnivalkilla44 said

That won't happen until ICP and/or Twiztid give us stuff to be intrigued about. Can't consistently post new topics when the groups the topics are based around (the majority of topics at least) don't give us anything meaningful to talk about.   

Since you put it that way...

Twiztid have bored me immensely for the past decade. They have released some decent sporadic tunes, but nothing that I love much.

ICP are just not keeping my attention, either. Only thing I have been following was Mario Maker Mondays on Kegan and Shaggy show, but they barely do that at all now. And of course Shaggy is gone from there. 

So, I agree with you. My meaningless, wishful thinking advice would be

Twiztid - I dunno... make more interesting rap music? Better themes? I dunno.

ICP - focus. Fucking FOCUS. Hey 2 Dope, take your time and release a new FTFO record. We will all purchase it. 

I dunno.

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

January 29, 2023
7:30 pm
Forum Posts: 3521
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April 4, 2012
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Each label needs to at least give us stuff to look forward to (even if it never actually pans out in the ICP stuff).

What happened to the beginning of every year a label announcing the releases for their artists for that year? I know that would apply more to MNE, but PSY could at least lie to us like they typically do and post some form of schedule. 

Obviously, what would really get us talking again is some form of reunion between camps. Even if it was to be a possibility,  I can't see MNE seeing and hearing what PSY is putting out lately and thinking it would be a good idea. Twiztid has put out mostly crap music over the past couple of years, but there has been solid stuff to, between releases, tours and conventions and at least they still come across as functioning and in touch with their fans base for the most part.

January 29, 2023
8:40 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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March 30, 2013
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It's weird. MNE is somehow more "cringe" than most of ICP's recent output. More cringe than Violent J's behavior, even.

January 29, 2023
10:05 pm
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Old Mr Dangerous said
It's weird. MNE is somehow more "cringe" than most of ICP's recent output. More cringe than Violent J's behavior, even.  

I would strongly disagree with that. Twiztid has been putting out some crap, but Violent J has been outright embarrassing to say you're a fan of...

January 30, 2023
12:45 pm
Forum Posts: 116
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February 15, 2021
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  1. Re-open the store so people can purchase FaygoLuvers Merch.
  2. Remove the random spam that appears monthly (something about CMB gummies keeps popping up).
  3. Promote FaygoLuvers Heaven tie-ins (Juggalo Juice Podcast).
  4. Fix server lag (migrate servers, etc).
  5. More video reviews; not reviews of music videos, but videos of people giving pro reviews (not ad-hoc/live/podcast style).
  6. Ban the racists; they have no business here.
  7. Ban the people that make threats on here.
  8.  I would love to see (live, if possible) videos on concert venues, Juggalo Day, The Gathering, Astronomicon, etc.
  9.  Hold contests; remix contests, beat making contests, beat kit contests, music video contests, etc.
  10.  Do something similar to what RealJuggalos did with "Juggalette of the Month" but more generalized, like "Juggalos of the World" where professionals and everyday Juggalos may get a small feature. Helps with the post-FBI morale. Just no sob stories.
  11.  Maybe occasionally do a cross-promotion with some Juggalo Podcasters.
  12.  Maybe add an "Upcoming" tab, where it lists upcoming shows, concerts, signing, etc. I hate searching for that stuff. Would be nicer to have it in one area that isn't pepper with reviews and other news.

Quit edit: There are tabs/pages for Contests and Events (Upcoming), but Events is blank and the Contests page only has one entry from years ago. 

Whoop Whoop PrometheusComplex :

Carnivalkilla44, Stalkz
January 30, 2023
1:36 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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March 30, 2018
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PrometheusComplex said



    1. Ban the racists; they have no business here.

this is called confession threw projection when a libtard labels his opposition a racist with no proof whatsoever usually means they are a xenophobe and oftentimes much worst themself

as for Milo, I would think it's by far worst

like if that guy lived in California he would vote for Scott Weiner worst


January 30, 2023
5:16 pm
Forum Posts: 3521
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April 4, 2012
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I definitely would love to see more reviews. I'm not big into YouTube ninjas, but DC Faygo guy kills it with stuff like that. 

Live concert streams, in HD, would be tits. Even if there was like a $5-10 paywall. 

Some form of virtual game night? Like Echoside over Webcam or some shit.

Finally give Ck44 a FLH jersey.

There's a lot you can do, you know? 

