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WNW Previews JCW’s Bloodymania 9

Saturday July 25th 2015 sees the annual Juggalo Championship Wrestling show, Bloodymania 9 take place at the 16th annual Gathering of the Juggalos. For those not in the know Bloodymania is the JCW equivalent of WWE’s Wrestlemania, where all the big feuds of the past year in the company come to a head and more importantly where JCW brings out the big guns for all to see. I’ve seen Bloodymania live and in person myself in the past, as well as through internet streams and DVD’s (available via www.hatchetgear.com) and can without a doubt say it is one of the highlights of the wrestling calendar for me. If you have ever experienced Bloodymania before, have never heard of it, or are just curious then I’m going to break down the matches on the card to hopefully wet your appetite, and maybe even convince some of you to give it a try and attend the whole Gathering of the Juggalos weekend and experience. JCW may get a negative reference from the wrestling community as just being ‘another hardcore federation’, but JCW is much more than that. JCW is about bringing in the biggest and best names from the world of independent wrestling and putting on amazing and entertaining matches. Don’t let the negative vibes fool you about JCW, it is one of the standout independent promotions in wrestling today!

One of the cool and unique elements about going to a JCW show is you get live commentary in the arena. Yes! I said live commentary! Commentary is normally provided by your boy KG Kevin Gill, and the Wicked Clowns themselves, the Insane Clown Posse in Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope. This adds an extra dimension to the show as I always find at WWE events myself wanting to do commentary along to the match and think it would actually be cool if WWE tried this kind of approach. KG and ICP are always entertaining to listen to on commentary and I have no doubt that these guys will be schooling that commentary with full effect. ICP have worked for all the major promotions in the United States including WWE, WCW, ECW, and TNA, and while they may get ripped on by the majority these guys know their wrestling, love wrestling, and put on these JCW shows because they love this business so much. KG is the voice of JCW, as well as other promotions including Gold Rush Pro Wrestling, while also hosting his own hugely successful podcast, the Kevin Gill Show. He also has a wealth of wrestling knowledge that very few can rival and together with ICP, this is one triple threat you won’t want to miss.

Moving on to some of the matches on the card and the night is due to have eight huge matches take place. The first match on the card sees a huge JCW Battle Royal taking place, which is set to feature people who took part in the JCW tryouts over the weekend, where you literally get taught the basics of pro wrestling and get the chance to appear in a show. How cool is that opportunity? If I was going I would straight up want to do this. Back when I went in 2004 and 2006 I spent more time doing other things but now would love an opportunity to try this.

This unique match is then followed by a match between former WWE star Chris Hero, who faces off against Warchild. Hero has appeared at the Gathering before for JCW, so it’s great to see him back in action. You may remember Warchild as the winner of the 2004 TNA Gut Check Challenge, and also as one half of the tag team High Dosage in WWE developmental with WWE superstar Ryback. These two are great talents and are sure to really blow those in attendance away with their work and will both surely go on to prove why they are two of the top names in independent wrestling today.

How do you follow that you ask? You put on a match between two wrestling industry veterans as Officer Colt Cabana faces off against former WWE and ECW talent Matt Striker. I don’t need to hugely talk up the credentials of either man here, but what makes Cabana unique in JCW is it’s the only company in the whole world he works for as a heel and manages to successfully get heat for it! You may be more familiar nowadays with hearing Matt Striker’s voice on Lucha Underground, but that doesn’t mean he still can’t go in the ring. This one promises to be a great watch and should no doubt be highly entertaining.

We then get treated to a Fatal Four Way Tag Team Championship match, as the champions Mad Man Pondo and Crazy Mary Dobson (the first EVER inter-gender Tag Team Champions) defend their titles against popular JCW tag team the Ring Rydas (who are also former Tag Team Champions), The Hooligans, and the team of Super Strong Tiger and Spider Monkey. This should be a great watch with some great high flying and fast paced action you won’t want to miss! I love the high flying work of the Ring Rydas, which will be complemented by the hard work of Tiger and Spider Monkey, while The Hooligans will bring their heavy hitting style to this match, which will no doubt be countered by the hardcore styles of Pondo and Crazy Mary. This one could well be the dark horse match of the card.

