June 17, 2024
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Johnny Richter Down to March on Washington DC with ICP, Juggalos

Chad Carsten, who is a staff member of Faygoluvers and Vandala Magazine recently had the chance to interview Johnny Richter, Crossworm and Intrinzik. These interviews are featured in the September issue of Vandala.

During the interview with Johnny, he mentioned that he wound be down to March on Washington DC with Juggalos, if ICP asked.


You can read the full interview with Johnny Richter by CLICKING HERE. You can read the full interview with Crossworm and Intrinzik by CLICKING HERE.



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Jake Jeckel

    Jake Jeckel

    Comment posted on Saturday, August 20th, 2016 12:21 am GMT -5 at 12:21 am

    Didn’t they already? Didn’t Violent J state “any artists that has performed at the Gathering or is associated with the juggalos or whomever truly supports the family, should attend as well to support the movement”. I mean I understand if he wants to be asked personally, but when the offer is extended in those words, wanting to be asked seems kinda redundant. But either way hopefully I see him there.

  2. dribblybob


    Comment posted on Saturday, August 20th, 2016 03:33 am GMT -5 at 3:33 am

    Yeah, that reminds me of workaholics saying in an interview that they would goto the gathering if icp asked lol

  3. iconunderground

    Comment posted on Sunday, August 21st, 2016 05:57 am GMT -5 at 5:57 am

    Agree with jeckel on this one. Kind of funny though lol. Personally I’m still just hoping that the March doesn’t turn into a disaster. Let’s all just remember if you want to know what not to do just look at the black lives matter “marches”. If we act like that then the juggalo name as we know it is doomed.

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