October 22, 2024
15 Guests and Online


MCBC - "Bastard Love Child featuring L!sten" MCBC - "Cut-Throat"
Juggalos! Juggalettes! Whoever the fuck you may be! It’s your boy BeZerk, and I’m back. Not only do I have a super talented artist for you, but I do have some important news that could affect the future of the Underground Spotlight. So, sit back and enjoy this shit.
Coming out of one of the windiest places in the country, MCBC has been doing music since he was 16. Starting in trash metal, MCBC expanded to hip hop and has been doing hip hop for a while. On 12-21-12 he dropped a mixtape in which you can download from this article. He also recently opened on the Kung Fu Vampire, Mars, and Liquid Assassin tour which is still going on I think.
MCBC is one of the best artists I’ve put up on here, and you juggalos have already enjoyed his music before without known. MCBC’s alter ego is JAMES THE THUG, dun dun dun!!! He’s not the real James the Thug of the Froggy Fresh (formerly known as Krispy Kreme), but Froggy does recognize and enjoy and support his Jame the Thug persona.
MCBC is very lyrically gifted with originality, something a lot of artists who write into me lack (write songs about killing people is not original -.- ). MCBC also makes all his own beats, and I guess he learned some from underground legend Knothead. MCBC also does a lot of art that is off the hook, and has a graphic design degree.
So juggalos, I won’t ramble on too much because I know most of you suffer from ADD and ADHD. But as for the important new I mentioned before… juggalos after 2 years and almost 100 interviews (probably over 100 between the old site and new), I may actually be leaving the UGS. I’ve lost the drive I once had, and the joy I used to get by doing these. Probably because I never hear anything all that original. Juggalo rappers suck ass so much (with a few exceptions. You can be a juggalo and rap and not be a juggalo rapper), and due to the fact that this is the number one new source for juggalos, I get hit up with a lot of shit like that. If I may say, just because you can find a mic and a beat, does not make you an emcee. If you’re going to make a track about killing people, at least make it entertaining and have some kind of story telling behind it instead of writing rhymes an elementary school student could write.
With that being said juggalo, it’s not fully official. I am too dealing with a lot of stress in the personal life that makes it hard for me to focus on the thing I do enjoy. The girl I love is driving me nuts lol. Debts are piling up. All that fun shit. So, for the time being though juggalos, enjoy this shit. Share this shit around some so I hopefully can find motivation to continue bringing you some good underground shit. And please artists, stop writing into me because you think you and your mother think you are good. Please have some kind of background or reputation behind you. If you have never done a show, please don’t even bother me. If you’ve never dropped an album, don’t even attempt to write me. So juggalos, enjoy….(Oh and juggalos, I leave you with this track because I know MCBC would be fine with me sharing this on his interview)


Artist: MCBC
Real Name: Brian Christina
From: Vancouver, Washington
Rolls With: Swisher Sweets

[BeZerk here: I lol’d.]

BeZerk: Why did you choose the name MCBC?
MCBC: Funny thing is I didn’t initially choose this name. I was the drummer for a thrash metal band at the time (Undead Epidemic), and I was always into recording and producing. So, as a joke, I made a few hip hop style songs and rapped over them. I showed my guitarist Jamie (who now plays for the Hammered Grunts) jokingly he was like what up “MCBC”? That just stuck I guess, never felt the need to change it. I mean my name is Brian Christina anyways why not throw an “MC” in front of it, keep it simple. Honestly I could have never predicted how far I would come in the little time I’ve been into hip hop.
BeZerk: Who would you consider as an inspiration?

MCBC: I take inspiration out of almost any music (except country haha), but really I can take any genre of music and pick out pieces like riffs, drum fills, the guitar melody, bass and appreciate it. Lyrically I really feel Slug of Atmosphere. Insight and word play in combination with his delivery make him one of the most vicious cats in the game, and I look up to that. Obviously I’m also into the double time spitting too and dig some Bone Thugs, Tech, and Twisted Insane and more recently Rittz and Hopsin as well. I have a shit ton more, those are just the more rap orientated inspirations.

[BeZerk here: Slug is one of my biggest inspirations too along with Tupac and Immortal Technique.]


BeZerk: What is your favorite Faygo flavor?

MCBC: I really don’t drink soda in general, and don’t really think I’ve consumed the necessary variety of Faygo beverages to properly form an educated opinion on a favorite flavor. Think I only had the orange one when I was like 13, and that’s only ’cause Kel from Good Burger liked orange soda. hahaha

[BeZerk here: Who loves Orange soda. Kel loves orange soda.]


BeZerk: How long have you been doing music for?

MCBC: My first introduction to music started at 16 years of age, I remember it like it was yesterday. 16th birthday, my dad’s house, present opening, I was looking forward to a new skateboard and I opened my present and it was a bass guitar. I was pissed, I never prior to that was into music at all. Now that I’m older and I see where it brought me I’m super thankful that my dad took the leap into getting me a bass. It all branched from that, learned basic songs, rhythms, then got a drumset and learned that, all instruments came easy to me from then on, never learned how to read music or anything, but it just expanded from that, eventually I got into guitar, keyboard, singing, and of course rapping. I was always a decent poet throughout my school years so I combined my lyrical skills with my rhythmic skills and thus a new addiction was born. Throughout that evolution as an artist I quickly became addicted to wanting to create music on a daily basis.
MCBC up in smoke

MCBC up in smoke

BeZerk: What do you think makes you unique from other artists?

