April 29, 2024
94 Guests and Online

The “What Say You?” podcast talks Juggalos!

Some of you may be familiar with the show Impractical Jokers.  Two of the hosts of that show, Sal and Q, have a podcast called the “What Say You? Podcast”.  In the latest episode, “Episode 31: Fatty…Fatty…Fatty”, they EXTENSIVELY talk about Juggalos and Juggalettes.  One of the co-hosts actually seems to have been a Juggalo in the past, stating that he has a Psychopathic Records jersey, owns the Riddle Box and the Great Milenko, and has painted up as ICP for Halloween.

They also go into the Juggalo Baby Funeral from several years ago, and talk to a ninja who goes by the name Fatty who is indifferent about being a Juggalo, but has been a part of the scene for over a decade!  Now check out the latest episode below:

Episode 31: Fatty…Fatty…Fatty @ WhatSayYouPodcast.com

I’m still in the middle of listening to it, but there’s no hate at all in the podcast to this point!  You can start listening to the Juggalo part of the podcast at the 25:30 mark.




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. ThyGoobers


    Comment posted on Tuesday, July 8th, 2014 05:29 am GMT -5 at 5:29 am

    This Fatty guy didn’t really know shit. Kinda shitty thing to talk like he knew everything about the Gathering yet never been to one. And spout out blatant lies. We need some mod here to try and do an interview with these guys. Meh fuck it I’m just sour today I guess

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