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Menacide “Heavy Hittaz Mystery Disc” interview

The underground is pretty damn happy to have Michigan’s very own Menacide back to bring forth real hip-hop to the masses! He started as an emcee in 1993 and became largely known in the underground hip-hop scene in 2001 after releasing his acclaimed EP In My World. The release of the EP garnered the attention of the Associated Press and helped Menacide gain respect from hip-hop heavyweights Proof (D-12), Prozak, and King Gordy. His hip-hop group with fellow underground champion McNastee, Heavy Hittaz, is also back and will be dropping a mystery disc at this year’s Gathering of the Juggalos in Oklahoma City! Thank you Menacide for accepting this Faygoluvers exclusive!

Chad Thomas Carsten: Define hip-hop in your own words and your thoughts on the the current genre as a whole today?

Menacide: Hip Hop is the soundtrack of the streets, music that defines an increasingly rebellious culture. Today, I look at it and see too many shitty rappers and not enough stand-out, stellar artists. Everyone raps, but only a select few truly make the kind of music that bleeds authentic through the speakers.

CTC: Describe your early life in Michigan and how it influenced who you are as a recording artist currently?

Menacide: I’m originally from Grand Rapids, MI, where I got my start. I got involved with the Detroit scene right from the jump, checking out early Esham tapes, HOK, and anything that had a buzz in the streets. In 2004, I finally contacted Proof Of D12, and went to record a song with him at Sick Notes. He introduced me to Eminem, all of D12, and a stand-out group of artists consisting of some of Detroit’s finest. Since then, I’ve recorded with King Gordy, Prozak, other members of D12, Esham & Mastamind (Natas), and pretty much the who’s who of the D.

CTC: What’s the story behind the origin of your hip-hop name?

Menacide: A menace is someone that is a threat. The suffix “cide” means death or to kill. I’m a threat to the industry, and I kill the shit out of anything I put my heart into. Flat out.

CTC: Do you remember the first 16 bar verse you wrote? If so, what inspired it?

Menacide: Not word-for-word, but I recall it being some corny shit about fast cars. I hooked my microphone up to an electric race track I had as a kid to get sound effects of an engine revving.  As a kid, I used to take my mom’s pots and pans and beat on them with spoons, then hit the record button on the boombox while rapping over it. I used to read in metal magazines that a lot of drummers started out that way, except that I decided to make hip hop with it. Corny shit, but it was what I had to work with back then.

CTC: Are you able to go into detail on what you consider the most wildest show you performed at?

Menacide: There’s just far too many. I’ve rocked shows in front of crowds consisting of as little as 20 people, all the way to thousands. There’s nothing like looking out in the crowd and seeing the first six rows wearing Menacide bandanas and T-Shirts, screaming every lyric to one of my songs. One of the wildest was a show in Indiana where I just couldn’t keep the women off the stage. They were going ape shit, just climbing over dudes to get to me. And all just to get on stage next to me and dance to the music. It was bonkers.

CTC: You retired from the hip-hop game over 5 years ago. Give us the details on what brought forth the decision to come back on the mic?

Menacide: My dude McNastee started calling me out of the blue from his truck and would spit raps to me over the phone. I couldn’t believe how phenomenal he became, as where I’d already thought no one could touch his ability. He just kept calling me and spitting rhymes, trying to light an interest or fire under my ass for Hip Hop again. Finally, I just couldn’t take it anymore. He totally suckered me back in – and all because of love for the music. I left because of the bullshit politics, and because I hated the fact that everyone and their momma wanted to fucking rap. Listen: It’s okay to just be a fan. You don’t have to rap to impress people, or prove that you’re down with dope music and know your shit. Support dope music, instead. Sometimes it’s just okay to be a fan. We don’t need another wack rapper, my dude.

CTC: In terms of history, which past Menacide record do you think is the most important in jump starting your career?

Mencaide: I’d have to say The Drugz LP. When that album dropped, that’s when the name Menacide began to skyrocket like never before. I still have people telling me that it’s one of the greatest underground classics ever made, and that means a lot.

CTC: You and McNastee seemed to have built a damn good friendship. What’s the full story on how you two came across each-other and the first McNastee song you heard?

Menacide: I first found McNastee on the old Horrorcore Dot Com message boards. I came there and immediately started scouring the boards for where all the real talent was. I digested hours upon hours of shitty, wack music, until I happened upon McNastee’s. I hit him up about doing a song, and he said, “I got an idea for one called “Heavy Hittaz.” That became our group name, as a result. I just saw him sitting there like a diamond in a sea of otherwise shit music, and knew we belonged rockin’ with each other. He’s hip-hop to the core, wicked shit to the core, you name it. He does it like no other and he’s my brother.


CTC: Speaking of McNastee, you two will be dropping a Heavy Hittaz Mystery Disc at this years Gathering of the Juggalos. Are you able to shed some light on the content of the mystery disc without giving away the surprise and why fans should be excited?

Menacide: The Mystery Disc will mark the return of Menacide & McNastee, collectively known as The Heavy Hittaz. It is packed to the brim with non-stop killer music (no filler), and features guest appearances from Esham & Mastamind (NATAS), The Dayton Family, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, Kokane (Dr. Dre’s 2001, Snoop, Ice Cube, etc), Madchild, and countless others. It is called the “Mystery Disc” because it arrives professionally packaged with a 6-page booklet and includes NO track list anywhere. It was designed to be popped into the CD player and jammed from start to finish. What’s on the disc? What are all the big mysteries? Well, pop it in and find out!

