May 7, 2024
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“Famous Monsters” are coming to Dallas, TX!

Ninjas, when you think of Famous Monsters a lot of names come to mind. It could be anything like The Creature from The Black Lagoon, Predator, Godzilla; the list goes on and on and on. Now take all those fond memories of giant gnashing teeth, claws, slime, high speed chases with building-sized beasts, and jam them all into one incredible weekend. My friends, in less than two weeks, Dallas will be home to The Famous Monsters Convention.

My guess is that a lot of you have been to a convention or at least something pretty similar (Whoop Whoop!), and everything you would expect WILL be there. We’re talking, wall-to-wall vendors, panels, contests, cosplay that ranges from hilariously and purposefully terrible to the most intimidatingly convincing. But this isn’t just any normal convention, this is FAMOUS MONSTERS con, so on top of the already invigorating mayhem you’ll get access to exclusive screenings, Q&A sessions with your sci-fi/horror/fantasy heroes, not to mention workshops to help you pursue your own love for bringing monsters to life on paper or the silver screen. Let’s run through just some of the events they have for each day to better understand the magnitude.

Everything starts Friday, May 26th around 5 local time. Right from the jump begins three awesome events that run every single day. Build your own LEGO mini Godzilla and learn more about them with LEGO hobbyists and experts from the DFW area. There’s gonna be regular running Dungeons & Dragons adventures, and Laser Tag. What?! If that was all this convention was I’d be sold to be honest. But Nooooooo, they have have to just continue doling out the craziness 15 minutes later. Three Words: Silver Scream Festival. “But, dude”, you may inquire,”I’d already be at a convention, there’s some extra festival too? I’m not gonna be able to afford that.” Well guess what, asshole… YOU DONT HAVE TO. It’s free. Like a Russian nesting doll of festivities, you get two events in one. Starting with a screening of the horror comedy “The Night Watchmen” as well as a block of short films later that night. “Oh so they’re just gonna call all their screenings their own festival, nice gimmick” WRONG AGAIN, JERKOFF. It’s run by the Santa Rosa Entertainment Group, and it was supposed to happen IN Santa Rosa but they decided to be so nice as to seat themselves comfortably inside this already massive convention. You should be thankful and stop questioning me. Anyway, on top of those there’s a few more screenings, some with their own panels as part of the presentation. Not to mention the cosplay and FX Make up classes threaded between them. Oh and maybe you might be interested in seeing the original Creature From The Black Lagoon, Ricou Browning, I’m sure he has some incredible stories to tell.

Look at all that, that’s just Friday, it’s a short day and I still didn’t tell you EVERYTHING they have going on. You may have to clone yourself to experience everything but ya know… sometimes that’s just what it takes.

Saturday is packed in tight with some heavy hitters. That morning The Silver Scream Festival continues with “The Unseen”, followed by a panel with The Lone Gunmen of X-Files fame. There’s a Star Wars Bounty Hunter Cosplay Seminar, as well as The Rantcore Pit Game Show. I couldn’t believe it when I heard there’s a droid building seminar, so be ready for that. There’s a panel with a couple of your favorite characters from Star Trek The Next Generation, and even a class on making armor with a 3D Printer. That afternoon, much to my own brother’s excitement, is an exclusive screening of “SHIN GODZILLA” the newest and greatly acclaimed addition to the Toho Godzilla canon, as well as a Q&A with the actual director and cinematographer. Not to bore you with a list but there’s still seven more screenings that day other than what I just told you, some of them legends *cough*”Akira“*cough*.

Look, man (or woman), how long do I need to go on about this? You know what time it is. It’s time to put on one of your last three Halloween costumes and find yourself in any one of the dozens of classes, discussions, seminars, and demonstrations to help you beef up your game for next Halloween or for your own Film and Special FX portfolio. Myself I’m pretty stoked over a Famous Monsters of Filmland retrospective. It’s a tribute to the magazine that would eventually be the namesake for this Convention. Maybe the Attack on Titan events on Sunday.

Here’s the deal, like I said we’re two weeks away and I don’t have the lung capacity to tell you about EVERYTHING going on that weekend so here’s what you should do. Head over to, check out the full schedule of events and see if that doesn’t convince you. While you’re there you can get all the specifics, including any travel info you might need and help booking your hotel. And obviously your weekend passes. A three day pass will run you around $70, which is great considering a single day pass can run up to $40, and who would want to miss two out of the three days?

FLH will be there and hopefully we’ll see you there too.

For The Full Famous Monsters Convention Schedule (Click Here)

To Buy Your Passes (Click Here)




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