The next match sees a current event being used in a wrestling match, as JCW legend the Rude Boy faces off against ‘Southern’ Tracy Smothers in a Flag Burning Match. Why is this current and controversial in itself you ask? Smothers is from the south and proudly sports the Confederate flag at JCW events. With so much controversy over this flag making the news at at the minute I truly hope that the Rude Boy takes it to Smothers and gets to burn that flag right in the middle of that ring, as the pop it will produce will be awesome. Taking the flag out of this one I respect and enjoy the work of both men, and if I know one thing’ for sure expect both men, or at least Rude Boy, to end this match wearing the proverbial crimson mask!

Match 6 on the card see’s a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match take place in JCW as the massive and unstoppable monster Kongo Kong faces off against ‘The Iron Demon’ Shane Mercer. Kong is a beast and at one time was a huge threat to the JCW World Championship, but has fortunately always come up short in his quest for victory. Kong is a great worker for a big man and will no doubt prove why his push for the JCW Championship isn’t over yet. On the other side of the ring we have Shane Mercer, a great independent talent who has had some great matches in the past for IWA Mid-South, including matches against Kongo Kong in the past. The man is super strong and is one of those up and coming stars that you need to go out of your way to check out.

Then comes an International Warfare match between MVP and ‘MDogg 20′ Matt Cross. MVP is an awesome talent, who needs no introduction to many of you following his great work in WWE and TNA in the past. It’s purely speculation, but you may well see Matt Cross appearing regularly on the Lucha Underground broadcasts under the mask of Son of Havoc, and if you have you will know exactly what an amazing talent this guy is. Both men are amazing wrestlers and can really go in the ring, and adding in the fast paced, high flying style of Cross this match promises to be a match you won’t want to miss out on.

Then if your mind hasn’t been totally blown by this point we have an amazing Triple Threat match main event for the JCW Heavyweight Championship, as the champion the Weedman defends his JCW Championship against former champion 2 Tuff Tony, and for WWE, ECW and TNA star Matt Hardy! Yes JCW is pulling out all the stops this year with the big names, and the addition of Matt Hardy to the main event is a master stroke by the JCW booking committee. Weedman is a fan favorite in JCW, having gone through a hugely memorable feud previously with Officer Colt Cabana and it is great to see him come into this event as the reigning, defending JCW Champion. 2 Tuff Tony is a former JCW Champion in his own right and of the three men involved I believe he has the best chance of walking away with the gold. Beware of his Flaming Meteorite finisher, as that thing is a sight to behold and can cause devastating damage to his opponents. Matt Hardy needs no hyping up as his career and achievements speak for themselves, and I think he really will help add another dimension to this incredible match. This is one main event match that you will not want to miss out on!

So are you hyped up for JCW Bloodymania 9? If you are then there’s two things you can do. Firstly you could wait for the event to be released on DVD, as JCW regularly release their events on DVD. The second, and my own personally preferred option, would be to get yourself a ticket to the Gathering of the Juggalos! The action kicks off at 12:30am on Saturday night and is going to be the independent wrestling event of the year you surely won’t want to miss! And if that isn’t enough you also get more wrestling action across the four day event with the JCW Oddball Brawl, which sees all kinds of matches you could never even begin to imagine such as a Cactus to the Nuts Triple Tag Scaffold Match, a Bloody Battle Anal Explosion Match and everything in-between. You also get the Exotic Ladies of Wrestling one night which needs to be seen to be believed. There are so many other cool things going on at this years Gathering of the Juggalos event that you can find out more about yourself from the Gathering of the Juggalos website, but without doubt one of the highlights for me would be to see and experience JCW Bloodymania 9!

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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Carnivalkilla44


    Comment posted on Thursday, July 9th, 2015 07:52 am GMT -5 at 7:52 am

    Still waiting for BM8 to be released on DVD.

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