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Colt Cabana

Colt Cabana's 2012 Gathering Review

Gathering of the Juggalos in Cave-in-rock, Illinois

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Colt Cabana released his audio review of the Gathering and I was asked to give it a listen and give you guys my thoughts.  Colt breaks down the experience in 3 parts.

The first section he discusses the destruction of the car.  For those who don’t know a “Juggalo” was caught stealing from the Fam and the Family proceeded to beat him down and tear his car apart.  He plays a lot of live footage from the Gathering and some exclusive interviews he does while the car is being torn apart.  He talks to a guy named Sicko from Austin who tells a tale of the guy being found out, drug to the front gate while being pounded on, and being thrown out of the Gathering in what he calls Juggalo Justice.  He then talks with an Australian Juggalo who confirms the story.  Colt make a good point that this event symbolizes the Gathering in one theme, it’s all about Juggalo Family.

The second section he interviews DJ Clay.  Not to much new here.  Clay tells how he has been to all but 2 Gatherings and how he has risen to being the official DJ for Psychopathic.  He also tells of one instance he saw of a Juggalo who cannonballed off a bridge over nothing but rocks and dirt.  He didn’t think the guy got hurt but said he gave a bigger and better encore after a little “One more time” chant!

Part three is the Colt Cabana Guide to the GOTJ.  He breaks down this guide into 7 steps.

Step 1: Go to the  DMV prior to the GOTJ.  Because there is one road in and out of the Gathering make sure you give the cops no reason to stop you.  He talks to a security guard named Bull Bain who say the GOTJ is one of the easiest gigs he does all year.  He mentions Homeland security being there to check out the GOTJ based on the FBI adding Juggalos to the Gang list.  He ends this by saying “Gues the lesson learned there is come to the Gathering, be polite and you can come in.

Step 2: Learn the Lingo.  He says you only need to know one word “Whoop.”  He also talks of the nicknames at the Gathering.  He talks to Weedman who says Whoop Whoop is overplayed now.  He said he has issue with people that get mad at people who don’t whoop back.  He gives a few nicknames he has heard like “Melinko John” “Riddlebox Randy” and “Ringmaster Ryan”

Step 3: The human body is beautiful.  Remember beauty is on the inside.  Women of all sizes and shapes have no fear of letting loose.  He talks to some bigger girls who say they just feel less judged at the GOTJ.

Step 4: Get a souvenir. He talks about some merch available and also Lake Hepatitis.  He talks to a Juggalo who gives advice to avoid it at all cost.  He claims the lake this year will eat your skin off, a girl got preggo last year, and Shaggy losing his diamond chain at last years GOTJ.  He talks to the main merch guy who give a breakdown of the merch booth and the items only available at the GOTJ.  The whole point of this step is to say bring something back because there is plenty available.

Step 5: Support small businesses.  This is about the random things you can buy.  From drugs to kicks in the groin Juggalos are all about the hustle.  He plays audio of his walk across the drug bridge, any kind of drug you can imagine and no fear of getting busted.

Step 6: Expect the unexpected.  Gives an audio clip of Tila Tequila and her experience, talks to fire breathers and dancers, Talks with the “Batman” a guy in a batman speedo and mask.  He then talks with a guy about the mud gathering and chicks doing guys for five bucks.  Then he talks with a four year old who loves Tech Nine.

Step 7: Watch ICP.  He compares it to watching some all time sports greats.  He tells it like it is, an experience everyone should see once in their life.

All in all it is a very well put together audio documentary of the Gathering experience.  I can say from personal experience last year he really does a good job covering what went on, the vibe of everything, and it is nice to hear his personal list to survive the Gathering.  I think the Family should hit up and download this.  It’s only $1.99 but worth the hour long investment.


  • Gathering of the Juggalos
  • Illinois
  • United States


  • Weedman




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