June 15, 2024
6 Guests and Online

Tonight’s Wormwood Tour date in Detroit is at the i-Rock Nightclub!

Juggalos and Juggalettes…there seems to be a bit of confusion about tonight’s Wormwood Tour date in Detroit, MI!  In case you didn’t know, Boondox, Bukshot, and Aqualeo have been setting the nation ablaze on the Wormwood Tour over the past several weeks!  They are scheduled in Detroit TONIGHT at 7 PM, but several ninjas though the show would be at Harpo’s.  That’s NOT the case!   The Wormwood tour will happen at the i-Rock Nightclub!  Here’s the info:


i-Rock Nightclub

16350 Harper Ave.

Detroit, MI 48224

You can find out all info necessary at the FB event page by clicking right here!



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