July 26, 2024
15 Guests and Online

Illtemper & King Gordy – “Even Heathens”

Stream this album via Spotify: Even Heathens – Album by ILLtemper, King Gordy | Spotify

  1. Even Heathens
  2. Dead Brain
  3. Spring Break in a Crackhouse
  4. The Devils Defects (ft. Donnie Menace)
  5. Flu-Like Symptoms
  6. Lunch Money (ft. Lord Goat)
  7. Rotten
  8. Interludes (Interlude)
  9. Granny Porn
  10. My Life (ft. Copywrite & Ren Thomas)
  11. Obscenery
  12. Evolved
  13. Organ Harvest (ft. Dr. Fowlmouf)
  14. Druggies
  15. Chophouse (ft. Dr. Fowlmouf & Mage Mortician)




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