October 23, 2024
38 Guests and Online


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Hello and welcome back to another fresh new edition of the Faygoluvers’ Underground Spotlight. WOW, I am always glad to come back with a new interview and we have a really good one for you the time around. Iowa’s own BadIdea has already put in a lot of work for a man of only 23 years old and thankfully he takes the time to give us a deeper look in his career, life, new release and so much more.

So, let’s get in to it shall we?

Johnny O:First, I’d like to welcome you to the Faygoluvers’ Underground Spotlight. Can you start off with a brief introduction to the man known as BadIdea?

BadIdea: I am BadIdea, 23, from Davenport, IA. Ive been recording for 10 years and rapping for 15. Im signed to Wicked Intent Records and run an artist sponsorship called Outsiders inc.

JO: At only 23 years old you already have a multitude of releases, both solo and group projects, under your belt. When did you start this journey in the music business?

BI: I started recording at the age 14 in a group called Double Homicide. Starting young you don’t get taken seriously especially when your sound isn’t quite developed. I was determined though so i jumped on the scene fast. Now I wish I wouldn’t have but i did. Through that it was a slow start with no success but i always seen it as in the long run it would be worth it.

JO: So, along with your solo music, you also have two other groups that you are a part of, can you tell us about them?

BI: Well, My group Outsiders was started in 2012 under the name Outsider Family. We had 4 members. Tripp, JRad, Reckless, and myself. After inconsistancy we decided to cut everyone out. Tripp and I then dropped the name to Outsiders and have been riding ever since. Outsiders has a heavy trap sound with a horrorcore influence. That would be in my opinon of course.

My other group Krooked Concept with the homie JRad was started in 2016 with the idea that we both liked doing the dark horrorcore sound but needed a change. So JRad and I decided we were going to tell people what we really feel being that we were both going through tough times. The CD “As Krooked As They Get” drops 3/24/17 and is truley a great mixtape if your into hip hop and horrorcore as well.

JO: How has it been working with not one, but two groups and having to concentrate on your solo work as well?

BI: It is a tough job. Honestly, I have never been so busy with music. There is always a deadline and always something new waiting for me. Although it can get overwhelming here and there. I would go insane without my groups. I stay busy with music and all aspects of the game. I love all the work I do and I will never regret all the time i have put into it.

JO: How would you describe the process with your solo music and when working a group project?

BI: With my solo career I put more thought into everything I do. I have been some what of a leader to alot of people in the last 5 years. So i try to set the best example by putting alot of time into each project.

My groups on the other hand, things seem to come more natural. Its like we start a cd and everything that goes along with it just falls right into place. By myself its many nights of being in my room searching for beats and contrstucting lines. In my groups it is nothing but good times and wicked shit.

JO: On top of all this though, you also run a record label or what you refer to as an artist sponsorship. What’s it like balancing all of your own musical work and running Outsider Inc. and can you tell us a little about the difference in being an artist sponsorship?

BI: Well we call ourselves an artist sponsorship because we are non contracted. I have never made a cent off anyone who has ever put our logo with their name. Our goal is to help push these artists to a different label who is much bigger than us. Also, this is a family. We all go our separate ways and prepare our CDs, but, when shows, mixtapes, and other opportunities hit. We are quick to come together and promote each other. Outsiders Inc is one big family of artists who are trying to make something of themselves. What better way than to work together. Teamwork to make the dreamwork!

JO: Now, you have also recently signed with Wicked Intent Records. What has it been like working with them on you latest release?

BI: Wicked Intent has been the shit. I talk to the whole crew on a regular basis and have came pretty close with some of them. From producers, graphic artists, and artists everyone has been more than willing to pitch in a little time to help get me the right sound. I have been truly blessed to have Morbyd Manic recognize who I am and bring me to a label thats helped me with my debut solo album “The White Devil EP”.

JO:  Since the new album will be dropping soon, what can fans expect from this latest release compared to your previous work?

BI: I have spent damn near 1 year working on this EP. That is the longest time I have ever spent on a release, let alone such a short one. But everything had to be perfect. I have put more effort and thought into this album than any other project I have previously released. You can expect the same wicked shit, but this time you all see deep into my brain and heart.

