June 17, 2024
11 Guests and Online

BC Music Festival to Feature Kottonmouth Kings Among Others

Correct me if I’m wrong but I think it’s probably been a while since FLH posted anything relating to the Kottonmouth Kings. Shit, since I’ve been here I know we haven’t posted anything.
Well here ya go, ninjas. KMK will be playing the Legends Valley Music Festival in Lake Cowichan, BC!
The festival runs from August 26 – 28 and some other acts will also be flexing their musical muscle including Sublime with Rome, The Sheepdogs, Bif Naked (remember her?), Funkdoobiest and a bunch more.
Also… for you Trailer Park Boys fans, Randy and Mr. Lahey will be up in that bitch! That’s two dope reasons to go.

KMK will be hitting the main stage on August 28th at 7:15pm so if you’re a Canadian in the area and a fan of the Kings then hit that up, homie!

The event is 19+. You can pick up your ticket by CLICKING HERE.


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