New Mystery Disc reveal for those who missed the show:

The Mystery Disc will have 99 tracks on the CD. No, NOT 99 songs. 99 tracks that read out on the player. For example, during the intro, you might watch your CD player skip extremely fast through track numbers 1-12, and the second song might not start until the middle of track 13. The reason for this is that The Mystery Disc was designed to be played from front to back, non-stop. Because, my friends, that’s how damn great and incredible the music truly is.

On top of that – You will have the world’s biggest headache from hell if you try to rip this CD. What you will end up with is 99 tracks ripped, each one containing just portions or parts of songs that you’d have to then patch together in audio software to make into regular tracks. Again, it was made to be bumped from start to finish -our STRONG statement to the underground that THIS is how every album should sound. It should play perfect, dope, and raw from start to finish. You cannot skip around on your CD player to get to specific tracks. Skipping around is futile. Parts of a song that begins on say, the end of track 35, might not complete until track 46.

And the booklet… Well, find out what that’s all about when you get it. You’ll walk away from this album with an actual EXPERIENCE.

CTC: You recently dropped the free single “Hornz Up”! What sparked the creative process behind it?

Menacide: That track is sooooo outside the norm of what the fans would consider a typical Menacide track, and that was precisely the point. It bangs like hell, beats the shit out of your speakers, and sounds better than any of the shit these other rappers are trying to convince you is “dope.” Go to www.menacide.com to download the FREE mp3, and to check out other tracks, as well. Like I said, “Hornz Up” is WAY different. It’s one of the tracks that come outta left field, but still sound dope and refreshing. I wrote it in my studio out here in Arizona.


CTC: Are you able to break down the track “John Cena Shxt” and how you and Dubbs came together to write such a beast of a banger?

Menacide: That song is absolutely bananas! I just hollered at Dubbs one day like, “Yo. Let’s make a fuckin’ song, my dude.” I sent him a beat, and we collaborated back and forth until it was a hit. He’s one of the most talented artists I’ve ever heard, and we’re always looking forward to what he’ll drop next.

CTC: When can fans expect the next full length Menacide record? How will it differ from your previous effort, The Pyrex?

Menacide: Man, my new record is just gonna take all types of massive shits on these rappers, labels, artists, whatever the fuck. The bottom line for me is that I want fans to get genuinely EXCITED again about music. They’re sick to death of being force-fed dog shit and being told it’s “dope.” I don’t care how “good” your wack gimmick is, and neither do the fans, dude. Get a clue. If you can’t put out stellar fucking music in this day and age without having to paint it up to look better than it sounds, then it’s time to move out the way. Menacide & McNastee are back, and so is incredible music.

CTC: Why should Menacide fans be excited for your next record?

Oh, man!! To me, it’s about quality product. Bangin’ music. I wanna get their heads, shoulders, and caps moving from the second they hit the play button. My fans get bangers, real life anthems, and a sonic quality like no other. Not to mention the incredible surprise guest appearances, unique packaging, etc. Ain’t you guys tired of labels putting out half ass music with DOPE artwork, only to pop it in and skip through the first half of the album? Me, too, ya’ll. That’s why me and McNastee are gonna change that.

Tell these labels, flat out; stop selling us the same old wack ass T-Shirt, CD, and Sticker pre-order bundle. Do something creative for a fucking change. Take a risk, and got WAY out of your way for the fans. They’ll thank you for it later.

CTC: Any music video or touring plans?

Menacide: None at the moment, since I’m still perfecting new material for a solo return album. But afterwards, no question!

CTC: Which underground act do you want to do another track with and which underground artists haven’t you worked with yet, but want to in the near future and why?

Menacide: There just isn’t really anyone in the underground I’m actively chasing around to do songs with. That’s because I know damn near all of them, and have either recorded with them already, or else it just wouldn’t work sonicly. But I’m always working with the most talented the underground has to offer, and working hard to reintroduce the fans to what REAL music is again.

CTC: You’ve recently published a children’s book titled “What Do You Dream?” with Crossworm handling the amazing art. Any plans for another book?

Menacide: Not at the moment. A publisher picked that book up, and plans to offer it in hardcover soon. I just decided to put the “rhyme” skills to use to craft out this beautiful little children’s book alongside my dude Crossworm, who illustrated it. It truly is the dopest lil’ bedtime book out there. I think we’re the first rap artists ever to write a children’s book!

It can still be picked up here:

Paperback: https://www.createspace.com/6726288

Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/What-You-Dream-Shawn-Larson-ebook/dp/B01N689KZ2

CTC: What do you want to accomplish as an emcee in the next five years?

Menacide: I gotta show you love and respect for calling me an emcee, because as you know, there is a HUGE difference between a rapper and an emcee. Truthfully, I’m an artist more than anything. But I always appreciate those who spot the distinct difference in my music that is absent in that of so many others. I’m just gonna kill the game, my dude! Fans: Get to the GOTJ 2017, watch the McNastee show, and go up to him afterwards. You’ll get a FREE copy of The Mystery Disc, packed with the illest flavor you’ll hear this year. I guarantee it. Menacide & McNastee are back, and we missed you assholes! Much love!

Interviewer: Chad Thomas Carsten



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