June 16, 2024
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Help Bring KidCrusher To America!


Shawn Montague (KidCrusher) is a rap-metal musician from Adelaide, South Australia, well known by his collaboration on Insane Clown Posse‘s compilation CD “Tunnel Runners” and his appearance on TV’s “Law & Order” as the Axis Of Death. He has toured Australia with several artists such as; ICP, Tech N9ne, Xzibit, Hed(pe), Hopsin, Mushroomhead, Dirt Nasty, The Berzerker, Devolved, Boondox, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, K-Rino and as well as opening for the Grand Theft Auto V Australian Release Party.
Over the course of 10 years, KidCrusher has released 12 Studio Albums and several viral music videos Independently without the help of a record label or any major funding. The one thing that has been long awaited is his well overdue debut performance/tour in the United States, we can make it happen;
but we need your help!

Donate Now: http://www.kidcrusher.com/fundraiser

After the controversial event that occurred in 2008 when KidCrusher was booked to perform at the Gathering of the Juggalos, KC had a slap on the wrist 5 year ban which ended in 2013, but with the scar of being deported on his record (even as minor at the charge was) the united states have made it extremely expensive and difficult to obtain his visa. The constant delays on his return have been to do with two factors; Lack of interest of bookings from promoters in USA and raising the money to finalize the visa and travel expenses. We are proud to announce we have a tour offer for the United States in 2016, how ever, we are in need of the fans support to raise the expenses to make this happen in time. We are not asking for free money, we are simply urging you to donate with the rewards of merchandise and personal fan interaction. With today’s marketing for a musician to make money off music being almost impossible because of torrents and free downloads, we are reaching out to ask if you are a fan and want to see this event happen to please purchase a reward. We have been apart for far too long, it’s time to let KidCrusher out of his cage and to feast upon his Victims in the United States!

How ever our goal is a little more expensive than a Happy Meal, we have another 4000 in visa fee’s and 6000 in travel expenses and equipment required to make this happen. Every bit counts, donate as little as a dollar, or buy some merchandise at Victim Gear, iTunes… Thank you so much for your time and support, this means the world to me and all I want to do is give back to you as much as you give me.

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  • Views:
  • 2,423
  • Runtime:
  • 1 Minute 52 Seconds
Submitter: N/A

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