May 15, 2024
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Futuristic and Devvon Terrell Release Joint Album “Coast 2 Coast”

If you’ve been paying attention to Devvon Terrell‘s or Futuristic‘s updates, then you probably expected the new album from the duo. The album is called Coast 2 Coast and was released on Christmas Day. Preorders began earlier in the month, and now the album is publicly available. Devvon Terrell‘s previous album was Weird Sexy Cool, released back in August. Futuristic‘s previous album was The Rise, released back in May, and hit the Billboard 200 at #139.

Coast 2 Coast is the first collaboration album from the two artists. Previously, the duo also collaborated with OCD: Moosh & Twist on the song “Billion Dollars” earlier in the year.

The album features twelve tracks. Currently, it can be found on iTunes and Google Play. No physical copies are up for sale as of yet, but glance at their official sites time to time for more updates.



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