Whoop Whoop Carnivalkilla44 :

January 31, 2023
12:59 am
Forum Posts: 767
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September 8, 2013
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the_patriot_smack said

PrometheusComplex said



        1. Ban the racists; they have no business here.

this is called confession threw projection when a libtard labels his opposition a racist with no proof whatsoever usually means they are a xenophobe and oftentimes much worst themself

as for Milo, I would think it's by far worst

like if that guy lived in California he would vote for Scott Weiner worst  

Serious question, have you even seen a psychiatrist?

January 31, 2023
8:17 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
Forum Posts: 9047
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March 30, 2013
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BZA said

Serious question, have you even seen a psychiatrist?  

Psychiatriss ar just a bunch o soilies mighty soy pop libtardatin pansies who voted for Boe Jiden and no Jill Biden is not a Dr she is a pedo I have links provided from Krunk that show Jill Biden the soylie with an extra larch chest pizza from comet pizza and Shillary Clinton taking pictures on a Polaroid from the Comet Pizza basement with three hundred nakit soylie chirren pedo planet haha they should call it that and thr only toppings they provide are covid booster pepperoni don't order the veggetarian pepperoni only the weak mushy soy burger people will order that to get their 17th booster then die at Buffalo Bills Libtard Child Sex Dunegon and furthermore yes I have been to Comet Ping Pong Pizza but never for veggie smeggie smegma pepperoni booster baby sex traffic king toppings I always get triple decker poutine power punch and then I only go to thr basement to ask for the rare Hillary Clinton Funko Pop 2017 editions there are like six kinds and then I wash it all down with my 9% twelve pack of real Canadian beer I hate Canada and love America but it's all soy muslimic Arabic immigrants with booster AIDS so soon they will die off and the truth will come out and the great Donald Trump will return to his throne and get rid of all the vegan pizza and sex trafficking and pedo liberati haha ahahaa hahaaha


- saved you some time, Smack. Thank me later, I know you're busy today 

January 31, 2023
9:21 am
Forum Posts: 116
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February 15, 2021
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the_patriot_smack said

PrometheusComplex said



        1. Ban the racists; they have no business here.

this is called confession threw projection when a libtard labels his opposition a racist with no proof whatsoever usually means they are a xenophobe and oftentimes much worst themself

as for Milo, I would think it's by far worst

like if that guy lived in California he would vote for Scott Weiner worst  

What are you ranting about now? All I said was ban the racists. I didn't finger point or say anything else. If you're sweating when "ban the racists" is said, that's on you. 

January 31, 2023
9:33 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
Forum Posts: 785
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April 18, 2014
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Was about to shit talk because of how much it looked like something the incel would type.


It's funny the second we talk about getting mods to actually clean up the site he thinks it's because we're Nazi's and racist. That's him getting scared. That's him knowing he's powerless and the only thing he can do is resort to insults. Hell I'd laugh if Scruffy came back and actually started deleting posts of his since we all practically want that at this point.


Now I might go derail some threads since mods respond when I do it. HA

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 2, 2023
7:52 pm
Forum Posts: 277
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May 28, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

PrometheusComplex said

    1. Re-open the store so people can purchase FaygoLuvers Merch.
    1. Remove the random spam that appears monthly (something about CMB gummies keeps popping up).
    1. Promote FaygoLuvers Heaven tie-ins (Juggalo Juice Podcast).
    1. Fix server lag (migrate servers, etc).
    1. More video reviews; not reviews of music videos, but videos of people giving pro reviews (not ad-hoc/live/podcast style).
    1. Ban the racists; they have no business here.
    1. Ban the people that make threats on here.
    1.  I would love to see (live, if possible) videos on concert venues, Juggalo Day, The Gathering, Astronomicon, etc.
    1.  Hold contests; remix contests, beat making contests, beat kit contests, music video contests, etc.
    1.  Do something similar to what RealJuggalos did with "Juggalette of the Month" but more generalized, like "Juggalos of the World" where professionals and everyday Juggalos may get a small feature. Helps with the post-FBI morale. Just no sob stories.
    1.  Maybe occasionally do a cross-promotion with some Juggalo Podcasters.
    1.  Maybe add an "Upcoming" tab, where it lists upcoming shows, concerts, signing, etc. I hate searching for that stuff. Would be nicer to have it in one area that isn't pepper with reviews and other news.

Quit edit: There are tabs/pages for Contests and Events (Upcoming), but Events is blank and the Contests page only has one entry from years ago.   

These are all really fantastic suggestions that would make a huge impact and bring a lot more interest in the site

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