MCBC: Now days I see way too often people rapping about the same shit, money, cars, murdering people, ect. I try and be as original and also off the wall random as possible I mean who else has a song about being in love with cereal? I think my creativity as an artist also plays a huge role in who I am as a person. I like that I can also incorporate my physical art skills and drawing and design with my music. I also do all the graphic design, recording and producing from the ground up. I feel outsourcing like beats, art, ect. just takes away from the originality of an artist. Doing each aspect of it yourself gives it a 100 percent personal creation and honestly it feels waaaay more fulfilling to produce an album that you did the art and design to with songs that YOU composed the music to yourself rather than buying a beat.

BeZerk: You do pretty much all your own beats. Which beats were some of your favorites to do?

MCBC: Yeah I’ve been producing my own beats since about 2008 in various programs Logic Pro is the most recent (Thanks Knothead), but I also incorporate live instruments in my beats as well. Like I said before I feel it’s important as an artist to make songs as personal as you can and what better way than to compose your own instrumentals. Granted I don’t make 100 percent of all the beats I’m on. There’s always Collabs and remixes but the beats I do produce are some of my favorite. I’m gonna have to leave you guys with a cliff hanger here and say that out of all my beats so far I have a few in the works that blow my recent ones out of the water. Stay tuned for more releases and my upcoming solo album “MCBC Volume 3” which is set to drop summer 2013.

BeZerk: You also do a lot of artwork. How long have you been doing art for?

MCBC: How long have I been breathing you mean? Lets see 23 years now and as soon as I could pick up a crayon I was a ninja turtle drawing machine in the early years I’m talkin 2-3ish. But I pretty much don’t see life another way, it’s all I know. I do drawing and designs of all types I recently got my graphic design degree and do free lance jobs on the side. You can see a few examples here. https://www.facebook.com/McbcProductions

BeZerk: You’ve done quite a bit of video game based tracks. I’m taking it you’re a gamer.
MCBC: Yeah, not like those over the top dedicate your whole life and and have no social activity type gamers, but more the come home from work crack a brew and kill some zombies for an hour or two or three before bed type of gamer. But I can tell you this as I was growing up video games were a huge influence on me. I’ve always also been on top of the technology game. Does that make me a geek? Some would say so.
BeZerk: You dropped a collabs mixtape on 12-21-12. What can you tell the juggalos about this album, and how can they get it?

MCBC: Yeah that’s my most recent release. This was simply a collection of collaborations that were all recorded in 2012. I’m super stoked on how all these songs turned out. There were a few Collabs in particular that were firsts for me one being an MC from Germany, “Eyezkalt” featured on my track “Love for the Craft” rapping in German on the track, just the mix of two languages was a personal first for the both of us. Another was a collab with Vocab Slick of the Distant Relatives, a California based group on the track “Direction of Wind” turned out super ill, even got a little crazy and did a bridge with singing in it. All in all the mix of tracks shows versatility as they are all different styles of rap. The best thing about this mixtape is it’s FREE. So snatch it up guys here’s the link (http://mcbc.bandcamp.com/album/mcbc-the-2012-collabos-collection-free-dl) Feel free to share it if you dig it!

BeZerk: Who would you like to work with in the future?

MCBC: There’s some bigger cats that I would love to collab with or even open up for. Pretty much anyone from Rhymesayers, Strange, Funk Volume or Mad Decent. Specifically though would love to do a song with The Grouch, Twisted Insane, Dirtbag Dan, Three Loko, or fuck… just Andy. Of course theres dream collabs like Tech, Slug, Snoop Lion <—lol anyone from Living Legends, all those dudes.
MCBC logo

MCBC logo

BeZerk: You’ve gotten to open on the Mars, Kung Fu Vampire, and Liquid Assassin show. Who else have you been able to share the stage with?

MCBC: Yeah that was a dope show for sure, meeting all those guys and just chilling on a personal level was pretty legit. Another show I was honored to play was opening for the DJ Quik and Celly Cel, AP9 show in Portland Or. with the Homie L!sten. That was at the Bossanova Ballroom. Also in Eugene I got to open up for Akil the MC (from Jurassic 5) again, fun, dope and good networking. At The Avenue in Vancouver I also Hosted a show when Twisted Insane came through and did a couple tracks there as well. Hmmmm lets see Ive rocked several shows with the homie Knothead and some of you may know him he’s for sure a good dude. Not very recently but I have done several shows with Vancouver Rock Reggae band The Sindicate. Also and Just off the top of my head theres a ton of local cats lets see L!sten, Wizeguy, Dr. Roks, Prince ROB, TV, D Blaze, Thunder Katz, Torrent, just a bunch of um.

BeZerk: What else do you have coming up? Any more CDs, mixtapes, music videos, merch, artwork, etc coming out?

MCBC: You can probably expect all of those items from me this year for sure I’ve confirmed one CD “MCBC Volume 3” to drop this summer, I heard rumors of a Griptape Mixtape Volume 2 also. I have plans for 3 music videos right now and they are in the works as well so you can expect those. As far as merch goes I have plans to re release shirts with my MCBC skull graphic as well as another design and possibly hats. As far as artwork goes, that just happens when it happens, no set date or amount or limit on how much art I will create. At least one thing is for sure I will be creating all of the above, stick with me to see um drop.

BeZerk: When and where are your next few shows?

MCBC: Right now I don’t have any lined up. But that doesn’t mean that can’t change today or tomorrow with a phone call. I’m always down to rock a show. Right now I guess I’ve been taking sort of a break on the solo performances only to hit the live scene with something bigger and way better. I can’t give you guys exact details just yet but I will tell you that a Hip Hop Project is in the works with a full live band. I’m talking Drums, Guitar, Bass Guitar, DJ and 2-3 MC’s. I will announce details as they come because we are just in the creation stage of the group just getting enough original songs down and ran through to be able to do shows. I’m super excited for what the future will bring this year as an artist.
Shout outs:
MCBC: KOUV RADIO – www.kouvradio.com



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