September 20, 2024
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Clay “Big Slack” Conner releases New Book: “A Novella Underground”

Our homie Big Slack out of Oklahoma City, OK has been making hip hop music for around two decades, and has documented his experiences in a brand new book called A Novella Underground: Hip-Hop, Juggalos, and the Journey!

The book is a super quick read, but gets into some stories about the Juggalo Gathering, ICP, legendary parties that were thrown in Fort Smith, AR, and other underground legends such as Shy One, McNastee, Intrinzik, and many others.  Check out Slack reading an excerpt from his book to see if you want to check out the whole thing:

You can get the book in digital paperback formats at this link:

Show Slack some love and support his latest project!



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Monday, June 14th, 2021 02:55 am GMT -5 at 2:55 am

    Over the past few yrs I’ve noticed a trend where ppl are writing more and more books either, about juggalos, featuring juggalos or juggalo related topics. Not knocking it by any means just an observation. I don’t know who this guy is but hey keep it up

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