June 17, 2024
22 Guests and Online

Kottonmouth Kings, Stevie Stone, Mac Lethal announced for “Rappin’ The Rivers” Festival!

There’s a two-day festival happening in Cardwell, Montana from August 16th-17th.  It spans a number of genres including rap, hip hop, and EDM and includes performances from some Juggalo favorites!

Not only will you see Brother AliKillah Priest, and Kosha Dillz, but you’ll also see sets from Kottonmouth KingsStevie StoneMac LethalMickey Avalon, and more!

Check the flyer below for the list of headliners:

Click to enlarge!

Tickets to the 2 day festival are $100 and you can also camp there for an additional $100.00!  To get more details about the festival lineup, get tickets, and more, go to RappinTheRiversMT.com!



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