JO: Are there any more on the horizon that you can let us in on?

BI: Nothing has been 100% planned, but there has been a lot of talk of a new Outsiders mixtape and album this year. Plus I have planned at least 2 more mixtapes and hopefully a full length album before the year is over.

JO: Where will fans be able to pick up the new release and where can they find more from you online?

BI: WIRGEAR.NET is where you will be able to find all merch from me. Keep updated on shows and upcoming freshness on my facebook/badidea1993. You can also find Outsiders and Krooked Concept on facebook and all upcoming mixtapes to be dropping on Audiomack.com

JO: You’ve had the chance to share the stage with some serious names in the Underground scene, are there any that stick out in your mind?

My favorite this far have been Potluck & MMMFD. Potluck we opened for as Outsiders and it was our first big show. The love we got at the show is what showed me music as a career is a possible thing for me. MMMFD though, that show changed my life. Performing with JRad as my hype man, we got a lot of love. This show is where I met Morbyd and what started my journey with Wicked Intent. Also, to add more Scum is a very inspirational man. The way he handles business and how hype he is on stage. I learned a lot from just watching him.

JO: If you could reach out to one artist for a collaboration, who would it be and why?

BI: Monoxide Child. I’ve always felt like our flows would sound good together on a beat.

JO: Who would you say have been your biggest influences in the music genre?

BI: Within the genre, I’d say Twiztid and Grewsum. Twiztid’s Freekshow album was the reason I turned to horrorcore and Grewsum’s album The Pheonix gave me a bigger outlook on horrorcore. It showed me it didnt have to be just a bunch of dark music. It showed me I could mix in what I like and who I am and it would still be Horrorcore just a different form.

JO:  On the reverse side, who or what do you find as your biggest inspirations? Who or what keeps you motivated and pushing?

BI: My kids are my biggest inspiration. They keep me level headed and on top of my game. But I will say I self motivate most of the time. I know in my mind I have 100 responsibilities and atleast 20 people counting on me to get them out of this crazy life we are stuck in. So i put that weight on my shoulders and let it motivate me to be the best I can be and to work harder for the people who need me too.

JO: Do you have any final words for the Underground Family before we sign off?

BI: I want to give thanks to everyone riding with me. Everyone whos been there. Thanks to W.I.R for showing me love. And a big thank you to Faygoluvers its an honor to be featured on something I have been keeping up on since i was young. Give a FUCK YOU to everyone sleeping on me and everyone hating on me. This is more than just a hobby and I will continue to prove myself in this game.

JO: Of course, we have to this thing as we always do, with some shout outs!

BI: Shout out to Wicked Intent Records, Morbyd, Ry-It, Zagan, Unknown Factor, Dark Preacher, Toxxik, N0053, and Demonik. Shout Out to my Outsiders Family. Tripp, Reckless, JRad, SOTW, Wikkid Wyte, JTK, Chop, Carrie Mercy, OTD, Bodybag, and all the rest of you from all over the USA. Shout Out my brothers Chad and Drew. Shout Out all my Lakewood & Dixon people. Most of all though Shout Out my Kids Troy & Lucy. With out them no clue as to where I would be.


That will cap off another interview here in the Underground Spotlight. I want to thank BadIdea for taking the time out for this interview. I also want to send thanks you to Outsiders Inc. and the Wicked Intent crew. Be sure to check the links above (and I’ll link them below as well) if you liked what you heard, saw or read.

Oh, and be on the look out. There are so many Underground Spotlight interviews in the pipeline, just waiting to be unleashed. So, expect more soon and if you’ve set in information for consideration, you will be hearing from me shortly.

Now before I officially sign off, as always if you would like to be featured right here on the Underground Spotlight, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]. Make sure to include a short bio, why you would like to/should be featured, a track or two and a couple of pics. Of course, don’t forget to include UGS or something similar in the subject line. So, until next time…

Johnny O.



Wicked Intent Records Website

BadIdea Official Facebook 


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