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A Couple Juggalo Related Books on Amazon

We got hit up via email about a couple juggalo related books on Amazon. The first book is entitled, “Nights and Days in a Dark Carnival: Time Spent with Juggalos” is was written by Craven Rock and published in October of 2013. The second book is entitled, “Tears of a Clown” it was written by MB Mulhall and published in July of 2012.

You can view the book covers and read the descriptions Amazon has on there website below. If you are interested in finding these books on Amazon links can be found under websites at the bottom of the page.


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Nights and Days in a Dark Carnival: Time Spent with Juggalos

Nights and Days in a Dark Carnival is Craven Rock’s manically-researched delve into the world of the Juggalos, the clown-painted fans of the rap group Insane Clown Posse. After years of obsession with the culture, Rock travels as an undercover journalist to the Gathering of the Juggalos summer festival and takes a drug-addled, drunken, and sleazy descent into the Juggalos’ world, along the way trying to figure out ¬first-hand what attracts people to this ever-growing subculture. Collected from hazy recollections, questionable memories, and awkward interviews, Nights and Days in a Dark Carnival is a wild ride that looks deeper into the phenomenon than anything that’s come before. Rock participates in the debauchery, while also examining the intricately-linked elements of class, faith, violence, and internal marketing embedded within the culture and exploring what it all says about American culture as a whole. Nights and Days in A Dark Carnival is Craven Rock’s first book. His work has appeared in Da Capo Press’ Best Music Writing 2008, the Monarch Review, Razorcake and Avow. He also publishes his own zine, Eaves of Ass.



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Tears of a Clown

Some girls wear makeup to enhance their natural beauty. Some wear it to make themselves look sexy, mature, in the hopes to attract the attention of a paramour. Darcy wears hers as a mask, a deterrent, a tribute of sorts to the musical group who got her through her parent’s messy divorce. When she’s uprooted from her hometown in Detroit and plopped down into rural Georgia, the townsfolk don’t know whether she’s an escapee from the circus or a devil worshiping antichrist looking to kill their pets and corrupt their children. Much to her surprise, Darcy finds herself in the middle of a bizarre love triangle; the preppy good looking popular boy that all parents would love on one side and the bad boy heartthrob that would have fathers sitting on their porch with a shotgun and mothers buying chastity belts on the other. Not surprisingly, Darcy also finds herself the object of cruel jokes, bullying and pies in the face. While she’s trying to stand up for what she believes in and exact revenge on those who treat her and her friends badly, she also has to decide between the two guys vying for her attention. Will one of them really be able to see beyond the makeup and love her for her? Or will she end up just being a pawn in a long standing rivalry between the boys?





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